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KK Chat -- 14 April 2019

Started by DesertRose, April 14, 2019, 07:12:20 PM

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[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:25 PM EDT] Join KK (~) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:26 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Later, Jemler, be safe!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:28 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:30 PM EDT] <jerusha> Stay safe, Jemler!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:35 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi KK
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:37 PM EDT] * The_Bee thanks Shiral as she takes a sip of Darjeeling.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:39 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Stay safe Jemler
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:40 PM EDT] <Jemler> hi kk. gotta go!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:41 PM EDT] <bynw> hi KK
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:47 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hi KK
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi KK!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:48 PM EDT] Quit Jemler (~) has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:20:49 PM EDT] <KK> Hello to all, including Jemler.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:21:07 PM EDT] <KK> Whoops, not fast enough for Jemler.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:21:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Jemler left because he was under severe thunderstorm warning, btw, KK; he said that right before you came in.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:21:22 PM EDT] <Evie> Hi KK
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:21:26 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys says Hi.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:21:38 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi Carys
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:21:39 PM EDT] <KK> SAh, we've got thunderstorms forecast for this area, too, but later. Tornado watch, too.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:21:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> How was your week, KK?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:21:58 PM EDT] <jerusha> Oh yuk. We just have snow. :(
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:22:14 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Looks like a really cool house DR
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:22:27 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We've lucked out here, weatherwise.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:22:36 PM EDT] <Evie> Snow in mid-April is a foreign concept to me. But then again, I suppose Canada is technically foreign.... LOL
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:22:36 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hello KK
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:22:54 PM EDT] <jerusha> April is the longest month of winter herea
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:22:56 PM EDT] <KK> Not too bad here. Got the columns front back painted, and think I've found a guy to do the plaster rerpair in the dining room.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:22:58 PM EDT] <jerusha> here, that is
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:22:58 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My mom and I ADORED the kitchen. To give you an idea of how spacious it is, when my mom and stepdad got married, they were both 36 years old and thus each had a complete kitchen's worth of kitchen stuff.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:23:24 PM EDT] <Shiral> Sounds like a busy couple of weeks for you, KK
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:23:49 PM EDT] <DesertRose> There was space enough for ALL of it in that kitchen. They had to downsize SERIOUSLY when they bought the house here in Florida, because it had about 1/3 the space, and even after they've remodeled it, it still has less than half the space the Charleston kitchen did.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:24:18 PM EDT] <Derynifank> That was some kitchen!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:24:27 PM EDT] <DesertRose> (The kitchen had 1/3 the space; the house itself is only about 200 fewer sq ft.)
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:24:33 PM EDT] <jerusha> Makes me drool
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:25:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I must say it was a privilege I didn't appreciate at the time to do most of my learning-to-cook-and-bake in that kitchen.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:25:42 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That was the kitchen in which a friend of mine and I (when we were about 14) decided to bake a quadruple batch of chocolate chip cookies.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:26:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I thought Mom was going to murder me because I used up all her containers, filling them with the truly ridiculous number of cookies.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:26:09 PM EDT] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:26:25 PM EDT] <Derynifank> That is a lotta cookies
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:26:32 PM EDT] <jerusha> You cannot have too many cookies
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:26:34 PM EDT] <Shiral> We stayed in a rental house in Arizona that had this beautiful big kitchen that LOOKED like it should have been a good place for multiple cooks to work. But anyone using the stove was in the way of whoever needed to get into the fridge, and vice versa. If you needed a piece of kitchen equipment, you were in somebody else's way, etc etc
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:26:37 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I have a fantasy of decorating a house with four rooms expressing the four seasons, and the yard with flowers in the colors of KK's magic circle.l
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:26:40 PM EDT] * DesertRose magicks a truly ridiculous number of chocolate chip cookies onto the chat room tea table.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:27:01 PM EDT] * jerusha has a cookie
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:27:25 PM EDT] <KK> I'll also have a cookie, or three.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:27:25 PM EDT] <Shiral> We also realized the house didn't have a hand-held mixer. This is a problem when you're making a birthday cake, or frosting FOR that cake.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:27:26 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Love that idea Bee
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:27:39 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Shiral, that was part of the beauty of that kitchen. Two people could cook together with no problem and three people might bump bums a bit, but it was doable.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:27:45 PM EDT] * Shiral produces a platter of shortbread cookies
