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Derry's Foolerie of Aprille part two

Started by revanne, April 04, 2015, 04:02:52 PM

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Link to previous Chapter: http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1459.msg12461.html#msg12461

Morgan had woken before dawn feeling more relaxed than in many months. Richenda slept peacefully beside him; whatever else might be strained in their relationship the linking of mind and body in the act of love was always deeply satisfying for both of them. He had intended to slip out of bed and dress quietly without waking her. He was as eager as Derry had been to see the fruits of their breeding programme; besides – apart from being the cause of their first meeting –horses, and all that surrounded them, were a place where he and Derry could interact on level ground.

In this intention however, he was thwarted by his own tenderness. He was unable to resist reaching across to Richenda to plant a kiss on her brow. Gentle though it might have been, the physical contact awoke her and she snuggled close against him, reaching out to pull his arm around her.  He moved to pull away –"I was about to get dressed, love", - but knew himself defeated by her reply: "As my lord pleases, of course."

Admitting to himself when he was beaten, he heaved a long sigh and relaxed into her arms. "Have I really been that bad?" Richenda said nothing and simply smiled in that way which totally undid him. "Insensitive I may be, stupid I am not," he said, in the mock stern tones that worried her not a bit. "Sean is bowing low to me – and by now I've learnt to reckon just how irritated he is by the depth of his bow--, and you call me "My lord" in the privacy of our own bedchamber. I give in. Shall you hear my confession? I admit to having been horribly ill-humoured since I returned from Rhemuth. Do you forgive me, or should I fetch my St. Camber medal and call for Duncan?"

Richenda gave no verbal answer but it was some time before Morgan thought again of his original intention. He mind spoke to Richenda, "Do I have your permission to arise now, milady? I really would like to see whether Saffra's foal is all that we had hoped for. Whether it's a colt or a filly, it should be a beauty given the lineage." In a quick burst of information, he sent to her the foal's pedigree, of which he and Derry were so proud, going back several generations on both sides, and was somewhat deflated, if hardly surprised, by the feeling of amused and tolerant disinterest which he received in return. "Off you go then, love, go and play with Derry."

He stood leaning over the door of the loose box and really did not know whether to laugh or cry. What was that phrase Denis Arilan was wont to quote at him? - "Man proposes; God disposes."  Something had clearly gone very wrong with their careful planning, though he sincerely hoped that heaven was not keeping so close eye on him as to interfere with his horse-breeding programme. Saffra was as beautiful and serene as ever, the birthing had clearly gone well, but homely was the kindest epithet that could be applied to her foal. And where was Derry? Most probably drowning his sorrows in a local tavern if one could be found open at this early hour. Not that Morgan blamed him; he would have been inclined to do the same himself save that getting drunk in a street tavern, in his own capital, was an option hardly open to a Duke.

"Mornin' to you, surr!" It was the voice of Deir, his head stableman; senior now in years and experience, he had originally worked for the father of Morgan's fellow royal squire and friend, Paget, across in The Connait. Morgan had, as he had promised, bought some of his first horses from their stable, and being impressed by one of the stable hands had lured him across to Coroth with promises of fine horseflesh. It had been a good choice for both of them, and Morgan found freedom in the fact that Deir regarded his employer's pedigree as a Duke, as far less impressive than those of the horses in his stable.

"It'll be the little people, you mark my words. Taken her littl'un for a changeling, most like, and planted one of their own nags in its place. Powerful wicked magic, they have, the Leprechauns, you need to watch your dealings with the likes o'them."

The grin that went with these words told Morgan that he was being teased, that something was going on that he didn't quite get. Normally he would have hated that feeling, but he was totally disarmed by being warned against someone else's "wicked magic". How good that felt! Even given that those who hailed from outside Gwynedd were in general less leery of Deryni, even given the loyalty that his household had always showed towards him, still it felt good!
Still absurdly pleased, Morgan countered,

"I could always Truth Read you, you know, to find what it is you're hiding with that nonsense!"

"Aye, you could that and welcome," came the unimpressed reply. "Or you could bring to mind that today is All Fools Day and go up to yon farm stables, where a homely wee lassie is laying along of a colt that never came from her womb. And just mayhap you'll meet with that young divil Derry, always supposing he doesn't make off when he hears you coming, scared that you'll be giving him down the banks."


