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Generosity: Prologue

Started by revanne, May 19, 2017, 11:49:05 AM

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Generosity is part of a short trilogy of stories and will consist of this prologue, three chapters, and an epilogue. It all stems from working out who the ghost in Valoret is (Eleven Pipers), but what I thought would be a fairly simple tale has divided itself into three parts as various characters introduced themselves in my head and other canonical characters were unsatisfied with a walk-on role. I also suffer from the need to know how things work, if there are students in the Schola, how and why did they get there.

Many thanks as ever to Evie, our mistress of commas, for her help, encouragement, and comma taming skills.

Laurna and Drakensis, your writing is awesome. I offer this tale as a little light relief. There are no violent deaths or invasions in it, although one character is not entirely unscathed.


Spring 1133 in the Library of Coroth Castle.

Whenever the Duke of Corwyn realised that he had not seen his wife for  several hours and, failed to find her in the ducal nursery, he knew there was only one place that she could be, and that was the library. It was a rare warm afternoon in early spring, and he had been closeted since early morning with his chancellor, going over the list of quarter-day dues which had failed to be paid on Lady Day and were now more than a se'nnight overdue. Feeling the ends of his patience completely worn through, he needed his lady's company to restore his equilibrium. It would be good, he thought, to take a couple of horses down onto the shore, where it might even be possible to take themselves out of sight of the accompanying guards.

Entering the library he saw Richenda bent over a number of scrolls at a desk and, coming behind her, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight against him. Unfortunately Richenda, too, had had a frustrating day and was in no mood for dalliance. Alaric, is there any particular reason why it is so impossible for you to replace things where you find them? I have been looking for a particular scroll from Azim which I promised Rothana and heaven alone knows where it is. My hands are filthy from searching these shelves.

But still beautiful.  Alaric reached for one of his wife's hands to kiss it, dropping to one knee in a mixture of mock homage and genuine apology, for he had real respect for Richenda's scholarship.

You'll get a mouthful of dust, and don't be so dramatic. If you want to make amends, help me to find where it is.

Ruefully accepting the penance for his carelessness, Alaric got to his feet but took a last kiss before he released her hand. It took a good half hour for the scroll to be located, but the time passed pleasantly enough as he and Richenda became immersed in their common love of the wisdom of the past.

Have I earned forgiveness enough to be allowed to know why Rothana wants the scroll? Surely she can ask Azim herself? Not that she isn't welcome to it, or anything else she cares to borrow.  Alaric hastily added the last thought as he felt his wife's unspoken disapproval.

She has promised to lend it to Rhydian. She's certain that the Servants of St. Camber have preserved ancient texts that they do not yet consider any outsiders worthy of, not even Rothana. She hopes that evidence of good will, in the entrusting of such knowledge as we do have, may soften their stance. There is so much which we have lost.

Richenda's mental tone was full of sadness, and Alaric allowed his shields to slide around hers, though he had learnt not to offer her false comfort. He went to a corner of the library where his most precious books were kept and with great care lifted out a worn and tattered volume with some of the pages ripped out.

Richenda came to stand with him, and together they looked at the precious volume which had come to the Duke as a young man, out of generosity, but also through fear and the desire of a refugee family to forget their heritage and deny their Deryni identity.

I have been able to  help a few from time to time; I have even, more recently, been able to persuade just a few to reclaim who they are. But how many more are out there somewhere, knowing they are different but with no idea how to use their powers rightly?

Now it was Richenda's turn to comfort her husband and they stood entwining their thoughts. Things are changing, and you, my lord and love, have been a part of that change. Don't blame yourself for what you could not do. We must look to the future.

Alaric allowed his gratitude for all that she was to him to spill across into her thoughts. Then, in one of the lightning changes of mood that she so loved in him, he pictured for her how he envisaged their immediate future and, hand in hand, they left the library.

Link to Chapter One
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


After Drakensis' latest story, it is so nice to see our Grace of Corwyn alive and well. Am I correct in recognizing the reference to one of Alkari's stories?   :)
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Indeed yes, well spotted.I really like to make links where I can. Though I wouldn't go so far as bringing in Wencit as overlord of Gwynedd.

The family referred to are the Markham's in Alkari's Legacy. I didn't feel it right to make any comment on what happened to them so it's just a passing reference for those with the eyes to see.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


I too felt great relief of once more being in the company of the Duke and Duchess of Corwyn, those of the Morgan family surname that is. **Sigh**

I read this last night just before bed, but then this morning I had to go back and reread Eleven Pipers Pipping.   That is such a good story Revanne, it gives a small shiver and a tear to rehear Duncan's tale.  Now my curiosity is up about the Ghost of Valoret. There are so many possibilities; I wonder that there are not more sightings of ghosts within that ancient Cathedral.

A quick reread of the prologue and I am smiling at the two people who share their esteem and love for one another.

Please share more. 
May your horses have wings and fly!