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:27:56 PM EDT] * jerusha has a cookie
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:27:56 PM EDT] <Shiral> Sounds like a great kitchen, DR.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:28:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> all I have to do is win the Publishers Clearinghouse sweepstakes.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:28:10 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I LOVE shortbread cookies!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:28:19 PM EDT] <jerusha> Good luck, Bee!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:28:21 PM EDT] <Shiral> You're in luck
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:28:35 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It was. If I ever win the lottery or otherwise come into a boatload of money and can have a house custom-built, I'm going to plagiarize heavily from that kitchen! :D
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:28:41 PM EDT] <Shiral> My plans for world domination have hit a major funding snag, it's true
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:29:12 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Maybe we could have a bake sale for you Shiral
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:29:21 PM EDT] <jerusha> Taking over the world has gotten expensive
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:29:30 PM EDT] <Shiral> It sure has, Jerusha
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:29:53 PM EDT] <Shiral> By my calculations, I'm short about 6 trillion dollars
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:29:58 PM EDT] <DesertRose> KK, this is the Zillow listing for the house in which I grew up and which we are discussing. My parents sold it ~1995, so it's been redecorated since then, but it doesn't look like they've changed the floor plan to any great degree: [link redacted for privacy]
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:30:06 PM EDT] <Evie> I'd send Gigi out to fetch us money, but knowing her, she'd rob a bank
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:30:06 PM EDT] <bynw> just write a check
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:30:19 PM EDT] <jerusha> Good for Gigi
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:30:31 PM EDT] <Shiral> So Gigi is giving "Cat burglar" a whole new meaning
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:30:34 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:30:41 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Does "ridiculous number" mean an odd number of cookies or a number of odd cookies? ;)
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:30:53 PM EDT] <jerusha> "Pass over the money or I'll cough up a hairball"
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:30:58 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I like the a LOT of baking bake sale idea. Of course it would require
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:31:06 PM EDT] <Evie> I caught her absconding with a pair of DD's trousers one day. Just dragging them down the hallway. They were something like 5 times her length!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:31:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It means more cookies than should exist in a single kitchen at once, but my friend and I managed it, LOL.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:31:40 PM EDT] <Shiral> Our cat Luna once abducted a pair of my mom's wool tights the same way
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:32:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> Dmitri just showed up to say hello
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:32:26 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi Dmitri
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:32:29 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi, dmitri!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:32:46 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Pets to Dmitri
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:32:53 PM EDT] <Shiral> He's rubbing his scent glads all over the corner of my laptop
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:33:10 PM EDT] <bynw> it's his laptop hooman
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:33:13 PM EDT] <jerusha> Oh dear
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:33:25 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'm sure he's glad to have them.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:33:33 PM EDT] <Shiral> I've been watching videos on YOutube about a family of 8 foster kittens and their mother
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:33:59 PM EDT] <KK> DR, that house looks like pretty much exactly what I need--if I wanted to live in SC.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:33:59 PM EDT] <Shiral> When the kittens on screen mew, my cats can hear them and come to investigate
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:34:14 PM EDT] <bynw> kitten videos are the best
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:34:32 PM EDT] <Derynifank> puppy videos are pretty cute too
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:34:34 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Charleston's a nice city. :D
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:34:39 PM EDT] <Shiral> 8 adorable tabbies make for entertaining vids
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:35:00 PM EDT] <KK> I like that the master BR and another are on the gorund floor. That means the guest room could be upstairs, while I'd be downstairs for BR and office. But that's pretty much what I'll be looking for.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:35:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I read a story on-line about a cat whose kittens died, so she kidnapped a bunch of newborn puppies and raised them as her own.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:35:15 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Here you go, for dog videos. Holy shed, Batman! https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=665827697207875
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:35:53 PM EDT] <jerusha> Not having to deal with a bunch of stairs on a daily basis is good
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:35:59 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The upstairs bedroom was mine, when it was our house, and that open room upstairs was pretty much the office. It was where the computer, typewriter, desk, filing cabinets, and whatnot were.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:36:49 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I believe that house was built around 1985. They bought it in 1986 and were the first owners.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:37:16 PM EDT] <Derynifank> How can dogs/cats lose so much hair yet never really look any smaller?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:37:37 PM EDT] <Shiral> DR, that's what I'd call "Power shedding."