Derry, by this time, was indeed feeling just a little apprehensive. He had not been able to hide his mischief from Deir who seemed to haunt the stables day and night, looking to the welfare of his beloved charges. And Deir doubtless would point Morgan in the right direction. Derry had no fear that Morgan would take his wrath out on any of the stable hands, for if the truth be told, he could himself learn from Morgan's example in the gracious treatment of underlings. The business a few years back with that juggler fellow from Desse – Jon had been the name, he seemed to remember – had taught him that. But given Morgan's mood in the last week or so, he was not entirely sure how he would take being the butt of an April Fool.

He had slipped out of the outer door of the tack room as Deir began to speak and was now leaning over a partition in the farm stables feasting his eyes on the beauty of Saffra's colt, all the while listening out nervously for the Duke's footsteps. Quiet sarcasm, he thought, would be the worst; then he would really know that he was out of favour and would have to tread very carefully until Morgan's humour was restored.

"Sean Seamus O'Flynn! I'll have your bloody guts for garters! You nearly stopped my heart back there!" – Ah, it was going to be fine. Derry carefully remained where he was, trying to contain his laughter, only to be grabbed by the shoulders and spun round to face his liege lord. As he looked into Morgan's face he doubled over in fits of mirth, only to be clutched by Morgan who was equally stricken. Helpless with laughter the two held onto each other as though they were again the young men that they had once been, or the friends, which despite everything which should have stood in the way, they still were.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Quote"It'll be the little people, you mark my words. Taken her littl'un for a changeling, most like, and planted one of their own nags in its place. Powerful wicked magic, they have, the Leprechauns, you need to watch your dealings with the likes o'them."

Foolerie, Foolerie! Love it! Leprechauns indeed!

I love Alaric getting distracted to stay a little while longer with his lovely Richenda.  I love Derry standing against the stable door with his back turned from where Morgan would approach from, watching the colt, and worrying over how Morgan will respond to his foolerie. Perfect!

I had a patient yesterday, whose birthday is April 1st and I told her Happy Foolerie day. She laughed saying she had never heard that before. We laughed together.

Revanne, I thought you said you were turning off your digital devices for the holiday.  I am so very glad that you turned it back on to posted this. A very pleasant story, perfect for the weekend.
May your horses have wings and fly!


I had intended turning them off so I wouldn't get distracted; that didn't work so I thought I would post this little bit of silliness to give people a smile :)
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Oh, such a fun story. . .and the brief mention of Jon the juggler made me grin.   ;D If this is the result of turning off your electronic devices, feel free to turn them off more often!  ;)
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Delightful fun, revanne! I enjoyed your reference to Jon, too.
"Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun."

Hilaire Belloc


Huzzah!  Wonderful ending! True friends to the end.  All is good.
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Thank you all. *Stands and bows in Annie's direction* for reassuring me that feeling sick when  first posting a story was normal.  Now I've got so many ideas jostling for attention I wish they'd form an orderly queue.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


I was quite nervous about posting my first fanfic here too (which was also the first fanfic posted on the forum, since there wasn't a fanfic section until I asked Bynw in chat if posting fanfic here was allowed). And then IIRC, there weren't any comments on it at first, which was nearly as nerve wracking (did everyone hate it THAT much?!), but then I posted my second story (which was much shorter) and got comments almost immediately. Note to self: post in shorter chunks and not an entire novella at a time! ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


Glad you're having such enjoyment reading the stories here.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Revanne, today seems like an excellent day to thank you for this delightful little short. I always love seeing what our heroes are up to when they're not out heroing, and you've given me a nice story with two of my faves, being silly instead of deathly serious. Again, thanks. :)

Now is life, and life is always better.


I love fiery newborn colts. I can just see Alaric and Derry leading the good stalwart farm mare along with the quality colt back up to the castle stables and then the reuniting of the correct mothers and to their own foals.  Saffra getting a special helping of good hay and grains for her patience, and then the other mare moved into the stable box next to her getting the same good food and attention.  Maybe even the two foals got to play together in the weeks to come. Brings me a smile.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Quote from: Bethane on April 01, 2021, 10:00:38 PM
Revenue, today seems like an excellent day to thank you for this delightful little short. I always love seeing what our heroes are up to when they're not out heroing, and you've given me a nice story with two of my faves, being silly instead of deathly serious. Again, thanks. :)

So glad you enjoyed it.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Happy April Fooliery. May the "Little people" not startle you "Too MUCH!"
May your horses have wings and fly!


I hope you had a happy "Foolerie" day. I loved this story the first time I read it and I always enjoy rereading it as I just did. It just makes one happy to read such a fun story and to see the affection between the two friends. Thank you.
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance