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Dear Abby

Started by Elkhound, January 31, 2012, 11:23:27 AM

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I just found in the library an old compilation of "The Best of Dear Abbey."  Remember her?  It struck me that it might be fun to imagine what various characters in the books might describe their situation in a letter to the Gwynnedian equivalent.  Here's my contribution:

"Dear Abby:

I'm a 14-year-old boy; my father recently died.  His good friend A. has been like a big brother or uncle all these years, but now all of a sudden--when I most need him--my mother has taken an intense dislike to him and does everything she can short of actually forbidding me to see him to keep us apart. How can I get Mom to see reason?


"Dear Abby:

I'm a widow with a 14-year-old son.  Shortly before he died, my late husband took a teenage boy under his wing; the boy had been orphaned quite young, and although he was left quite well-off, he had no near relatives.  The young man--let's call him M.--is now in his late 20s, and has been acting like an uncle/big brother to my son.

At first I was happy, and thought it sweet that M. wanted to return the favor, but lately it seems as though my son is becoming too emotionally dependant on M.  I'm trying to encourage him to find other companions, but he resists, and accuses me of trying to poison him against M., who has been so kind to him.  What should I do to get him to see that his dependancy on M. is not healthy?


@Evie--Edited to make it more congruent with the text; I was going by memory at first.


This looks like a fun idea, although I think you might be mixing up your boy kings of Gwynedd.  Brion died just a very short time (days, I think?) before Kelson's 14th birthday and subsequent Coronation, so Kelson would have no difficulty at all remembering his father.  Also, Jehana's animosity towards Morgan began even before Kelson's birth and was primarily due to him being Deryni rather than for any reasons having to do with Kelson looking up to him, although I can see her being rather evasive about those sorts of details in a "Dear Abby" letter.

Let's see if I can come up with one:

Dear Abby:

I've reached a crisis point in my career, and I don't know what to do.  I'm a traveling faith healer who has spent the past few years using the gifts God gave me to heal his people and to preach against the evils of the accursed Deryni race.  Now I've just discovered that some of that "accursed" race have been given the gift of Healing as well!  This has really messed up my thinking--can I have been so wrong for all these years?  My friend E. L. says I haven't been, but I'm beginning to think maybe he's too blinded by his own prejudices to see the light of new revelation....


"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Dear Abby:

I am so confused I don't know what to do.  For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to pursue a religious life.  Last year I entered a religious order as a Novice, but then a terrible thing happened that changed everything.  I had to leave the Abbey temporarily, and I met the most disturbing young man.  He's very handsome and gallant, but also a little shy.   Now my heart is torn between what I thought was my calling and how much I might enjoy a life with him.  What should I do?

From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Nice contributions!  Now an extra challenge--answer somone else's letter.

"Dear W.

At one time humans and Deryni lived in this country in relative harmony, and their gifts, particularly Healing, were honored.  This is still so in some of our neighboring countries; our intolerance is one reason why some of our neighbors think we are the barbarians.  You are right to re-examine the prejudices you were brought up with, and E.L. sounds like the sort of narrow-minded bigot you don't need in your life.  I'd suggest getting away from him and anyone else who is trying to influence you and figure out what it is you believe yourself, not what others tell you.


(Our world's Abby was always ahead of the curve on matters of racial and religious tolerance, and urged acceptance of gays long before it was mainstream.)


Dear Abby,

On the face of it I have everything. I'm married to a nice man with a title and lands of his own and we have a lovely little boy. The thing is, I've met this gorgeous man. At least I say I've met him, but I don't even know who he is. But he's really handsome and when our eyes met there was a definite connection between us. I can't get him out of my head. I think I care more for this hot stranger than I do for my husband. I'm so confused.


*** if Abby can be ahead of the game on intolerance, RC can use the word "hot" to describe her mysterious stranger.


Dear RC,

Take a cold bath, dear.


....Well, there's several novels that won't end up getting written in quite the same way if RC takes that advice!   ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


This was my response, but I certainly liked Evie's  :D :

Dear RC:
Marriage is a sacred vow, one that requires you to forsake all others.  Only the worst of crimes, such as treachery to the King, could justify your turning away from your husband.  Since that is not likely to happen, you must be firm and resolve to put all thoughts of this hot handsome stranger out of your thoughts.  You'll probably never see him again, anyway.

From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Dear Abby

Cold baths do not work.  My maids are very worried about me.



Dear Abby

Your next letter - do you have the Second Sight?   I am completely lost and confused.   My husband has done something so terrible that I cannot even write about it.    Whatever happens, my son and I are lost.

But I have met my handsome stranger again and now know who he is.   I am even more confused.  


PS:   If I am somehow forced to travel with the King's army, there will only be cold water for baths anyway.


Dear Abby,

How can I convince my father that I'm really not cut out for soldiering? I'm not very good at swordsmanship and riding and all those other things he thinks I should excel at. He's even sent me away from home in the hopes that learning at the Duke of Corwyn's court will make a difference. It won't. I'd sooner curl up in a corner with a book or study with a tutor than do all that supposedly manly stuff. I'm working really hard and pretty much everything aches but I'm tired and unhappy and I want to go home.



Dear Abby,

I always thought I wanted to be a priest when I grow up, but now that I've met a wonderful girl, I'm not so sure.  Now I really want to marry her, but one of my father's men accidentally killed her eldest brother in an idiotic tavern brawl over some wench, so unfortunately our families are feuding. I don't know what to do next.


PS--Could you please reply before midnight tonight?
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Dear Abby,

I fell in love with this handsome young boy last spring. Unfortunately, my brother was killed in a bar brawl over a girl by a member of his clan. We'd originally planned to ask our father's permission to marry after their campaign, but once the blood feud broke out, he and I knew that was useless. So, we got married that night with only God for a witness.

That's not all. Now I think I'm pregnant. How do I explain that to my mother that the boy I love belongs to the clan that killed my brother?

Maryse MacArdry.

Dear Abbey,

I never wanted to leave you, I was kidnapped from the dortoir--honest! Now I've been married to a human woman and they say I have to be King of Gwynedd. A part of me really wants to, but I have been obliged to set aside my priestly vows, too. I'm damned my wife is damned and so are my sons. 

How on Earth can I put this right??
Sincerely Cinhil Rex
You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


Dear Abby,

I just murdered the man who married, then abused my sister in a most horrific manner.  Fortunately she survived and is recovering.  He also murdered his mother and raped many women and killed almost every child born from these acts.  I broke both his legs, drugged him full of narcotics, and dumped him in a really deep hole.  And to top it all off, a female demon finished him off.  Did I do anything wrong?

We will never forget the events of 9-11!!  USA!! USA!!


Quote from: derynifanatic64 on January 31, 2012, 06:28:15 PM
Dear Abby,

I just murdered the man who married, then abused my sister in a most horrific manner.  He also murdered his mother and raped many women and killed almost every child born from these acts.  I broke both his legs, drugged him full of narcotics, and dumped in a really deep hole.  And to top it all off, a female demon finished him off.  Did I do anything wrong?


"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


We will never forget the events of 9-11!!  USA!! USA!!