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:37:43 PM EDT] <jerusha> They only look smaller after a bath
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:37:47 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Same reason humans can shed a lot of hair, and barring illness or chemotherapy or whatever, not look like they've lost a significant amount of hair.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:38:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Shiral, LOL, and my Gen-X heart loves that the dog grooming business is called Temple of the Dog.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:39:02 PM EDT] <jerusha> Dog grooming is a lot of work
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:39:08 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Unfortunately, my weight problem is not in my hair.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:39:12 PM EDT] <Shiral> Good name for it
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:39:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> So, KK, maybe look for houses around that construction date.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:39:32 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I also think it's funny, because there is/was a grunge band called Temple of the Dog.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:40:48 PM EDT] <The_Bee> KK, are you looking for a house, a cottage or a condominium?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:41:34 PM EDT] <KK> House or cottage3, probably bungalow or ranch.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:41:51 PM EDT] <The_Bee> with room for all the animals
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:42:29 PM EDT] <KK> Well, yes. A bit of yard.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:42:35 PM EDT] <KK> Not a condo.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:42:54 PM EDT] <The_Bee> not an apartment
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:43:20 PM EDT] <KK> Not an apartment.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:43:32 PM EDT] <Shiral> I have a bit of patio, and find it suits me very well. Some wonderful old camellias came with the unit
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:00 PM EDT] <Shiral> And plenty of room for container gardening
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:12 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Not fond pf condos. Dpn't like other people telling me what I can do with my property
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> KK, are you in a buyer's market or a seller's market?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:35 PM EDT] Join revanne () has joined this channel.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:42 PM EDT] <Evie> Hi revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:45 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Derynifank: see also homeowner's associations. Yikes!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:47 PM EDT] <DesertRose> hi revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:51 PM EDT] <bynw> hi revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:44:53 PM EDT] <revanne> Hi
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:05 PM EDT] <Shiral> Some HOAs can be a nightmare it's true. But I find the rules at my place are mostly in the "Common sense/ common courtesies" categories
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:05 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:12 PM EDT] <KK> Not sure, Bee.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:14 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hi revanne. Great to see you
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:14 PM EDT] <revanne> Just woke up so decided to pop in
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> HI Revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:25 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yeah, it does depend on how the HOA is set up and governed.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:30 PM EDT] <jerusha> Glad you could join us. Have a cookie
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:41 PM EDT] <revanne> Thank you
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:44 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Phooey on the insomnimonster for disturbing your sleep, but glad to see you.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:45:57 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes, chocolate chip cookies abound on the tea table. :D
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:46:05 PM EDT] <revanne> He has his uses
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:46:06 PM EDT] <Shiral> They do ask that you keep up whatever plants you have and remove anything dead. I can see the point of this.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:46:14 PM EDT] <jerusha> LOTS of cookies
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:46:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Have a cuppa tea, Revanne!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:46:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yup.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:46:27 PM EDT] <Shiral> As for fences and exterior paint....well that's something I don't have to maintain.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:46:39 PM EDT] <revanne> I'll go for a cinnamon one if I may
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:46:54 PM EDT] <The_Bee> You surely may!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:47:15 PM EDT] <revanne> Talking houses?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:47:28 PM EDT] <jerusha> me pull out the cinnamon cookie recipe, which magically makes a whole batch
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:47:34 PM EDT] <DesertRose> revanne, the reason for the cookie discussion is that I shared this link to the house where I grew up, and mentioned having baked a quadruple batch of chocolate chip cookies and narrowly escaped being murdered by my mother for having used every container in the kitchen to hold said cookies.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:47:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> [link redacted for privacy]
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:47:44 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Jerusha's selling,KK's sellinga buying.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:47:55 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Yup. Quite a bit of buying and selling going on
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:48:06 PM EDT] <revanne> Ah
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:48:30 PM EDT] <jerusha> Leaving a house in pristine condition for showing is a pain
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:48:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes, yes it was.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:48:59 PM EDT] <revanne> Yep and downsizing is a pain
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:49:07 PM EDT] <jerusha> Sometimes I have the desire to throw dirty socks in the entryway
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:49:11 PM EDT] <DesertRose> And my mom is the world's original clean freak of a housekeeper, so she was NOT happy to be told what to do re: housekeeping for showing the house to potential buyers.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:49:13 PM EDT] <Derynifank> So true
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:49:20 PM EDT] <KK> Amen, jerusha.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:49:35 PM EDT] <KK> And amen, revanne.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:49:58 PM EDT] <jerusha> We have sent a bunch of our books to the local book reseller, and have a ridiculous credit built up
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:50:04 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Didn't help that we had to scramble to throw all the cat toys into their basket and collect all of the Pod-Child's toys into her toy box (she was about two or three at the time).
