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Michaelmas Fancies

Started by revanne, September 27, 2021, 03:29:47 PM

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This was inspired by Shiral's mention of Apple Crisp and the privileges due to King's bakers. It is a light-hearted tale but the prologue, only intended to give the occasion for a grand feast  wandered off in a rather more serious direction.

Prologue - early August 1140.

"Just no!"
Alaric was clearly containing his emotions with difficulty but he managed to replace his goblet on the table without hspilling any of the contents. Duncan knew that the irritation masked real distress and he supposed that he was fortunate not to have had the wine flung in his face.

"I had to ask," he responded mildly, "given that the request came from the King and both Archbishops."
"Well you could have told them where..." Alaric's voice trailed off and, smiling sheepishly at his cousin, he picked his goblet up and slipped appreciatively. "I see Kelson has given you the run of his cellars to soften me up, but the answer is still no."

Duncan said nothing but he too sipped his wine with pleasure, Alaric knew their king very well.
Finally Alaric spoke again. "You must see that I couldn't do it. It's fine for you, you are the centre of attention in the Cathedral all the time and you needn't even try to deny you enjoy it." He ignored the half-hearted gesture of denial that Duncan made and continued, "But as soon as I stand there at the front, all eyes on me, I will be back in that benighted Cathedral in Dhassa doing public penance with Denis hugging his enjoyment of the spectacle to himself. I won't do it Duncan."

Duncan knew how painful the memories were, especially as neither of them had  ever quite managed to forgive Denis Arilan his machinations but he thought it wiser not to respond directly. Instead he pointed out reasonably,  "The situation is rather different. Then we were Deryni outcasts willing to humble ourselves in one last desperate throw, this is the occasion for a grateful Church and kingdom to thank God for you, King's Champion, on your fiftieth birthday."

"And some of them will still be crossing themselves when they think no-one is looking and sniffing furtively to see if they can detect the whiff of brimstone amongst the incense."

Duncan snorted in a very unepiscopal manner but made no other response. Long experience of his cousin's shyness around spiritual matters gave him the sense that something else remained to be said.

Finally, as Alaric allowed the finger bearing his gryphon signet to trace the fine gold chasing on his goblet and his eyes to follow his finger with an apparently abstracted air, out it came.
"What I've said is true, and more than enough, but there is more, though there are few I'd say it to. God knows there is little that I truly fear from heaven, but being guilty of presumption is one of them. The feast of St Michael has always been special to me, since I was a young boy, and it seems unfitting that I should claim honour on a day sacred to one of God's holy archangels. The commander of an earthly army setting himself alongside the Prince of the hosts of heaven? No, let the honour go where it belongs to St Michael and I'll remain a humble worshipper."
As always when Alaric bared his soul, still vulnerable after all the years of acceptance and worldly honour, Duncan found himself deeply moved. He allowed the silence that followed to deepen and Alaric seemed content enough to sit in that silence with perhaps the only man he trusted with his inmost thoughts. Finally Alaric said with a return of his earlier forceful manner.
"Well there it is, but no need to allow any rumour of piety to get out on my account. Just tell them no."

Duncan's answering smile somehow managed to achieve fondness, understanding and a hint of mischief as he replied. "Oh, you needn't worry. I'll simply say that you are being your usual obstreperous self and no one will be surprised. Fair enough, we'll leave the liturgical observance of the feast day to the angels and their commander. But I warn you, once we're out of the Cathedral, then I cannot protect you from Kelson's determination that your half-century should be properly honoured. There won't have been a feast like it since Javan was baptised"
Alaric wanted to protest that getting old was nothing to celebrate and that his opinion of formal feasts had not improved over the years but it was no use. He met Duncan's implacable gaze, somehow made worse by the grin he was failing to hide, and then dropped his head into his hands in a dramatic gesture. He knew when he was beaten.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Yay! Party for Alaric!

Party! Party! Party!

And you're right, that was an unexpectedly touching admission. Thanks for gently teasing it out of him. :)
Now is life, and life is always better.


We all can not wait to visit the Cathedral on Michaelmas to celebrate  Alaric's/ St Michaels feast day.

I will step on the toes of any one I notice..." sniffing furtively to see if they can detect the whiff of brimstone amongst the incense."   LOL

Kelson and Duncan can be incorrigible. But I am on their side after they return from mass

Did Nezz say Party!  I am so there!
May your horses have wings and fly!



I love this, Duncan and Alaric are closer than brothers and have weathered many storms. Duncan did not entirely win. no honoring Alaric in the cathedral. but Alaric will still have to endure being honored at a feast. I wonder if Richenda might be able to help. She can usually manage Alaric when no one else can. I don't think she would try to get him to agree to a ceremony in the cathedral but I think  she might convince him to accept honors at a birthday feast more graciously.
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


Love this, Revanne. =o) There's just no hiding from the gratitude of your friend and King! Or from your cousin the Auxiliary Bishop. This is going to be one heck of a birthday party.

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


A wonderful prologue, and being granted access to Morgan's innermost thoughts (thank you, Duncan!) was a privilege.  Do you think Richenda will be able to talk Morgan out of wearing black to his birthday feast?   ;D 
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Morgan offers his thanks to the Lady Jerusha for her most helpful suggestion as to what he might wear to this dratted um most generous feast which had not previously  occurred to him.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Oh NO!    What Am I saying---- Oh YES!

I believe Richenda had him out of black attire and into more colorful tunics by KKB. Why am I suddenly suspicious that Alaric is going to go through his trunk of old clothes after the Michaelmas Mass.
Not that I will mind.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Alaric could make the case for wearing black to his 50th birthday Party since it's one of Corwyn's heraldic colors. (I have a feeling Richenda thinks her lord husband still looks pretty handsome in black, too.....)
You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


Quote from: Shiral on September 28, 2021, 04:28:10 PM
Alaric could make the case for wearing black to his 50th birthday Party since it's one of Corwyn's heraldic colors. (I have a feeling Richenda thinks her lord husband still looks pretty handsome in black, too.....)

I expect about 3/4 of the women in Rhemuth would agree with her, if they were being honest with themselves. ;)
Now is life, and life is always better.


While it's the wrong century in terms of fashion, let's face it: Alaric would look pretty swish in something like this:


Now I can't unsee Morgan as Blackadder though the hair colour is wrong.
A medieval version of the outfit would suit him very nicely I think.ř
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Hmmm. About three centuries ahead of our time. BUT--- We will have to change the rapier for a real medieval sword.  and you have to get rid of that white neck ruff. and make the cape a little longer. but I do like the tall boots and the dashing black doublet Need slits in the doublet showing off a red silk shirt  (for king's champion) or a green silk shirt(for Corwyn)
May your horses have wings and fly!


Hey, if Mr Bean can look good in that outfit, I think our lovely duke will be able to make it work. ;)
Now is life, and life is always better.