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KKChat -- 15 September 2024

Started by Bynw, September 15, 2024, 07:46:54 PM

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[18:08] * web40 (473eb015@CCN-1F686F39.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:08] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hubert... *spits*
[18:08] * web40 is now known as KK
[18:08] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[18:09] <KK> Hello, all.
[18:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Hi!
[18:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hullo KK. we're just discussing some of your nastier "kids." 🙂
[18:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Well we know the deveil was waiting for Hubert when he died, no purgatory, straight to you know where
[18:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hi KK
[18:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Well we know the devil was waiting for Hubert when he died, no purgatory, straight to you know where
[18:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> BTW, while I'm thinking about it, I might or might not be here next Sunday, since I'm supposed to go look at a wedding venue with DS's bride to be that afternoon, and I don't know how long it will take us to get back home.
[18:10] <KK> Yeah, Hubert was a piece of work.
[18:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hubert, Sidana's sons, the De Nores...
[18:10] <KK> That sounds like fun, Evie.
[18:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hubert, Caitrin's sons, the De Nores...
[18:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I can find something to sympathise with in Caitrin and even (to a very tiny extent) in Loris, but when it comes to Hubert or Septimus de Nore, I got nuthin'.
[18:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I'm looking forward to it, KK
[18:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> When is the wedding?
[18:12] <The_Bee> Speaking of evil. how's your knee behaving, KK?
[18:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> lol Bee! 😄
[18:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> No idea when. The original plan was around mid-September, but obviously that's not happening. It might depend on if she likes this venue and what dates they have available.
[18:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> KKs knee isn't evil, just damaged and soon to be replaced we hope
[18:13] <KK> It's hanging in there.  I have been taking a med to lower my platelet count for the past week, and go for blood work tomorrow to see if/how well it is working.
[18:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> It was originally meant to be happening around this week, and down at the beach. But it's likely for the best that it got postponed, since with the rain and drizzle we are still getting from the hurricane, that wouldn't have been too nice of a beach wedding this week.
[18:13] <~bynw> Yes Hubert and Septimus are evil as they come ... good riddence to them.
[18:14] <The_Bee> Good woodgies to KK and her platelets
[18:14] <KK> That doc must sign off for the surgery, so I hope this ws just a passing glitch.
[18:14] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Hope all goes well, KK
[18:14] <KK> Me too.
[18:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hope all is well🤞 🤞 🤞
[18:16] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hah, nothing to kill a conversation about bad guys like a bum knee. 😄
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Maybe we can have a bad guy with a bum knee?
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Hello fellow castle residents.
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> *add that to my next scene*
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Hi Laurna
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> hi Laurna
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> We can always return to the bad guys\
[18:17] <KK> And then a friend from LA is coming tomorrow afternoon for several days' visit.  I'm going to put him to work on Tuesday for a few household chores, like a run to the landfill.  Then on Wednesday is our DC adventure: Vietnam Memorial and Women in Service Memorial, then the Holocaust Museum. He leaves on Thursday.
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> You can give the bad guy a bad knee
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hi Laurna
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I want to run away from the bad guys
[18:18] <~bynw> hi Laurna
[18:18] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hope that won'tne too much walking KK
[18:18] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> That will be an Adventure KK,  but do not over walk the knee
[18:18] * ~bynw checks around the corners and says "No bad guys here"
[18:18] <The_Bee> Did KK ever actually have anyone castrated before they were executed?  That kind of superfluous cruelty doesn't sound like him.
[18:19] <KK> Well, we've had a few characters with disabilities: a club foot and a hand amputation, that I can recall.
[18:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> OH!  I must have gone Blind, Bynw
[18:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Kelson didn't, but Donal sure did
[18:19] <The_Bee> I meant "did Kelson"
[18:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> And it fit the particular crime
[18:19] <KK> I'm taking my wheelchair for DC.
[18:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> So it wasn't superfluous, it was directly tied in to the sort of crime that they committed.
[18:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Hello everyone
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hi Shiral
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Good idea KK
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> And meant to deter others from thinking of doing the same in future
[18:20] <KK> Hi, Shiral.
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good KK,  then it should be a nice day
[18:20] <~bynw> hi Shiral
[18:20] <The_Bee> Hi shiral
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hi Shiral
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Hi Shiral
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Javan had a club foot, there wasn't anything wrong with his brain
[18:20] <KK> And shouldn't have to contend with the extreme heat that DC sometimes dishes out.