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:50:22 PM EDT] <Derynifank> A lot of buyers do not have a very realistic idea of what they can get for the money they want to spend
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:50:29 PM EDT] <Shiral> When my mom moved to her present home, we had a weekend in which to divvy up some of her possessions. We all had different colored post its and went through the rooms tagging what we wanted. When two people wanted the same thing, we did the Rock paper scissors method
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:50:31 PM EDT] <DesertRose> True, Derynifank
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:50:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Cool, Shiral!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:51:01 PM EDT] <revanne> Cool Shiral
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:51:07 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I'll have to find the photo, but there's a very funny picture of the Pod-Child, around age one, having decided that the cats' toy basket was hers too.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:51:13 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Neat idea Shiral
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:51:15 PM EDT] <revanne> Snap Bee
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:52:03 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My grandmother never had to downsize (that was our problem, after she passed), but since she knew her time on earth was short, she circumvented any fighting over possessions by just giving the valuable things to whomever she wanted to have them.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:52:09 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I think HGTV has really skewed people's expectations
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:52:13 PM EDT] <Shiral> There was one cereal bowl we all used to fight over. ALL four of us put a tag on it. My SIL was vastly amused that with all the things my mother was getting rid of, we all wanted that bowl
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:52:13 PM EDT] <revanne> I wonder if a modern Deryni could cast an illusion
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:52:31 PM EDT] <revanne> Of tidiness?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:52:44 PM EDT] <jerusha> Or a four bedroom house
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:52:49 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Great thought
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:53:06 PM EDT] <DesertRose> There is mention of glamours being cast, so I don't see why not, although depending upon who saw it, it might or might not work on all onlookers.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:53:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> Or you could use a Harry Potter wizard to cast a spell to get rid of all extraneous items
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:53:40 PM EDT] <DesertRose> "Scourgify!"
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:53:47 PM EDT] <Shiral> Precisely
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:53:58 PM EDT] <The_Bee> If only Deryni could magically multiply the supply of desired items.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:54:03 PM EDT] <bynw> everyone who looked at the glamour would get a save
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:54:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Although that's more for cleaning, but I have to think that Molly Weasley had a spell to make all the kids' stuff go where it actually belonged.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:54:24 PM EDT] <DesertRose> For her own sanity and avoiding tripping hazards if no other reason.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:54:32 PM EDT] <Derynifank> or make the ones no one wants disappear
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:54:34 PM EDT] <Shiral> With seven kids, I'll bet she knew a LOT about magical tidying up
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:54:40 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Right?!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:54:52 PM EDT] <jerusha> It would have to be magical
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:55:05 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Indeed
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:55:10 PM EDT] <revanne> Especially with Fred and George
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:55:18 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Apparently I smell interesting, because Carys is sniffing my left arm.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:55:28 PM EDT] <revanne> Hi Carys
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:55:40 PM EDT] <Shiral> Bringing up Fred and George probably gave her some sleepless nights. Hi Carys
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:55:54 PM EDT] <Evie> Gigi has a fixation on freshly shampooed hair. She all but inhales it off my head and tries to nibble on it.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:55:57 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I am also apparently yummy, according to a friend's dog, who licked me half to death Wednesday evening. Cute little pupper.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:55:57 PM EDT] * Shiral reaches through the screen and gives Carys an ear scritchie
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:56:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Have you spilled anything on your sleeve, DR?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:56:13 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Is she tasting youyet?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:56:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Wearing a t-shirt, so no sleeve, at least not where she was sniffing (my forearm).
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:56:44 PM EDT] <Shiral> Dmitri lies on my pillow and gives me scalp massages....which is one way you can learn that Love Hurts.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:56:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> No, she's moved to sitting on the desk sulking because I'm chatting and not petting her.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:57:03 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Maybe she just likes how you smell.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:57:29 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Maybe so.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:57:52 PM EDT] <DesertRose> She also likes all the scritches I just passed on from y'all. She purrs at you. :)
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:58:18 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Belly rubs for her too
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:58:31 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Melantha licks my face when I'm trying to sleep, and bats my face when I'm trying to read.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:59:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys likes to try to bite my journal when I'm writing in it, and she attacks the pen, too. Makes keeping a journal interesting. :D
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:59:42 PM EDT] <Derynifank> How would you/she feel about an online journal?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [7:59:48 PM EDT] <jerusha> You have to read between the extra lines
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:00:07 PM EDT] <DesertRose> She gets mad at me for typing, too; she'll nip my fingers if she feels like I should stop typing and start petting.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:00:12 PM EDT] <The_Bee> "How dare you pay attention to something that's not me!"
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:00:13 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Then she would probably walk on the keyboard
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:00:15 PM EDT] <DesertRose> And my therapist wants me to journal long-hand, so.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:00:25 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Pretty much, LOL, Bee.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:01:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys likes to sit on my book when I read.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:01:16 PM EDT] <revanne> Going to grape another cookie and say goodnight. Crazy busy week coming up with services every day. g
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:01:30 PM EDT] <Evie> Goodnight, revanne!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:01:44 PM EDT] <jerusha> Sleep well, revanne. Hope your busy week goes well
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:01:49 PM EDT] <The_Bee> nighters, Revanne. Happy Holy Week
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:01:51 PM EDT] <revanne> Happy Easter everyone
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:01:54 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Glad you came revanne. Have a good Holy week
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:01:58 PM EDT] <bynw> night revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:02:08 PM EDT] <Derynifank> and Happy easter
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:02:12 PM EDT] <revanne> Guessing there won't be chat next week.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:02:39 PM EDT] Quit revanne () has left this server (Connection closed).
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:02:53 PM EDT] <Shiral> Night Revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:02:53 PM EDT] <The_Bee> How about that, KK?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:02:55 PM EDT] <Shiral> Dang
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:02:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Shoot, missed revanne.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:04:27 PM EDT] <KK> I think let's skip next week.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:04:32 PM EDT] Join Aerlys (~) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:04:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> okay
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:04:44 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi Aerlys
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:04:45 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Aerlys
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:04:48 PM EDT] <Shiral> Probably everyone has Easter plans
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:04:50 PM EDT] <Aerlys> Hey!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:04:53 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hi Aerlys
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> we have easter dinner after church service.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:10 PM EDT] <Aerlys> Lost track of time. Wanted to peek in sooner
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:20 PM EDT] <Evie> AERLYS!!!! *tacklehug*
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:21 PM EDT] <Derynifank> sounds good. will probably be out hunting easter eggs
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:30 PM EDT] <KK> And I thi88nk I'm about to boogie for tonight. It's been a very busy week.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:36 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Aerlys! HI!!!!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:39 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hi aerlys
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:46 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hope the week to come is productive, KK
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:49 PM EDT] <Aerlys> ***OOOMPH***
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:51 PM EDT] <jerusha> Nighters, KK; thank you for joining us
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:55 PM EDT] <KK> Hi, Aerlys. Bye, Aerlys.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:05:59 PM EDT] <Evie> Goodnight, KK!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:09 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters to all. Have a blessed Easter.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> G'night, KK, thanks for coming to visit with us! Next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel? :)
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:12 PM EDT] <Aerlys> Hello and Goodnight KK
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:12 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Nighters, KK! Have good week, and see you in two.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:13 PM EDT] <Shiral> Good night and have a good Easter
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:32 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Night KK, Happy Easter
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:38 PM EDT] <jerusha> How is everything, Aerlys?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:41 PM EDT] <Evie> You just missed revanne, Aerlys. She woke up, so she popped in for a bit, but she's off to bed again.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:44 PM EDT] <bynw> hi Aerlys
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:52 PM EDT] <Aerlys> Um...things are crazy
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:06:56 PM EDT] <Evie> Happy Easter, KK!
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:02 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, tosses an Easter egg to everyone, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:02 PM EDT] <jerusha> Is there any other way?
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:02 PM EDT] <bynw> have a good night KK, get some rest from that busy week. have a blessed holy week
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:08 PM EDT] <Derynifank> DR, not next week but the next one
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:28 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Oh, I missed that line of chat.
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:32 PM EDT] <Evie> Yes, two weeks from now
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:35 PM EDT] <Aerlys> Aw rats Evie, about revanne
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:40 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Later, KK! Have a good fortnight! :D
[Sunday, April 14, 2019] [8:07:46 PM EDT] Quit KK (~) has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)