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A complete genealogical breakdown of Haldane's & MacRorie's frm Camber to Kelson

Started by Popi, March 11, 2008, 03:35:30 PM

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I would like to see if Katherine has yet made a complete generalogical breakdown of the Haldane's and MacRorie's from Camber to Kelson.  Does anyone know is this is available?



Quote from: Popi on March 11, 2008, 03:35:30 PM
I would like to see if Katherine has yet made a complete generalogical breakdown of the Haldane's and MacRorie's from Camber to Kelson.  Does anyone know is this is available?

Well, no, but sort of if you gather together information that is in the various books, mostly Codex Derynianus.

We know of at least one way that Kelson Haldane is descended from Camber MacRorie - through Rhy and Evaine's child Rhysel.  Kelson may be descended from Camber other ways, but we don't know.  There is a lot of vagueness (missing information!) regarding Camber's descendants in the Codices.

Rebecca Davis' fine Web site - <http://www.mindspring.com/~rebldavis/home.html> - allows you to rummage through most of the known genealogy as of Codex Derynianus (the original).

If you'd like, I can give you a more direct listing of this (Camber -> Kelson) taken from both editions of Codex Derynianus.



Thanks for the website and information. I'm surprised nobody else has asked this question yet (from what little I've seen on the site so far. I'm totally new here and didn't even know they had forums for the Deryni series. I happened upon it by accident when I was Googling it.


its been talked about in the distant past a lot on the abandoned Usenet site.  I assume you also know Morgan and Duncan are descended from Camber so they are cousins with kelson, probably several times (just as Duncan And Morgan are first cousins by their Deryni mother and 3rd cousins by their non-Deryni fathers).  I think.

funny I was rereading Deryni Checkmate and noticed the similarity between abandoned sites.  So today's Scammers are descendants of Cinhil's regents apparently. 


Some times I get a kick out of following guests viewing old topics, I end up reading topics I have never read before.
I might be about 16 years late, but I would love to answer this question with this Link.

and there are many more like it. Just a hobby of mine.
May your horses have wings and fly!


I don't think KK has made that family tree yet. Unless she has it in some notes that no one has every seen. Ask her during chat!
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Yes, KK has made the connections in her notes. She actually entrusted me with a part of her genealogy trees and the connections are in there.   I am almost 100% certain that she will make it clear when The Road to Killingford is published. Fingers crossed.
May your horses have wings and fly!