[18:21] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Oh good
[18:21] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Or Javan's Heart
[18:21] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I read that as "shouldn't have to contend with the extreme heat that Deryni Checkmate sometimes dishes out."  Was confused for half a sec.
[18:22] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Alaric would certainly feel that Deryni Checkmate singed him a bit....
[18:22] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yeah, but you'd think the author would want us to read it again, not warn us off the book! 😉
[18:22] <KK> Washington can do that to people. ;-)
[18:22] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> She prolly doesn't care how often we read it, just so long as we buy the paperback, the hardback, the Kindle version, and the audiobook. 😄
[18:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> KK, question, Kelson has two twin daughters and  a son named Javan.  If and when Kelson has a Second son. what Name would you give the young prince.  any Ideas?
[18:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I have all those. Just waiting for the telepathic edition.
[18:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I've only been in DC during the spring and fall months. But I remember that the time I was visiting in October, it was still plenty warm and steamy.
[18:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Oh good one, Telepathic edition.  want
[18:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> In my AU timeline, I named the second son Brion
[18:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I'd want a telepathic edition of whatever the next Deryni book will be!
[18:24] <KK> Haven't thought that far ahead.
[18:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Yes Shiral,
[18:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I want the self-writing version of whatever my next Deryni story will be.  😉
[18:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> That is fine, KK.  just know that we all have.
[18:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Yes, but who will you have record the telepathic edition? Or would you want to do that one yourself?
[18:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I wouldn't be surprised if Little Prince no. 2 might have Brion for at least ONE of his names, if not his first name
[18:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Duncan McLain can record it
[18:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Yes  from Duncan  that would be wonderful to have
[18:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Since it would need to be a Deryni to do a telepathic edition, I imagine
[18:25] <The_Bee> Brion Alaric Nigel Haldane
[18:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Do you suppose he  has the cutest little Scottish accent?
[18:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I wish I had a telepathic inspiration at this point
[18:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yes, but I think it would be a Court educated Scots accent, as opposed to a thick Highland accent.
[18:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> And thus, somewhat more understandable!
[18:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Yeah, we won't need Revanne to translate for uys
[18:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Yeah, we won't need Revanne to translate for us
[18:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I will pass you a large royal coin with the whole story embedded within it.
[18:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I don't recall where I found it, but some time back I found a webpage that had a lot of different UK accents and I found some that I thought sounded like good fits for Duncan and Dhugal. But that was over a year ago, I think.
[18:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I remember that site, you shared it
[18:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I posted links here in Discord, IIRC, so it might be possible to find them with a keyword search, but I don't know what keyword would find them
[18:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> If it was a thick Highland accent, it might sound like Duke Ewan recorded it
[18:29] <The_Bee> I had a high school classmate from Glasgow (IIRC).  She had a lovely accent.
[18:29] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yes, they had some that were nearly incomprehensible and some that were extremely clear but still recognizable Scots rather than English
[18:29] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> (just got here, scrolling back) I know Dear Son, Dear Husband, but DC? Dear Concubine? ... wait, Washington Monument, got it.
[18:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> LOL!
[18:30] * CambersGhost [discord] <shiral_> sets up a tea table with tea, cake, cream and scones
[18:31] <KK> I'm not sure how a telepathic version of a story would work.
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> scones and cream  please
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> It plays itself in your head as you go about your day.
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> It would play juswt like a movie
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> right in  your head
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I'd better not try to drive while listening to it....
[18:31] * The_Bee adds home-made honey to the table, plus Vermont maple syrup.
[18:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I already have to avoid audiobooks in the car unless I'm a passenger
[18:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> There was a book of "100 Best Short-Short SF & Fantasy Stories". One was titled "Science Fiction for Telepaths". The body of the story:
[18:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> > Aw, you know what I mean.
[18:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Especially if anyone might endure an ordeal like Duncan's in King's Justice
[18:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> DC specializes in the 3 Hs, Hazy, hot and humid. However, I am about 100 osr so miles south of DC and we have been having lovely Fall weather. Hope you get that
[18:33] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I hear the fall colors will be early this year.
[18:33] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> You know, I was going to say a telepathic edition could include special effects, but I'd rather not feel the flames creeping closer or the fingernail and toenail extraction after all, thanks.
[18:33] <KK> It's been lovely here for the past week or so.
