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Chronology or other suggestions

Started by MooeyG, August 04, 2008, 08:58:45 AM

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This is my first post.  I am a long time fan of sci fi and fantasy and a veteran of series like Fred Saberhagen's The Lost Swords, Anne McCaffrey's Pern series, David Eddings Belgariad series and of course, the Deryni books.  It has been literally years since I have read the Deryini series but would like to revisit it, but this time in chronological order.  I just don't remember which titles played out in the past as opposed to, say, the crowning of Kelson.  Are there any suggestions, or a website that lists the books in order of events instead of publication?


Hi MooeyG,

To read the Deryni books in Chronological  Order, start here:

Camber of Culdi
Saint Camber
Camber the Heretic

The Harrowing of Gwynedd
King Javan's Year
The Bastard Prince

In the King's Service
Childe Morgan

Deryni  Rising
Deryni Checkmate
High Deryni

The Bishop's Heir
The King's Justice
The Quest for Saint Camber

King Kelson's Bride

KK's short story collection Deryni Archives, has stories that span the timeline.
Catalyst takes place before Camber of Culdi
Healer's Song takes place between the end of Saint Camber, and Camber the Heretic.
Vocation Takes  place  between the end of The Bastard Prince and before In The King's Service
Bethane, The Priesting of Arilan, Legacy, The Knighting of Derry and Trial all take the place after the end of  Childe Morgan and before Deryni Rising.

KK's story The Green Tower is in Deryni Tales, and takes place before In The King's Service starts.

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


Thanks!  That's perfect!  I even have most of the books already, so I plan to get the missing pieces and re-read everything.