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KK Chat -- 10 November 2019

Started by DesertRose, November 10, 2019, 07:22:10 PM

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[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:04:26 PM EST] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:04:31 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:04:35 PM EST] <bynw> hi KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:04:42 PM EST] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:05:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:05:14 PM EST] <Laurna> Nice to have you drop by on this quiet sunday afternoon. :D
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:05:35 PM EST] <KK> So you got home safely, DR.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:06:22 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:06:36 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Derynifank
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:06:56 PM EST] <bynw> Hi DFK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:07:02 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:07:08 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi bynw
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:09:37 PM EST] <DesertRose> Thank you, KK. And hi DerynifanK!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:09:53 PM EST] <bynw> wow where is everyone tonight
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:10:14 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Glad you are home DR, where were you?
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:10:19 PM EST] <Laurna> I did major house cleaning before friends came over to us my home as a hotel for an event near by this weekend. It was nice having guests in the house. but after they left this morning I crashed and have not moved much since. LOL
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:10:44 PM EST] <DesertRose> No idea. That was why I thought the nurses' curse ("it's quiet around here" or anything along those lines) might work, so I typed it in the shoutbox.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:11:20 PM EST] <DesertRose> It's a long story, DFK, but I tried to go to an SCA event this weekend and the whole attempt was a colossal disaster and I had to have friends' help to get home.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:11:21 PM EST] Join The_Bee (The_Bee@7F791F.1DE43C.F0CC3F.7033E7) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:11:26 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Bee
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:11:36 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello bee
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:11:39 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi ev!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:11:42 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> The minute you say it is really quiet things change
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:11:49 PM EST] <bynw> hi Bee
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:11:49 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi Bee
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:12:23 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Oh my goodness DR, that sounds scary
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:12:34 PM EST] <The_Bee> BRB, cat knocking things over
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:12:38 PM EST] <Laurna> I still have double fudge brownie icecream to share, so that is on the tea table.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:12:51 PM EST] <bynw> yum
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:12:51 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Yummy
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:12:53 PM EST] <bynw> i'm in for those
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:14:45 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yum, Laurna, thank you! DFK, it wasn't so much scary as embarrasing, TBH. Long story short, I overextended myself for practically every possible value of "overextension" and basically just fell apart.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:15:12 PM EST] <DesertRose> *embarrassing
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:15:25 PM EST] <Laurna> I have been thinking about getting the chrismas decorations out early this year. My turkey decorations are not amused.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:15:27 PM EST] <The_Bee> But you've pulled yourself together now?
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:15:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> Mostly, yes, Bee, thank you.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:16:19 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Thought you pulled out Christmas decorations as you put away Halloween decorations
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:16:43 PM EST] <Laurna> DR it is so easy to overextend when these events are involved. We had Marching through history here this weekend. And I did not even manage to get as far as the car to get there.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:16:45 PM EST] <DesertRose> Nope. Christmas decorations don't come out until Thanksgiving dinner is in the books. :D
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:17:01 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:17:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> And the tree stays up until Epiphany. ;)
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:18:27 PM EST] <Laurna> Yep I am falling into the bad habit of christmas before thanksgiving. BAD ME!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:18:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, at least, in my family blended of Catholics and high-church Methodists, that's how it goes. :D
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:18:54 PM EST] <bynw> we dont do christmas decorations until after december 13th
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:19:11 PM EST] <Laurna> However I get a real tree so that does not join the decorations until after dec 15
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:19:39 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yes, if you're using a live tree, the tree can't go up too early or there won't be much left for the twelve days of Christmas. ;)
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:20:02 PM EST] <The_Bee> My lights are still strung from last year. I just don't turn them on.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:20:04 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> I really wish tthat they didn't pull out Christmas while Halloween is still out.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:20:15 PM EST] <Laurna> Now the out door lights and lawn deer can be put up early.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:20:15 PM EST] <DesertRose> That's reasonable, Bee.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:20:28 PM EST] <Laurna> LOL Bee
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:20:54 PM EST] <The_Bee> except the sunlight may have faded the colors.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:21:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> I remember the first time I saw Halloween lights, I was like, "Wait, it's too early for Christmas lights," and then I got closer to the house (it was in the neighborhood where I lived at the time), I realized the lights were a) orange and b) pumpkin-shaped.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:21:14 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Thanksgiving almost gets lost in the Christmas rush
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:21:23 PM EST] <Laurna> agreed
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:22:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> And then I was overwhelmed with the cuteness and cleverness of jack-o-lantern lights.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:22:22 PM EST] <The_Bee> My church has an everyone-welcome Thanksgiving dinner.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:23:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> That's a good thing for a church to offer.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:24:52 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> My church is doing Thanksgiving boxes to distribute
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:24:55 PM EST] <The_Bee> Some homeless people come, not sure how many.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:25:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> Mom has been talking about not cooking much for T'giving this year because it's a lot of effort to feed maybe six people at most (and that's assuming two more people besides my parents, the Pod-Child, and me), but I said I wanted to try roasting pumpkin and then baking pie out of it, so I'm scheduled to do that on the day before Thanksgiving.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:25:57 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> That sounds interesting. Let us know how it turns out
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:26:06 PM EST] <Laurna> Yum fresh pumpkin pie. My sister bought three smallish cooking pumpkins to try that this year too.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:26:21 PM EST] <Laurna> She did one last year that turned out well.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:26:48 PM EST] <Laurna> I tried it years ago to a total failure. but then I am not a very good cook.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:27:09 PM EST] <The_Bee> Do cooking pumpkins taste better than jack-o-lantern pumpkins?
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:27:09 PM EST] <bynw> with homemade whipped topping would be even yummier
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:27:13 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, America's Test Kitchen tested pies with canned pumpkin versus fresh pumpkin cooked on the stove in some fashion and found that the canned pumpkin made better pies.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:27:42 PM EST] <Laurna> hehe that is likely true
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:27:44 PM EST] <The_Bee> Is the canned stuff part squash?
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:28:23 PM EST] Join Shiral_ () has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:28:30 PM EST] <Laurna> Just pumpkin with better spices
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:28:32 PM EST] <Shiral_> Hello All
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:28:32 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:28:35 PM EST] <DesertRose> And I did that one year, cooked pumpkin on the stove (because I'd bought one intending to carve a jack-o-lantern and didn't manage to do that, but I didn't want to waste it), but roasting vegetables of any type almost always results in tastier food than any other cooking method, so I want to try roasting the baking pumpkin and see what we get with that.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:28:38 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Shiral
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:28:43 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:28:51 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, pumpkin is technically a member of the squash family.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:29:15 PM EST] <bynw> hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:29:22 PM EST] <Shiral_> I always thought it WAS a squash
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:29:53 PM EST] * Shiral_ snaps fingers and produces a kettle of mulled cider
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:29:54 PM EST] <Laurna> yep a big Orange Squash LOL
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:29:57 PM EST] <DesertRose> Jack-o-lantern pumpkins are generally farmed to optimize size and shape, not flavor, whereas cooking/baking pumpkins are the other way around.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:30:10 PM EST] <Laurna> perfect Shiral.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:30:28 PM EST] <KK> I gave up cooking for Thanksgiving years ago. And this year, with both Scott and my mother gone, I'm not sure what will happen. Christmaws with Cameron and Anna, but Thanksgiving is totally up in the air. Maybe one of my friends ehre will invite me to join them.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:30:32 PM EST] * Shiral_ adds shortbread cookies to go with the cider
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:30:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> And cooking pumpkins are also a lot smaller so easier to cut them in half and scoop out the seeds and their mess and then pop them in the oven to roast.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:31:03 PM EST] <Shiral_> I just put my Thanksgiving invites in the mail, today
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:31:21 PM EST] <DesertRose> KK, maybe your church does a Thanksgiving dinner? Or _some_ church nearby?
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:31:31 PM EST] <bynw> :( i hope someone does KK. would not want you to be alone on thanskgiving
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:31:41 PM EST] <Laurna> That would be good KK to go to a good friends home and to not have to do any of the baking.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:31:51 PM EST] <Shiral_> That would be too sad, after all the losses, this year
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:32:00 PM EST] <bynw> yeah
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:32:27 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, I hate to think of you being alone on Thanksgiving Day ever, KK, but this year particularly.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:33:00 PM EST] <KK> As things get closer, I may invite myself to someone's feast.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:33:05 PM EST] <Laurna> My sister will be having Thanksgiving on Friday at her house. So If you come to California for that friday you are invited to join us. that goes for everyone here.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:33:12 PM EST] <Shiral_> Well, I'd hate to think of anyone spending Thanksgiving alone if they dont' CHOOSE to spend Thanksgiving alone
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:33:14 PM EST] <The_Bee> good for you!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:33:42 PM EST] <KK> I used to spend Thanksgiving alone some years, when I was still single and before Darkovercon started. It was ok.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:33:47 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, yes, Shiral_, good point.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:34:08 PM EST] <Shiral_> There are those who might want to opt out, sometimes
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:34:12 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yup
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:34:32 PM EST] <Shiral_> But Thanksgiving is hard because it IS so associated with family time
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:34:52 PM EST] * DesertRose raises a glass. "To a Thanksgiving that treats us all kindly, whatever it may look like."
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:35:09 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hear! Hear!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:35:14 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hear, hear!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:35:22 PM EST] <Laurna> Thanksgiving use to be this huge formal sit down dinner with all my aunte and her family usully 20 of us. but now it is paper plates and eat what you want where you want. I miss the formal settings
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:35:24 PM EST] <Shiral_> My brother and his wife welcome some of his graduate students who don't have family near by
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:35:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> I know a number of people who do Friendsgiving, because family Thanksgiving isn't possible or wanted.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:36:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> Sadly not every family has healthy interpersonal relationships.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:36:30 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> We used to invite sailors stationed here who couldn't go home. Some of them are still friends
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:36:43 PM EST] <Laurna> Nice DFK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:36:45 PM EST] <Shiral_> Truth. Sometimes, it's a lot more fun to get together with friends
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:37:35 PM EST] <Shiral_> And there are those who don't like Turkey
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:37:46 PM EST] <DesertRose> And sometimes it's not feasible or possible to be with family for reasons of distance and travel expenses, so there are worse ways to spend the day than sharing dinner with friends.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:38:09 PM EST] <Shiral_> Many worse ways to spend Thanksgiving, yes
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:39:54 PM EST] <KK> I'll be fine. It's all part of the process of reinventing myself, after 36 years of being part of a couple. And these last few years, I had my oother here; but at 94, we knew she wasn't going to last too much longer.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:40:01 PM EST] <Laurna> just no shopping on thanksgiving evening. I draw the line
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:40:11 PM EST] <KK> Amen, Laurna!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:41:09 PM EST] <bynw> yeah that is just wrong. so many stores are now open on thanksgiving evening
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:41:35 PM EST] <The_Bee> They wouldn't open if nobody came.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:41:36 PM EST] <Shiral_> Definitely! I really hate t hat encroachment on Thanksgiving. Let people stay home with their families! That big screen TV can wait.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:41:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, Black Friday in general gets a big NOPE from me, and for crying out loud, let retail employees spend Thanksgiving with their families or at least somewhere that isn't work.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:41:43 PM EST] <Laurna> Amen to 36 good Years KK. That is a wonderful thing. So to celebrate family passed with friends on Thanksgiving is a must.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:41:43 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Some open even earlier than that. A shame I think