[18:33] <The_Bee> We're still having summer weather, just not heat-wave weather.
[18:33] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> Dorothea Heydt always said "Poor DC. They're 3000 miles from the ocean." In terms of usual winds, yeah.
[18:33] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Hi Everyone!
[18:34] <The_Bee> Hi Jerusha
[18:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hey Jerusha!
[18:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Hi Jerusha
[18:34] <~bynw> hi Jerusha
[18:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hi Jerusha
[18:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> More submeresive than a movie, that is for certain.
[18:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Okay, so if a royal pair were to say...take a post-wedding holiday in Gwynedd,  to what palace, manor or Royal estate might they go?
[18:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> submeresive?
[18:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> it might be fun to experience a Deryni story through one of those Star Trek Holodecks....
[18:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> They would not go to Dhassa for the wine
[18:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Submersive
[18:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Definitely not
[18:35] <The_Bee> Have the murder chickens left Canada yet, Jerusha?  I saw them hanging around Boston today.
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> Immersive?
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Ummm. Caeriesse for the submersive experience.
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Not yet; they have taken over the local soccer fields, though
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Don't forget to pack the wet suits.
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> Great swimming there!
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yes, I'd be doing Choose Your Deryni Adventure on the Holodeck every free moment I got.  Then turning off the program if things got too heated, because I don't do burnings. 😄
[18:36] <KK> Murder chickens? As in Canada geese, perhaps?
[18:36] <The_Bee> Yep
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Funny that we're talking burnings today
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Yes, hissing Canadian Murder Chickens.  Scarier than a moose
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Now you have the right of it. Holodeck story line.  I am all in.
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> I heard them called Cobra Chickens.
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Now I'm thinking of Deryni Holodeck stories that include Murder Chickens.  Life sure is weird
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> I heard them called Cobra Chickens. I think because of the hissing.
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Yes, that too.
[18:37] <KK> I'll have to drive through our Gypsy Hill Park.  A lot of them winter there, and a few stay year-round.
[18:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I can tell what Kelson is having for Christmas dinner
[18:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Shiral, wasn't that the Nine Day of Christmas?
[18:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> That darn Murder Chicken that was chasing him around the bailey!
[18:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Yes, Evie, lots and lots of roast goose!
[18:39] <KK> I don't know that they're particularly tasty, or else they would have become an official commodity.
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I can hear Dhugal now. "Pass th' Murder Chicken an' gravy, Kel."
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Until Alaric valiantly dispatched it, while wondering what else being a King's Champion was going to require of him.
[18:39] <The_Bee> Wild turkeys have been attacking people in Brookline.
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Never tried that dish. but after owning three murder Geese that truly wanted to take you out everytime you came near.  it might be tasty
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Never get between a Cobra Murder Chicken and its chicks.
[18:40] <The_Bee> I like goose because it's all dark meat.
[18:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I;ve enjoyed Duck, but never goose so far
[18:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I find duck too greasy
[18:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> I recently heard an explanation: geese are nigh to swans in ancestry, and geese are VERY VERY monogamous, so for the crime of walking too close to their mate (an obvious threat), you might deserve to die in their eyes.
[18:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> If it is like Duck, it very much depends on who cooks it and how.
[18:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> I recently heard an explanation: geese are nigh to swans in ancestry, and geese are VERY VERY monogamous, so for the crime of, for example, walking too close to their mate (an obvious threat), you might deserve to die in their eyes.
[18:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> you are correct, TM
[18:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> "Dhugal, call it murder chicken once more and I'll be sending you to winter in  Uiskin Castle. I hear it gets rather cold there...
[18:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> <sotto voce> murder chicken </sotto voce>
[18:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Or it could be a murder of crows...
[18:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> "Sire, YOU deal with it then." 20 intense minutes later: "Dhugal, my apologies. You were right."
[18:42] <The_Bee> or an unkindness of ravens
[18:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Kelson picks up his tattered tunic
[18:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> and Duncan and Alaric are doing Deryni healing on various bites
[18:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> and scrapes and maybe his ankle is ookie now
[18:44] <KK> I've had a small murder of crows in my backyard yesterday and today, scarfing up the stale bread I tossed out there yesterday.  Daphne was mightily interested.
[18:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Watch where you step among the rushes
[18:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> Ooo, befriend the crows!  <mafia> or else. </mafia>
[18:44] <The_Bee> I had to wait for a goose to get off the bike path on my way to church.
