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Nothing Was As It Should Be (AU) - The Haldane Tombs

Started by drakensis, January 06, 2015, 04:08:27 AM

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Hmmm, Revanne I'm not sure I agree that Joram "gives up on the Haldanes" after Javan. He DOES help Rhys Michael get the Haldane powers, and puts himself and Tieg at risk to do so. I would also hope that  he has contact with Michaela, Owain and Uthyr through the good offices of his nieces Rhysel/Liesel and Jerusha after the events of The Bastard Prince. He might not have quite the same emotional investment in them that he did in Javan, but after all his family sacrificed to bring the Haldane Restoration about, I don't think it's in Joram's nature to abandon the next generation of Haldanes.

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


Methinks we need for KK to write the 948 story.  I re-checked the entry in the Codex, and Prince Marek I's invasion sounds just as deadly as Killingford.  Since Joram and much of his family died along with King Owain, it appears they continued their support of the Haldanes.  I'd like to know what happened (as I have for years.) 

From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Quote from: revanne on January 07, 2015, 06:43:53 AMNow if Graham eventually married Michaels, that would tie in the Drummond loyalty and might there be enough.. deryni inheritance to activate something like the Haldane potential...
Graham MacEwan married in 922 so he'd already have a wife unless she died before Michaela was past child-bearing age. And he had a son by his canonical wife, probably before this point - Michaela received Rhendall which had previously belonged to the Claibourne heir.

Quote from: Elkhound on January 07, 2015, 07:25:17 AMThe Haldanes being wiped out would provide an opportunity for Mearan separatists.
Meara itself was independent at this date and would be for another century or so. They might try to recover Cassan and other lost lands though.


Shiral, I think I was making too sweeping a statement and I'm sure you're right that Joram would not have given up -especially not on Michaela Owain and Uthyr. However I do feel that he is reluctant to help Rhys Michael - it's Rhysel who pushes that forward, although Joram allows himself to be persuaded. I think that the long gap between the death of Javan and the beginning of TBP with no recognisable contact made with Rhys Michael suggests some hesitation on Joram's part.

Quote from: Jerusha on January 07, 2015, 12:20:21 PM
Methinks we need for KK to write the 948 story.  I re-checked the entry in the Codex, and Prince Marek I's invasion sounds just as deadly as Killingford.  Since Joram and much of his family died along with King Owain, it appears they continued their support of the Haldanes.  I'd like to know what happened (as I have for years.) 

Indeed, indeed

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Fascinating take, drakensis. Looking forward more of your contributions.

Though I do wonder, doesn't posting AU violate the non-canonical rule for fanfic? Not I am complaining, mind you, since this was an enjoyable piece and provides much food for thought. I certainly don't want it removed or anything. Just curious.

Quote from: revanne on January 07, 2015, 11:03:37 AM
Time travel inter world travel take your pick or blame the spell check. I swear it changed after I posted

LOL, My new computer has auto spell check, and always wants to change revanne to "revenue." Go figure. And the prediction on my cell phone over Labor Day weekend kept wanting to insert the word "hamburger" into every text i wrote. Didn't know that my smart phone could actually smell lunch on the grill...

"Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun."

Hilaire Belloc


AU is okay, as long as the characters don't do anything KK herself wouldn't have them do in the same circumstances.  If I kicked off every AU story, I'd have to kick off a good bit of Evie's work since she created a fair few original characters and significantly fleshed out some minor canonical ones.  :)   My own story, should I ever get the darn thing finished, is somewhat AU since it is a time period (mid-1300s) that KK hasn't touched and I'm doing some interesting things with the church, too.  :D
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


Here are the original rules as set out by Bynw:

The fanfic rules are simple.

1) No erotica
2) Do not use Katherine's characters in a manner that she has not used them.
3) Have fun.

So there's nothing at all specified about Alternate Universe stories.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I've read elsewhere that, although KK graciously allows us to use her characters in fanfic, her actual preference is for fanfic writers to create stories with original characters that are set in her Eleven Kingdoms universe, with her canonical characters playing only a minor role, if any. So any such stories would be "AU" by definition, since they are dealing with characters, situations, and possibly places that KK herself didn't create within her canonical universe.  (Technically speaking, ALL fanfic is "AU" because the author herself didn't write it, therefore it's not canonical.  But I know that's not what most people mean when they are referring to AU fanfic.) 

The sorts of stories that the rules are designed to prevent are erotic or pornographic stories set in KK's world (not just because this forum is for fans of any age, although that's a big consideration, but doing so risks offending KK herself and also violates Rule 2), or stories in which anything too flagrantly silly and/or out-of-character happens, such as Alaric riding though 11th Century Gwynedd dressed as a hula dancer and singing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" at the top of his lungs while being chased by flying unicorns. ;D  Keeping stories true to the original spirit of KK's books is what the rules are all about.  Can we write about violent events?  KK certainly does, but she is only graphic with the details up to a certain point, so feel free to depict violence in your own fanfic stories, but only to the same level that KK would.  Are there sexual situations in your story?  Again, that's fine, but just as KK alludes to sexual situations without providing us with a moment by moment description of them, take your cue from her canonical works to see what you can get away with describing and when you might need to stop the camera at the bedroom door, so to speak.  Are the canonical characters acting in character (in other words, how we'd expect them to act if KK was writing the story), or are they doing things their canonical counterparts would never do?  For instance, if Duncan McLain had a Transfer Portal accident and ended up in my 21st Century bedroom, he's not going to engage in a wild fling with me (alas! ;) ) because that would be very much out of character for him, and if KK were writing that story, she would never write him that way.  (And it would be out of character for me too, but that's beside the point. :D )
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: DesertRose on January 08, 2015, 02:38:52 PM
AU is okay, as long as the characters don't do anything KK herself wouldn't have them do in the same circumstances.  If I kicked off every AU story, I'd have to kick off a good bit of Evie's work since she created a fair few original characters and significantly fleshed out some minor canonical ones.  :)   My own story, should I ever get the darn thing finished, is somewhat AU since it is a time period (mid-1300s) that KK hasn't touched and I'm doing some interesting things with the church, too.  :D