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:42:13 PM EST] <Shiral_> Absolutely. It's all about ramping up people's greed--both the retailers for a buck and people's greed for more STUFF.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:43:01 PM EST] <Shiral_> 36 good years is definitely a good run. But it's definitely a change of pace for you.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:43:44 PM EST] <KK> It is. Hit me hard last night, actively realizing that I won't have Scott with me this year.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:43:58 PM EST] <Laurna> Hugs
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:44:00 PM EST] <KK> Lots of "no more"s.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:44:03 PM EST] <Shiral_> (((KK)))
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:44:19 PM EST] * DesertRose sends KK gentle hugs if wanted and adds hugs in the form of hot cocoa if that's preferable.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:44:33 PM EST] <KK> Both are gladly accepted, DR!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:44:35 PM EST] <Laurna> Lots of good memories to share with others
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:44:37 PM EST] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:44:52 PM EST] <Shiral_> Yeah. The permanence of death can really hit us upside the head, sometimes.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:44:53 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> He may not be physically there but he will still be with you.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:45:09 PM EST] <KK> Yes. He is. But I miss him.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:45:18 PM EST] <Shiral_> Naturally, KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:45:20 PM EST] <DesertRose> There aren't many moments (at least in the northern hemisphere this time of year) that hot cocoa would not be welcome.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:45:41 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> So true. A real comfort
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:45:41 PM EST] * The_Bee urges Gus to cuddle with KK, if he's not already doing it.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:46:04 PM EST] <bynw> those firsts are always hard
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:46:12 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Cuddle and purr, always makes things better
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:46:42 PM EST] <Shiral_> How smart of God to make cats warm and furry, and giving them a purr
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:46:55 PM EST] <Laurna> Indeed Shiral
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:47:07 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> He definitely knew what he was doing
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:47:16 PM EST] <KK> Gus is snuggling on my lap.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:47:20 PM EST] <Shiral_> Comfort kit, all there in one package.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:47:23 PM EST] <bynw> yeah cats are great comforters
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:47:24 PM EST] <Shiral_> Smart Gus
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:47:44 PM EST] <KK> He is, indeed, a great comfort.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:48:02 PM EST] <Shiral_> Keep up the good work, Gus. You're on duty
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:48:15 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Good job Gus
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:48:32 PM EST] <Laurna> Purrrrrfict
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:49:41 PM EST] <KK> But on to happier things. Yesterday I went to watch the HD broadcast of the MET's Madama Butterfly. Brilliant! The little boy was a puppet, operated by Japanese Noh actors all in ploack and with black face veils. Very, very effective. And on the 22nd, I'm going on a White House tour for the Christmas decorations. Looking forward to ie.t
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:50:10 PM EST] <Shiral_> Glad you're doing things you enjoy, KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:50:13 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> That sounds like fun
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:50:19 PM EST] <Laurna> That sounds wonderful
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:50:22 PM EST] <The_Bee> That sounds wonderful, KK.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:50:31 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:50:45 PM EST] <KK> Plus, the 23rd is the HD broadcast of Akhenaten, which apparently got rave reviews on its opening Friday.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:50:58 PM EST] <Shiral_> Would have gone to Madama Butterfly, but boringly had to work yesterday instead
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:50:59 PM EST] <bynw> cool
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:51:31 PM EST] <Laurna> Work is so overrated.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:51:54 PM EST] <KK> It's Phillip Glass, whose music is....interesting. And there are jugglers in the production; lots of them, juggling balls and dumbbells. And the major male lead is a countertenor.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:51:57 PM EST] <Shiral_> The Met has an unfortunate tendency to schedule the Opera HD casts that I want to see on weekends when I'm not free
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:52:30 PM EST] <The_Bee> HD-on TV?