[18:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Good to let it pass, Bee
[18:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> "I can hear all of you trying not to laugh at your King's loss of his royal dignity while dealing with those......birds.."
[18:44] * HoundMistress (181b2262@CCN-2C8ABF5B.res.spectrum.com) has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Hi HM
[18:44] <The_Bee> Hi HM!
[18:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Hi HM
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Hi HM.
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hi HM.
[18:45] <KK> Hi, HM.
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> "Let me remind you all of the penalties of treason."  Everyone is snickering anyway.
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hullo HM
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Lese majeste
[18:45] <HoundMistress> Hi, KK, Chris Bee, Jerusha DFK Shiral, everyone
[18:45] * CambersGhost [discord] <laurnarose> swollowing down my myrth.  I swear I did not laugh
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Yes she did
[18:45] <~bynw> hi HH
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> *don't look at Laurna or I'll lose it*
[18:45] <HoundMistress> What did she?
[18:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Of course she did!
[18:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> laugh
[18:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Laugh at Kelson fleeing from the Murder Chicken
[18:46] * CambersGhost [discord] <laurnarose> giggles behing hands
[18:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> "And none of you are going to tell on me to my lady wife, ARE you?"
[18:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> *snork*
[18:46] * CambersGhost [discord] <laurnarose> giggles behind hands
[18:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> "A good king rewards his vassals for devoted service."
[18:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I'm sure the new feathers for her bed were accidental
[18:46] <HoundMistress> Who set a murder chicken on him?
[18:47] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I promise not to utter a word about it to Queen Araxie. *But I might Mind-Speak it instead*
[18:47] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> It was his choice
[18:47] <KK> HM, we're discussing Murder Chickens, aka Canada geese.
[18:47] <HoundMistress> Ah
[18:47] <~bynw> they can be very aggressive
[18:47] * CambersGhost [discord] <laurnarose> laughing out loud. I can not help it.  sorry Sire
[18:47] <HoundMistress> Well, is someone using their feathers to make a new bed?
[18:48] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Hopefully. That down is useful also
[18:48] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> The King be gettin' some new pillows tonight!
[18:48] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Good luck gathering those ffeathers.
[18:48] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I hope the Queen isn't allergic to feathers....
[18:48] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> If they're dead, they tend not to protest being plucked.
[18:48] <HoundMistress> Plus they are edible
[18:49] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> If they are not dead, good luck!
[18:49] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> "Oh Kelson, must we really eat roast goose for the third day in a row?"
[18:49] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> And you definitely want to pluck them before eating them
[18:49] <The_Bee> before cooking them
[18:49] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Yuck, a mouth full of feathers
[18:49] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Get stuck between your teeth
[18:49] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> That's true of most birds, I believe
[18:50] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Unless you love the smell of scorched feathers in your kitchen
[18:50] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Ick
[18:50] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I do not, thank you
[18:50] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> I think several feathers from the left? wing are useful for pens. Maybe that's a reason to make Duncan go take care of it -- the clergy are literate. ("So are you, sire." "It's your domain, Bishop.")
[18:51] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> I think several feathers from the left? wing are useful for pens. Maybe that's a reason to make Duncan go take care of it -- the clergy are literate. ("So are you, sire." "It's your domain, Bishop. I wouldn't want to step on the prerogatives of the Church." *looks innocent*)
[18:51] <HoundMistress> They don't smell good. At least chicken feathers don't. My grandmother & Mom killed and defeathered chickens when I was a tot.
[18:51] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> IIRC you need to dip them in boiling water first to loosen the feathers before plucking, but it's been decades since I lived on a farm, and I never had to do that myself.
[18:51] <The_Bee> Didn't the English use to serve goose whole, feathered on the outside and full of stuffing inside?
[18:51] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I think that was swans
[18:52] <The_Bee> Oops, I meant swans
[18:52] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> They would remove the feathers, cook the bird, then re-feather it (hopefully with washed feathers).
[18:52] <KK> And I think they skinned them with the feathers still on, then put the skin back on after the bird was gooked.
[18:52] <KK> cooked
[18:52] <The_Bee> Geese aren't as beautiful as swans.
[18:52] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I really don't need my dinner staring at me, fully dressed
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> LOL
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yes, KK's method sounds more plausible, come to think. I was just thinking how labor intensive it would be to re-feather one if you didn't take the skin off whole.
