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SF&F Stack Exchange topic challenge on the Deryni series

Started by Liesel, August 30, 2022, 05:36:10 AM

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The Science Fiction and Fantasy Stack Exchange has a monthly topic challenge which brings attention to specific authors or books.  Next month's topic challenge (that is September) will focus on the Deryni series. 

Maybe we'll get a few more fans of the series :-)

I'd love to see some of my acquaintances from here, over there!

See the announcement of the topic challenge


Thanks for the announcement. That site is new for me. I took a look and signed in. Let us see what happens.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Welcome to there  :)

I enjoy that site very much.  While I'm a biiiig fan of the Deryni series, it is not the only SF&F of which I am a fan!

Just be aware that it is a Q&A site and not a discussion forum.  A little bit different in how you interact with it.


Looks fun! How do you play? Just create an account and follow the threads?
Now is life, and life is always better.


You can probably just read questions and answers without creating an account.

If you have an account, you can ask and answer questions.  Note that it is not a discussion site but a question and answer forum, so what you post should be an attempt to answer the question, with enough detail to help the original poster (an enough for him to know whether the answer really answers his question), and preferably with source material (quotes from books, or from an interview with the author, for example).  A little bit of discussion can happen in comments, and there is also an associated chat.

Users vote on question and answer quality.  As you post and your posts get voted on, you gather reputation.  With rep, you also get more privileges on the site (such as the privilege to comment on other people's questions and answers.)

It is fun.


I know that at least one of you dropped in on the SF&F stack exchange.  So far, I am the only one asking questions on the topic, and some have not been answered. 

If more of you would drop by this month, it would be great!

I will be bringing some of my questions from there, over here.  If they are answered here, I can self-answer there with your answers....but it would be cool if some other experts from here would drop in there and add some good answers (or questions, or questions & answers!)