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:52:31 PM EST] <Shiral_> I have to admit, I can take or leave Phillip Glass, and I usually leave his music.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:52:45 PM EST] <Shiral_> No, in movie theaters, Bee
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:53:09 PM EST] <The_Bee> ok, thanks
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:53:11 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Met broadcasts are being shown in movie theters
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:53:30 PM EST] <Laurna> I did not know that
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:54:00 PM EST] <Shiral_> Which is a brilliant idea if getting to the Met Proper is not practical. AND it makes money for the MET
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:54:08 PM EST] <KK> This is a pretty good season. (I've just discovered the joys of the HD broadcasts, courtesy of my sister the musician. Saw Turandot last month: amazing tours backstage during intermission, watching them change the very elaborate sets. And later in the season they're doing Flying Dutchman.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:54:28 PM EST] <Shiral_> I've really enjoyed the ones I've been to
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:54:57 PM EST] <Laurna> need to look into that
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:54:59 PM EST] <The_Bee> I learned about Akhenaton in Sunday school years ago.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:55:01 PM EST] <Shiral_> Turandot is definitely a treat for the eyes and ears
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:55:49 PM EST] <KK> And it has Nessun dorma.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:56:31 PM EST] <Shiral_> A definite point in it's favor. Although the time I saw it three years ago, the Tenor was....not really A-Cast material
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [7:58:33 PM EST] <The_Bee> My brother is the big opera fan in my family.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:01:25 PM EST] <The_Bee> I prefer folk, especially Celtic.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:02:29 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Check "Live in HD" on line
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:04:42 PM EST] <KK> Most larger cities will have a theatre that's screening the live broadcasts.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:04:53 PM EST] <Laurna> I just looked up the schedule, Interesting There is a theater at the mall offering these. Unfortunately I am not familiar with Operas coming up.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:05:42 PM EST] <bynw> i even get those here in des moines from time to time
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:07:00 PM EST] <KK> Jan 11 Wozzeck; Feb 1 Porgy and Bess; Feb 29 Agrippina; Mar 14 Flying Dutchman; April Tosca; May 9 Maria Stuararda.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:07:06 PM EST] <Laurna> Tosca is in april. THat might be really good
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:08:41 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Check Fathom Events on line
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:09:03 PM EST] <Laurna> Der Fliegende Holländer or the flying Dutchman, That could be really good too
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:09:40 PM EST] <Laurna> KK you might just have started something. Opera without going to the Opera.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:09:55 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Porgy and Bess has some gorgeous music
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:11:50 PM EST] <KK> Glad to have injected some joy into a cold autumn evening. :-)
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:11:51 PM EST] <Shiral_> Well, you're going to the opera, just less formally than the actual Opera House
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:12:06 PM EST] <The_Bee> I always enjoy Gilbert and Sullivan.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:12:43 PM EST] <KK> And you get the backstage commentary, always by an opera singer. Last time, it was Angel Blue, who will be singing Bess in February.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:12:46 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> And the big movie screens with HD show you stuff you cna't really see in the opera house.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:13:46 PM EST] <KK> The host always interviews some of the stars of that production, between acts. And sometimes the conductor.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:13:58 PM EST] <KK> "Maestro to the pit."
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:15:29 PM EST] <Laurna> LOL, I am looking up tickets
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:15:38 PM EST] <KK> Orchestra is large and very good.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:15:56 PM EST] <KK> Here, the senior discount is $25.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:18:30 PM EST] <KK> And on that note, I think I'm going to retire to a warmer part of the house. Still haven't got the thermostats sorted for the change of season. I have to put up the curtain in the doorway to my office--tomorrow, for sure!
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:12 PM EST] <KK> ?me steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:18 PM EST] <Shiral_> Night, KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:24 PM EST] <Shiral_> Have a good week
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:28 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Colder air coming for us so get ready. Stay warm
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:31 PM EST] <bynw> night KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:41 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Night KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:49 PM EST] <Laurna> Good night KK
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:51 PM EST] <The_Bee> Nighters, KK. Have a good week.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:19:55 PM EST] <KK> Nighters, all.
[Sunday, November 10, 2019] [8:20:29 PM EST] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)