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I am so happy I only eat boneless/skinnless chicken.
[18:53] <KK> I feel the same way about fish with their heads on, and ditto shrimp/prawns.
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I agree
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> The less alive my food looks, the better
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> agree about the whole fish,  Nope
[18:53] <KK> Yep.
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> I never want my dinner staring back at me from the platter
[18:54] <The_Bee> Me neither.  I threw a fish out because I didn't want it staring at me while I ate it.
[18:54] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Excpet that it proves it is fresh.  which is better in some places around the globe
[18:54] <KK> Suckling pig can also be challenging, bu they do taste good.
[18:54] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Roasted pig ears
[18:54] * HoundMistress (181b2262@CCN-2C8ABF5B.res.spectrum.com) Quit (Quit: Client closed)
[18:54] <KK> My dogs used to love pig ears.
[18:55] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Aliset was fond of roasted pigs ears
[18:55] * HoundMistress (181b2262@CCN-2C8ABF5B.res.spectrum.com) has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:55] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> LOL! In the Philippines, they tend to serve fish whole, so when my mom was a newlywed, she cooked a large fish of some sort and had it in pride of place on a platter as the centerpiece of her table at a dinner party, but no one would touch it because "It's staring at us." So she got so upset, she walked into the kitchen, got a piece of carrot, stuck it through the eyeball, and sa <clipped messag
[18:55] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> id "There, it's not staring at you anymore!"
[18:55] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Darcy was not thrilled
[18:55] <HoundMistress> I'm back.
[18:55] <The_Bee> WB HM
[18:55] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I'll bet if I gave my kitties roasted pigs ears, they'd be happy
[18:56] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> YIcks Evie
[18:57] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Then she ended up with a daughter who won't eat fish no matter how it's served.
[18:57] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Allergic, or just don't like it
[18:57] <KK> Oh, sad news to report, re dogs. Booker, my former Entlebucher/Basset cross, passed a couple of weeks ago.  I'd rehomed him about 3 years ago because I could no longer manage getting him in and out of the car, and I was afraid we were going to trip over one another, and seriously injure or kill one or both of us.  It was the right decision, and he
[18:57] <KK> had a good life with his new keeper, but still sad.  He must have been about 16.
[18:57] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Can't stand the taste of anything of aquatic origin
[18:57] <~bynw> fish is gross ... don't care for it myself either
[18:58] <The_Bee> I love filet of fish.
[18:58] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Sorry to hear about Booker, KK
[18:58] <~bynw> oh poor Booker :(
[18:58] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I'm sorry, KK. But I'm glad he had a good long life for a pupper
[18:58] <HoundMistress> Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, KK!
[18:58] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Aww, poor li'l guy... but I expect he's happy hanging out at the Rainbow Bridge.
[18:59] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Sorry to hear about Booker's passing. But he was loved and well cared for, and that's a good life as far as a dog is concerned
[18:59] <The_Bee> a sad death, but a good life
[18:59] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Hope he's running around with Oswald and Scrappy
[19:00] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Sorry  about Booker KK
[19:00] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I am so sorry to hear your news, KK.  He was a good dog and he had a good life.
[19:00] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> A long life, at least, and we may hope a good one and good ending
[19:01] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I can see his tail wagging behind you at your computer desk. even now
[19:01] <KK> Yeah, his new owner was great about sending me periodic progress reports ad pictures, and I sent him pics in turn.  It was the ideal placement for Booker.  Still, sad to know he's no longer with us. Over the Rainbow Bridge, though, with Oswald and Scrappy and Warner and Augustus and all the other MacMillan critters.
[19:02] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> A wonderful crew, that
[19:02] <The_Bee> How is Daphne?
[19:03] <KK> Daphne is great, curled on my lap as I type this.
[19:03] <The_Bee> Has she caught any more critters?
[19:03] <HoundMistress> Good to hear!
[19:04] <KK> She was mightily interested in a crow that was perched on the peak of the house next door, with her standing like a meercat on the bathroom counter. But he flew away.
[19:04] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Dmitri sends his purrs to Daphne
[19:04] <HoundMistress> My friend's Aussie killed a baby possum the other night. She was very sad!