Ah, but the main difference here is that drakensis has proposed a completely different direction from what KK wrote, essentially ending the Haldane line, such that the Kelson series would not have been able to happen. Evie, on the other hand, did not meddle with the original stories, just expanded/speculated on what might have happened to existing characters, or created some in such a way that it presumably would not have affected canonical events.

I have yet to read all the fanfic on this site, but before this contribution, I hadn't come across anything here that seriously diverged from canon.  Again, I don't have a problem with it, just trying to define the parameters.  Could someone actually post a fanfic where Rhys didn't die from his injuries, Javan didn't get killed, or Charissa defeated Kelson? Speculative pieces such as these would be interesting, if done well, but I had assumed they were taboo.
"Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun."

Hilaire Belloc


Quote from: Aerlys on January 08, 2015, 03:52:51 PM
Could someone actually post a fanfic where Rhys didn't die from his injuries, Javan didn't get killed, or Charissa defeated Kelson? Speculative pieces such as these would be interesting, if done well, but I had assumed they were taboo.

Absolutely, as long as such canonical characters as you use behave in the ways KK has already established.  I don't see a problem with any of those premises as long as it stays clean (which I'd worry about with Jemler but probably not you, Aerlys, LOL) and as long as the canonical characters behave the way KK says they do.

I'd like to see one where Rhys didn't die, because that scene made me throw the book for the only time in my life.  (I generally do not mistreat my books, but that scene made me so upset that I broke one of my own rules.)

TL;DR, speculative stories are fine.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


I'm glad speculative stories are fine, since I'm happily working away on one that's set in 21st Century Gwynedd (and involves a few descendants of canonical characters), and have another one started (might never get around to finishing and posting it, but it's started) that has me involved in a freak accident that lands me in the middle of the Basilica courtyard just a year or two after KKB, and wondering how the heck I'm going to get back home.  And that second one is chock full of canonical characters, though all of them are happily adhering to Rules 1 and 2.  Even Duncan.  Darn.   ;) And I assure you that keeping Rule 3 is Not A Problem. ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


The fanfic rules are simple.

1) No erotica
2) Do not use Katherine's characters in a manner that she has not used them.
3) Have fun.

It's Rule #2 that snagged my attention, because, technically, in this instance, darkness did use characters in a way KK has not used them by changing the canonical storyline.. Graham MacEwan was decidedly never declared king.

But heck, if I misinterpreted Rule #2, all I can say is, "Can open. Worms everywhere!"  ;D

*scurries off to unbury some old AU fanfic...*
"Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun."

Hilaire Belloc


I see your point, Aerlys, but drakensis marked this as an AU story, and I think that covers his tuchus.  None of the characters behaved in a way that KK wouldn't have had them behave under the circumstances, so this story is fine.

And if you have some AU stuff that conforms to the guidelines, please do post it.  As long as it's not off-color and the characters behave the way KK would have them behave, you're good.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


I'm still laughing about "drakensis" getting autocorrected to "darkness" in Aerlys' last post.  That's my new name for you from now on, "Darkness," at least if your next story has the same high death count as your last two!   ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Evie Wrote: Alaric riding though 11th Century Gwynedd dressed as a hula dancer and singing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" at the top of his lungs while being chased by flying unicorns. Oh, so I can't use this? Great, just great. There goes the WHOLE premise of my next fanfic..... ;D

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


QuoteI'd like to see one where Rhys didn't die, because that scene made me throw the book for the only time in my life.  (I generally do not mistreat my books, but that scene made me so upset that I broke one of my own rules.)

You Too! I thought I was the only one sickeningly in love with Rhys. Yes, I threw that particular series back on the shelf unfinished, pretending that it Never!!!! Never!!!! happened. I only picked up the Bastard Prince in November, a decade after the time that it came into my possession and I still have not finished it. Sorry, Rhys Micheal but you just are not the same man as your name sake. Rhys Thuryn... Don't Die!

QuoteEvie Wrote: Alaric riding though 11th Century Gwynedd dressed as a hula dancer and singing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" at the top of his lungs while being chased by flying unicorns. Oh, so I can't use this? Great, just great. There goes the WHOLE premise of my next fanfic..... ;D


;D  LOL   I was thinking this would make a perfect nightmare for Richenda to have trouble waking up from.  ;D Not that she would know what a hula dancer was or even coconuts for that matter, but a Byzantyun dancer singing about figs just might do the trick. And of course flying unicorns would find Alaric an excellent guardian if they were seeking protection from say... a monstrous dragon named Oliver de Nore.  Or... oh dear... that makes this Alaric's nightmare as well. The duke and duchess may have trouble waking from this bad dream :o

DR, Evie, Aerlys, Shiral, Revanne, Darkness opps... Drakensis  ;D Write on, write on, write on!
May your horses have wings and fly!