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Started by Jerusha, February 06, 2025, 01:08:36 PM

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Player: Jerusha

Character: Sir Iain Reyvik Cameron

Heritage: Deryni

Heritage Trait: Power

Character Traits:

Spell-Trained: A fully Trained Deryni is a dangerous thing.

You have been formally trained in the Powers of the Deryni. This opens up additional manifestations of Deryni Power. All your Deryni Power Tests are now at the Standard 2d6.

Ritual Magic: What wonders we can do.

The Spell-Trained Trait is required to possess this Trait.

You have been trained in the use of Rituals to further expand your Deryni Powers to the fullest. Some Rituals require multiple participants and others only require the solitary Deryni. Rituals succeed on an Easy Standard Test.

Perceptive: You gain Advantage when Testing to gain information about your surroundings or find things which may be hidden. You gain this even while asleep. (3d6)

Precise Attacker: When using the Focus Action, your next attack with a light melee weapon is successful on a Test of 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Hit Points: 6

Movement:  25 Feet

Grit: 6

Weapons Proficiency: Light Melee (2d6)

Weapons Mastery: Short Sword (3d6)

Additional Weapons Mastery: Dagger (3d6)

Characters Appearance and Gear:  Aged 36, Iain's pale blond hair (worn in a highland braid) along with his ice-blue eyes are part of the Cameron legacy.  He is a man of impeccable taste and appearance.  Although standing only 5'  3 ¾", he has a commanding presence when he chooses to use it.  He is an excellent swordsman and has developed physical strength through years of hard practice.  He is accomplished in the art of disguise and can appear as whoever he needs to be at any given time.  At present he wears the garb of a Purple Guardsman, complete with purple sash and steel helmet.  He has darkened his hair with a special powder to a mature blond.  Hidden in an inside pocket of his shirt he carries a silver Camber medallion attuned to King Kelson and a set of ward cubes.  He wears his father's sword and his grandfather's deadly dagger.

Family Trade: Nobility

Background:  Iain Cameron became Baron o' Isles upon the death of his father.  He was created Earl o' Isles by King Kelson in 1164 as a reward for his service and for agreeing to marry Princess Sidana of Meara.  He served as King Kelson's master spy during the Mearan War and continues to fulfil that role at the King's pleasure.  He is known to the Master of the Black Order of Death and they have an understanding and respect for each other's abilities.

Belief: Honor and Integrity are all important, even when they sometimes require bending the rules a bit.
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Player Name:

Character Name:
Father Trevor Sean O'Flynn


Heritage Trait:

Additional Traits:
  • Spell Trained
  • Telekineses
  • Ritual Trained
  • Charismatic
  • Shapechange

Hit Points: 6

Movement: 25 feet

Grit: 8

Weapon Proficiency:
Light Melee (2D6 for all)

Weapon Mastery:
Dagger (3D6)

XP Totals:

Family Trade:
Nobility/horse breeders

Magic is a blessing which should be cherished and respected and used for the betterment of mankind.

Trevor is the only one of the boys who looks more like mom than dad, but there's no mistaking him for anything but an O'Flynn. Short brown curls with a small, lazy tonsure, kind blue eyes, mischievous grin when the mood takes him to grin. Great teeth (according to some).

Trevor is a good priest, but after 14 years of the priesthood, he's finding that he feels something is missing from his life. The work of the Church has carried him on for the most part, but that no longer seems enough.

Nasty sharp stilletto
silver chain with silver Saint Camber medallion
gold signet ring
small wooden cross on leather cord
Embroidery kit (needles, hoops, floss, etc)
Gold coins (10)
ward cubes

Baby of the family until he came along 11 years later.
Now is life, and life is always better.