[19:05] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Oh dear
[19:05] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Oh, thank God! I read that as "a cow that was perched on the peak of the house," but I'm so glad I reread that and discovered it was just a crow!  😉
[19:05] <HoundMistress> Not Aussie! ACD
[19:05] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Evie, it was getting ready to jump over the moon
[19:06] <KK> Aw. Possums are so fierce looking but so mild.
[19:06] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I was worried about those cow patties falling from overhead
[19:06] <HoundMistress> Yes, they are! And soft to touch!
[19:06] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Possums are good to have around
[19:06] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> the cow patties are soft to touch?
[19:06] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Possums, or cow patties
[19:06] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Rather squishy, in my experience
[19:07] <KK> Possums eat icky things, like ticks. Good possums!
[19:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Cows need all the elevation they can get to make it over the moon, but I did kind of wonder how they could make it up to the roof of a house
[19:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I had a possum stuck in my garbage can once.  I tipped it over and ran.
[19:07] <HoundMistress> Yes, especially flea & tick larvae
[19:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yes, possums are very welcome in my yard, especially during tick season. They just need to stay out of the house.
[19:07] <The_Bee> "Little birdie in the sky/ Did a whitewash in my eye./  Me no sissy, me no cry,/ Me just glad the cows can't fly."
[19:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> You don't question them getting to the moon, but you do question them getting to the top of the house? 😉
[19:08] <HoundMistress> Oh, yes, not in the house, although my cousin had a pet possum at one time.
[19:08] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> My grandmother taught me a variation on this when I was a child.
[19:08] <KK> Never heard that one, but cute.
[19:08] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Nezz, nobody's ever made a nursery rhyme about cows on the roof, to my knowledge... So my ability to selectively suspend disbelief is phenomenal.
[19:08] <The_Bee> I learned it from my brother.
[19:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> "Little birdie in the sky,/ Why did you do that in my eye?/I'm not mad, and I'm not sad, and I'm not gonna cry/ But I'm sure glad that cows don't fly!
[19:10] <HoundMistress> Those are cute! I had bird dookie on my shoulder once.
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Cows on the roof top, click, click click; they can't fly with old St. Nich
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> "Hmmm ... possums on the roof ... cows on the roof ... naw, not catchy ... wait, I got it! I'll call it *Fiddler on the Roof*!
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> A very niche version of the Night Before Christmas,  Jerusha!
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> I heard that bird poop on you is good luck? If so, parrot owners are the luckiest souls alive.
[19:11] <KK> I had one bomb me in 8th grade when I was out on the PE field in my hideous gymsuit. Splat on the back of me head.  Fortunately, we had showers.
[19:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Rosa was my Luck charm,
[19:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I've never had a bird poop on my head, but I have had an iguana poop on my head. Extremely unpleasant.
[19:11] <HoundMistress> I was at Barton Springs waiting in line to buy a soft drink and a bird took off & pooped on me.
[19:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> If a sea gull lets loose on your head, it is supposed to bring good luck.  I'll pass.
[19:11] <The_Bee> There are hats with patches of white and the caption "damn seagulls!"
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> That definitely sounds like a souvenir my son would wear
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Oh dear, Nezz!
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> The hat, not the sea gull poop
[19:13] <~bynw> certainly doesn't sound like good luck to have a bird poop on you
[19:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I
[19:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> It's not like much worse will happen the rest of the day, most likely
[19:13] <KK> Can't say I recommend it.
[19:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I suppose it is better than on your ice cream cone
[19:14] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Especially vanilla
[19:14] <KK> True, Evie!
[19:14] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I would prefer other good luck emblems to bird poop,thank you
[19:14] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> True, but the rabbits would prefer you collect bird poop rather than rabbit feet
[19:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I'll settle for four leaf clovers
[19:15] <The_Bee> Among maternity ward nurses, it's good luck if a baby boy pees on you.  I think it's putting a smiley face on the inevitable.
[19:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> I usually stop before I get to rabbit's feet. Four leaf clovers will do
[19:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> My son must have been very insistent that I needed all the luck I could get, in that case
[19:15] <HoundMistress> I've never known how a rabbit's foot could be lucky since the rabbit was obviously very unlucky/
[19:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I never thought of that as good luck!  More like more laundry
[19:16] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> There was a reason I kept a stack of folded baby washcloths on the changing table, so the moment I opened up the diaper, I could pop one of those thick squares of terry cloth right on the impending fountain.
[19:17] <HoundMistress> Everyone who's changed a boy baby has gotten showered at least once.
