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How eligible is Morgan, really?

Started by AnnieUK, May 24, 2010, 02:43:11 PM

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While many of the girls would have avoided Morgan as an evil wizard, it would likely occur to a completely immoral girl that she could do whatever she wanted around him and then when her parents protested, claim to have been mind controlled. One case of a lynch mob after him - or watching an earlier deryni get killed - would explain why Morgan was terrified of the women of the court and gave them wide berth.


Hello, whitelaughter, Welcome to the board.

A possibility such as what you offer would definitely be a deterrent to finding a romantic interest for our young eligible Duke. Such and incident would be interesting to read. We here are fond of fan fiction so please be my guest and write out a short tale for us.

I am sure our young Alaric was not celibate from age 12 to age 29, but I am also sure he was very careful not to entice any young woman of nobility for fear of reprisal from her family.  And up until he was swept away by the lady Richenda, he would not have found a lady who met his match. Also, consider that Queen Jehana would have severely frowned on any of her ladies at court -young ladies who would have been eligible to be a duchess- from even considering looking at the evil Deryni; his good looks were just a lure to his devilry in her mind. Some of those ladies may not have felt the same as their queen about Deryni being evil wizards, but I doubt that any of them would have openly gone against the Queen's wishes.  Who would risk the Queen's favor to take a chance on gaining the eye of a man who was considered wealthy, yes, but dangerous.

The ladies at the Coroth court and the Lendour court had a better chance of attracting his eye, but few of them would have had the qualifications be become a duchess. So perhaps he had a dalliance a few times, but nothing that would become knowledgeable at court.
May your horses have wings and fly!