[19:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Though nothing will beat the time my godson sent a perfect stream arcing through the air right into the package of Doritos his Dad, standing nearby as a spectator, had just opened while his wife was starting to change the diaper.
[19:18] <HoundMistress> Poetic justice
[19:18] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Oh dear!
[19:18] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> All his stunned father could manage to stay as he stood there, not daring to move for fear the stream would end up all over him or on the floor, was "He just whizzed in my Doritos!"
[19:18] <HoundMistress> LOL!!
[19:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Now what flavor will they call THAT package?
[19:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> And you said, "He is your son"
[19:20] <KK> Fortnately, I acquired my son when he was 9, so I only had to worry about him knocking over glasses of water at the table--which he did the first time I met hm.
[19:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Everyone knows that you keep the sprayer covered at all times
[19:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yeah, they're mostly housebroken by 9
[19:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> Keep it holstered, now and forever.
[19:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> 9 years olds would be all growing arms and legs and feet
[19:20] <KK> Yeah, mostly. Poor little guy was mortified.
[19:21] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> And appetite
[19:21] <HoundMistress> Everything mortifies you when you are 9.
[19:21] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> When you are a bit older, parents mortify you the most
[19:21] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Some of us just keep being mortified for years...
[19:22] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> That's a parents' job.
[19:22] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I'll never forget DH and I going to meet DS's first girlfriend and her parents for the first time, and DS blurting out "Mom, Dad, for God's sake, please don't be yourselves! Just be NORMAL!"
[19:22] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> LOL
[19:22] <HoundMistress> LOL!!
[19:22] <The_Bee> Is Cameron doing well as a private eye?
[19:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> What is normal?
[19:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Not me, that's for sure
[19:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Normal isn't even a setting on my clothes drier. I checked. 😄
[19:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> "All right dear, I won't talk about  exchanging doll heads and bodies if you insist..."
[19:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Or skewer them on a stick
[19:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Girlfriend's parents ended up talking about the Halloween costumes they had bought for a costume party, and DH and I very obediently smiled at each other and didn't mention our years in the SCA or cosplaying at DragonCon.  😄
[19:25] <KK> Very wise decision.
[19:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> How very sad.  that would have been wonderful conversation.
[19:26] <KK> It would have been a first for the other parents, I suspect.
[19:26] <HoundMistress> Or at least interesting
[19:26] <The_Bee> Evie, do you still have that pink thing you've turned into various Halloween costumes? Like a flamingo, for example
[19:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> When ever I mentioned dressing up at work. I got lots of odd looks.
[19:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yeah, but I think they were a little too mundane to appreciate it, and he was wanting to go on a weekend vacation with them and didn't want us coming across as too weird, poor kid. GF's parents were very strict.
[19:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I do, Bee. It's somewhere in my basement.
[19:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Oh, my workplace is used to me being weird. They count on it.  😄
[19:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> LOL
[19:27] <HoundMistress> We have a costume contest at my work.
[19:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> True story, my boss made a special request a few weeks ago for me to cluck at one of my coworkers, because he had never heard my impromptu chicken concertos
[19:28] <KK> Whenever I see anything pertaining to flamingoes, I think of you, Evie.  You'll never know how many times I've restrained myself.
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> My costuming friends and my Work friends live in completely different universes.
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Murder Chickens, now Chicken Concertos... there's a certain theme to today...
[19:28] <The_Bee> I once put a face on an orange dress and went as a jack-o-lantern.
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> LOL! I bought myself three pairs of (different patterned) flamingo leggings recently
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I really want to hear a chicken concerto
[19:29] <HoundMistress> I heard them when I was little, clucking away in the henhouse.
[19:29] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Clucked in B flat
[19:29] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Does somebody play a chicken, or does the chicken play an instrument?
[19:29] <~bynw> i had chicken quesadillas for supper so it's even more chicken!
[19:29] <KK> Aha, I sense that the Evie flamingo is about to make another appearance.!
[19:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> For Nezz
[19:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/479836521864888347/1285034994699603978/Chicken.m4a?ex=66e8cd99&is=66e77c19&hm=404cca0a2bc4e9e22448bdad79e621d6d77a4bfcac902be0f407c9bae7421001&;
[19:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> What *is* that tune?
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Clucked Fur Elise
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Oh man, you had to ask!
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yeah, that!
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> By Chicktoven
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> It's one of those things where you hear snippets in cartoons or whatever, and never find out it's Arkansas Traveler or Rondo al Turco or whatever.
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Well now you know. 🙂
[19:31] <KK> Can't get the files to open.
[19:31] <HoundMistress> I had a jewelry box that played than, but not in a chicken voice
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> It's one of those things where you hear snippets in cartoons or whatever, and never find out it's Arkansas Traveler or Rondo alla Turca or whatever.
[19:31] <The_Bee> me neither
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> How about Rondo alla Turkey, then?
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> It's an audio file of my clucking the first few notes of Fur Elise, KK
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Schroder played it in the Charlie Brown Halloween cartoon
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Rondo, that's by Mozduck, isn't it?
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> At it sounded like that to me
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Sounds like that should be "Rondo a la Turkey."
[19:33] <~bynw> on IRC we get the link for it but it's not usable ... unlike images
[19:33] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Or maybe it was the Christmas one.
[19:33] <The_Bee> "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charllie Brown"
[19:33] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> It was the Christmas one where he played Fur Elise
[19:34] <HoundMistress> Hate ot leave but I need to go eat something. Have been watching The Desolation of Smaug & haven't eaten for a while. Everyone be safe this week!
[19:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Bon appetit!
[19:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> You too, HM, have a greaet week and a lovely meal
[19:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Have a good week, HM
[19:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good Night HM
[19:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> About Rondo alla Turca: this went around in the last few days. About 1 minute, so maybe see it later. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/e52qDqYdxoE
[19:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Have BBQ in honor of Smaug?
[19:34] <The_Bee> You be safe too, Good week!
[19:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> YES! THIS is where I heard Rondo alla Turca recently! 😂
[19:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I was thinking of Smores
[19:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I love this guy's parody classics
[19:35] * HoundMistress (181b2262@CCN-2C8ABF5B.res.spectrum.com) Quit (Quit: Client closed)
[19:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> He manages to sing very well while dancing energetically.
[19:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> And funny lyrics.
[19:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Yes, and even better when he's not dancing energetically, though this one wouldn't be the same without it
[19:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Night, HM
[19:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> And funny lyrics. ("Shaketh what your mother gave you")
[19:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Smores would work too for a Smaug inspired meal
[19:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> Has everyone flown the coop?
[19:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> with the murder chickens?
[19:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Just planning my next stirring chicken aria
[19:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I actually should fly the coop.  Hope everyone has a good week!
[19:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Bye, jerusha!
[19:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> cya J, got scene stuff to discuss soon
[19:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Bye, Jerusha
[19:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I fear that tune is now playing over and over in my head and I can no longer think
[19:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> 😄
[19:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good Night Jerusha
[19:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Fur Elise, or Ronda alla Turca?
[19:40] <The_Bee> still here.  My church had our annual Water Communion Service today. I brought my water in a wine bottle, and I told them I'd turned wine into water.
[19:40] <The_Bee> bye Jerusha
[19:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> The reverse if Dionysus.
[19:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> The reverse of Dionysus.
[19:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> Water communion? Do they make holy water for you, or just bless it, or what?
[19:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> I turn wine into urine, but no one wants that for some reason.
[19:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I don't know where to go after that
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Tell her to go tan some hides.
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Hopefully to a room designated for the purpose
[19:43] <The_Bee> LOL! We each bringa bit of water from a place we've visited in the summer.  We pour it into a bowl and say where it came from.  Mine came from my kitchen sink, and I wanted to glorify it a bit.
[19:43] <KK> Fell into the U Tube trap.  But it's also time for me to head out.  See you guys next week.
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> Bye, KK!
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> cya KK, take care and have a great week
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good Night KK and have a good week
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> To the toilet, I would hope!
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <evie.delacourt> If I miss you next week, hopefully I'll see you soon
[19:43] <The_Bee> bye KK! Have a good week. Scritches to Daphne.
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Enjoy DC
[19:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Bye, KK
[19:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <shiral_> Have a good trip to DC
[19:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <tm_9039> Take care, all.
[19:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hope the doctor signs off on your surgery and things go well. Have a good week and enjoy your visitor.
[19:44] <~bynw> night KK
[19:44] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of purple sparkles.
[19:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Bynw,  I have your message,  thank you
[19:45] <KK> Ta-ta and thanks, all. Nighters.
[19:45] * KK (473eb015@CCN-1F686F39.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client closed)

President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com
