Katherine Kurtz and Scott MacMillan => Archived Chats => Chat Logs => 2019 Archive => Topic started by: DesertRose on January 27, 2019, 07:01:36 PM
Title: KK Chat -- 27 January 2019
Post by: DesertRose on January 27, 2019, 07:01:36 PM
[Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:04:55 PM EST] Join KK has joined this channel. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:04:59 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi KK! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:02 PM EST] <bynw> Hi KK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:03 PM EST] <judyward> Hi, KK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:05 PM EST] <Jemler> you lost, right? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:07 PM EST] <KK> Hello, all. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:08 PM EST] <Jemler> hi kk [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:20 PM EST] <Evie> Hi KK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:25 PM EST] <DesertRose> Nope, but I had to do some interesting maneuvers with my plate to keep a cat face out of it. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:26 PM EST] <DesertRose> ;) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:05:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> How are you doing, KK? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:02 PM EST] <KK> I can't stay long, because I just got back from visiting Scott in the hospital in Richmond. (And I moved my mom into Assisted Living on Friday, and wee're still settling in there. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:10 PM EST] <DesertRose> What happened to Scott? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:17 PM EST] <judyward> What's up with Scott? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:21 PM EST] <KK> Can we say, Exhausted? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:23 PM EST] <bynw> yeah what happened to Scott? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:26 PM EST] Join The_Bee (Mibbit@7F791F.1DE43C.7A71FB.083CF0) has joined this channel. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:32 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Bee. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:32 PM EST] <Jemler> hi bee [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:33 PM EST] <judyward> Hope she takes well to the AL place. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:37 PM EST] <DesertRose> And yeah, that sounds wearying to say the least. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:38 PM EST] <judyward> Hi, Bee [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:43 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi everyone [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:45 PM EST] <Evie> Oh dear, KK! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:06:48 PM EST] <Jemler> who is your mom gonna be helping? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:07:21 PM EST] <KK> Scott has Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis, which sent us to the ER early last Saturday, and they transferred him to Richmond later that day, where he's been since. Slowly improving. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:07:27 PM EST] <DesertRose> Ouch. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:07:35 PM EST] <The_Bee> bummer [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:07:36 PM EST] * DesertRose sends get-well woodgies to Scott. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:07:40 PM EST] <bynw> prayers for you KK, Scott and LBM [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:07:42 PM EST] <judyward> OMG! Prayers for him & you!! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:07:55 PM EST] <Evie> Wow! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:07:56 PM EST] * DesertRose also sends restful/good-sleep woodgies to KK and settling-in woodgies to LBM. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:08:05 PM EST] <Evie> Will definitely keep him and LBM in my prayers [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:08:07 PM EST] <judyward> Yes, and Mom, too. Mine didn't take well to being moved to AL. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:08:08 PM EST] <Evie> And you [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:08:21 PM EST] <KK> He's feeling better, but it's slow going. No one knows how it got started (remember, it's spontaneous), but it may be related to liver issues that they've been invedstigating since midsummer. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:08:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> KK, do you mind if I post a prayer request thread about all this, LBM moving to assisted living and Scott being sick? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:08:37 PM EST] <The_Bee> What's the name of LBM's new home? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:08:41 PM EST] <DesertRose> Ow, re liver issues. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:09:07 PM EST] <judyward> Liver stuff is always touchy & usually hurts. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:10:27 PM EST] <KK> Prayer request is ok. LBM's new home is called Brightview Baldwin Park, here in Staunton, only 1/3 mile from here. Her short-term memory has gotten far worse than I'd realized. And then when her caregiving company raised their rates by $2/hr as of Feb 1, and another $2 for moving her to more of a personal care lefel--well, it's just financially unstainable. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:10:35 PM EST] <KK> unsustainable [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:10:46 PM EST] <DesertRose> Indeed. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:10:57 PM EST] <judyward> Very expensive. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:11:25 PM EST] <DesertRose> I'm not sure how often you visit the forum, KK, but we have a sub-forum for prayer requests and the like, so that was what I meant, making a thread under that heading. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:11:26 PM EST] <judyward> I told my brother to put up a portable building in back for me. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:12:17 PM EST] <KK> So that's what's currently on my plate, along with my own Atrial-Fibrillation, which has been made worse by my asthma not being properly controlled for a while, and I didn't realize. So now I'm on 2 different inhalers, to see if we can get the asthma properly controlled, and then probably another heart shock. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:12:29 PM EST] <DesertRose> My stepdad has bought long-term care insurance for himself. With all the medical crap he has going on, it's a good precaution. Mom hasn't bothered, but despite being not quite three months younger than my stepdad, she's in significantly better health. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:12:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yikes! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:12:32 PM EST] <Evie> Ow [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:12:34 PM EST] <KK> That's ok, DR. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:02 PM EST] <The_Bee> Yike! I hope you're takingcare of yourself, KK. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:08 PM EST] <judyward> Oh, goodness, KK! Moving you up on the prayer list. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:29 PM EST] <KK> As well as I can. Who knew that three major life challenges would all hit at once? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:38 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yes, take care of yourself, too, KK. You can't help anyone if your own cup is empty, so to speak. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:39 PM EST] Join Derynifank (~) has joined this channel. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:41 PM EST] <judyward> Long Term Care is good, just read carefully. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:43 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Derynifank [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:53 PM EST] <The_Bee> helpful woodgies to you all. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:13:57 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hi DR [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:14:00 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi DFK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:14:00 PM EST] <judyward> Hi, DFK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:14:04 PM EST] <Jemler> hi derynifank [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:14:09 PM EST] <DesertRose> I'm sure he did; he's very cautious about that sort of thing. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:14:20 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hi all [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:14:35 PM EST] <judyward> Good to hear! They are regulated pretty well, but you can miss some small stuff. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:14:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> I probably actually ought to read the fine print myself, in case it ever comes down to my needing to know, although it would probably fall first to Mom, then to the Pod-Child, then to me. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:15:07 PM EST] <judyward> Pod Child is before you? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:15:22 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yes, because my parents legally adopted her, and also because she isn't disabled. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:15:36 PM EST] <KK> Our friends are stepping up the plate admirably. Wednesday, I went with one of Scott's car buddies to visit Scott; and today, another of his friends and wife made the trek with me. I am SO thankful that I've been spared the drive. It's about 100 miles to Richmond, but that's a long drive for me any more. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:15:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, and when you're tired and stressed, that makes driving that much more difficult. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:16:13 PM EST] <judyward> That is a long drive, especially in Winter. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:16:34 PM EST] <KK> And by yourself, too. It's a long, fiarly boring drive, so companionship helps a lot. We also had some nice lunches on the way over both times. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:16:48 PM EST] <DesertRose> Ah, yeah, featureless interstate? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:16:50 PM EST] <judyward> That's good. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:17:03 PM EST] <Derynifank> I must have missed something , is Scott in the hospital? Hope it's not too serious [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:17:05 PM EST] <Jemler> virginia doesn't have winter. they're below the mason-dixon line. :) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:17:17 PM EST] <KK> Yeah, I didn't get over there immediately after he was sent, because we were expecting crappy weather which, fortunately, never really materialized. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:17:26 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yes, Derynifank, Scott has spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, they were in the ER Saturday night, and now he's in hospital in Richmond. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:17:36 PM EST] <judyward> Once we got stuck in snow drifts there, in 1965, I think. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:17:55 PM EST] <Derynifank> I hope he is doing well [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:17:56 PM EST] <DesertRose> He's on the mend. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:18:24 PM EST] <Jemler> at least hospital food has gotten better. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:18:38 PM EST] <KK> That was the closest bed at a level one hospital. It's Virginia Commonwealth Hospital, part of their medical school. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:18:46 PM EST] <judyward> Way better than it used to be! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:18:48 PM EST] <Derynifank> Actually Jemler, Virginia does have winter, the further west you go in the state the more you get [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:19:09 PM EST] <The_Bee> in the mountains [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:19:17 PM EST] <KK> Yep. We've had several serious snowfalls already, this winter. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:19:20 PM EST] <judyward> We were in the West part when we got stuck in the snow. I was 15, I think. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:19:23 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hospital food had nowhere to go but up [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:19:35 PM EST] <judyward> True, DFK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:19:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, yuk. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:20:17 PM EST] <Derynifank> And I think Aftonbladet Mt is between kk and Richmond [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:20:19 PM EST] <Jemler> i just had a thought. i know, real shocker, right? anyway i wonder if the south is called Dixie because of the mason-dixon line. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:20:33 PM EST] <Derynifank> Aftonbladet Mountain [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:20:48 PM EST] <Evie> Yup, I believe so. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:21:04 PM EST] <judyward> Very good, Jemler! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:21:15 PM EST] <The_Bee> so why isn't the north called Masonie? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:21:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:21:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> Nah, that's why Macy's is based in the north. :) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:21:34 PM EST] <Derynifank> Sometimes I really hate this thing. "Afton" mountain [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:21:40 PM EST] <judyward> They are more tight assed than us [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:22:17 PM EST] <DesertRose> I saw a uniquely Floridian bumper sticker a few years ago. "When I get old, I'm going to move up north and drive slow." [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:22:24 PM EST] <Evie> LOL [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:22:31 PM EST] <judyward> Yes!! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:22:45 PM EST] <KK> Yep, we have to go over Afton to get there. Even to Charlottesville. If there's heavy fog, not to mention rain, sleet, or snow, it's a bitch. And it's not like there was anything I could do over there, especially for the first few days. But I took him a new bathrobe on Wednesday, Michaeline blue, and told him to think of it as a hug from be, whenever he was wearing. He liked that. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:22:48 PM EST] Join Jerusha () has joined this channel. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:03 PM EST] <Evie> :-) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:04 PM EST] <DesertRose> That bumper sticker is right up there with the "Ouch" bandaid-looking sticker over a dent in the bumper on the list of my faves ever. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:06 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Jerusha [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:09 PM EST] <Jerusha> Finally! I had a lot of trouble getting in [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:17 PM EST] <judyward> Hi, Jerusha [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:24 PM EST] <Jerusha> Hi Everyone! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:28 PM EST] <Evie> hi Jerusha [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:31 PM EST] Join BalanceTheEnergies () has joined this channel. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:32 PM EST] <judyward> Good thinking on the hugs, KK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:33 PM EST] <Jerusha> Hi Evie [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:34 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi BalanceTheEnergies [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:42 PM EST] <The_Bee> Boston drivers have a reputation for regarding traffic laws as suggestions [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:43 PM EST] <Jerusha> Hi BtE [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:45 PM EST] <Derynifank> Actually the mason Dixon line was named for the two men who surveyed it [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:45 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Hello all [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:49 PM EST] <Jemler> hi bte [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:54 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi BtE [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:23:58 PM EST] <judyward> Hi, BTE [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:15 PM EST] <DesertRose> Probably doesn't help that Boston's roads predate cars by quite a few years and thus aren't particularly motor-vehicle friendly. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:16 PM EST] <Jemler> hi jerusha [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:23 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hi Jerusha and Bee [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:25 PM EST] <bynw> hi Jerusha and BTE [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:30 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Sorry I'm late. His Grace vomited earlier [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:31 PM EST] <Jerusha> Hi Jemler [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> Uh oh! I hope Wimsey is okay. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:37 PM EST] <Jerusha> Ick [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:38 PM EST] <KK> And today, when we arrived, a priest-friend of his was there, so we all got to receive communion with him. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:42 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh, nice! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:46 PM EST] <The_Bee> not all, mostly Beacon Hill and the North End [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:49 PM EST] <KK> And we got anointed with chrism. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> :) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:24:59 PM EST] <Evie> :-) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:00 PM EST] <judyward> Good to hear! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:16 PM EST] <Derynifank> That's lovely [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:27 PM EST] <Jemler> don't they do that for last rites? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:37 PM EST] <KK> Interesting man. He was a Ranger and Green Beret before he became a priest. He's also a doctor. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:43 PM EST] <judyward> And other special stuff [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:48 PM EST] <DesertRose> BalanceTheEnergies and Jerusha, just to loop y'all in, KK had to take Scott to the ER Saturday night for what transpired to be spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; he's been transferred to a hospital in Richmond and is on the mend. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:52 PM EST] <KK> Also for healing, Jemler. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:55 PM EST] <bynw> a man of many talents [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:25:59 PM EST] <Jerusha> Interesting indeed [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:26:05 PM EST] <Jemler> he's not an indianchief, is he? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:26:11 PM EST] <KK> Nope. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:26:14 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> am not sure about Wimsey. Thanks DR for the recap. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:26:27 PM EST] <Jerusha> Oh my; glad Scott is on the mend, KK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:26:35 PM EST] <Jemler> a Healer Priest. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:26:52 PM EST] <Evie> Like Duncan. Warrior Healer Priest [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:26:58 PM EST] <DesertRose> And in the interim, KK is balancing taking care of herself (asthma and atrial fibrillation) and Little Bitty Mom, who moved to assisted living on Friday, so she's a bit tired. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:11 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> His regular checkup is Tuesday. Am afraid the vet will tell me it's time for the big sleep. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:15 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh no! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:22 PM EST] <Jerusha> How it LBM coping? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:29 PM EST] <The_Bee> :( [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:35 PM EST] <Derynifank> How did LBM's move go? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:36 PM EST] <judyward> Hope not, BTE! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:36 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Yes how is she getting on? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:36 PM EST] <Evie> Oh dear, BTE! Hopefully not. :-( [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:27:38 PM EST] <Jerusha> Oh no, BtE [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:28:13 PM EST] <The_Bee> How ols is wimsey? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:28:18 PM EST] <The_Bee> old [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:28:22 PM EST] <DesertRose> Layla the Holy Terror of a Kitten that the Pod-Child rescued from a rainstorm at work quite a while back finally was spayed on Friday. She's stuck in a Cone of Shame to keep her from messing with her stitches. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:28:27 PM EST] <Derynifank> Will be thinking of you BtE. Hope not yet [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:28:57 PM EST] * bynw thinks about his kitty Andi that went across the rainbow bridge back in August :( [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:29:01 PM EST] <Jerusha> Is Whimsy a pharaoh hound? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:29:17 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Well, he is aging. Has been on special diet for his kidneys for a while. He could be anything from 12 to 18. I don't know & the vet doesn't either. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:29:22 PM EST] <Derynifank> I know you still miss And I bynw [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:29:36 PM EST] <KK> Not as bad as it could have been, better than it might have been. I've got her old caregivers there for a few days to ease the transition. They hook up her tv tomorrow, so that will make things a little more normal. But we were able to set up her new apartment very much like her old one at the cottage. The familiarity helps, and she seems to like the staff, so far. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:29:40 PM EST] <Derynifank> "Andi" [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:29:46 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> No domestic medium hair tabby. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:30:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> Layla a little before Christmas: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bricbc6Hj2V/ [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:30:13 PM EST] <Jerusha> That's good, KK. Familiarity helps [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:30:49 PM EST] <Derynifank> Layla looks so innocent [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:30:55 PM EST] <judyward> Ooops! New doggie, Quanah wants his dinner. i'm only 90 min late. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:30:57 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yes, it'll be easier if LBM knows where stuff is, and that's easier if it's configured at least somewhat like it was in her cottage. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:31:16 PM EST] <Derynifank> Glad it's going reasonably well kk [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:32:04 PM EST] <DesertRose> Looks can be deceiving, Derynifank! :D Actually, she's a sweetheart who purrs if she thinks you're even thinking about petting her, and she has given Merlin a taste of his own medicine by harassing him, but it means that PJ, the Grey Lady, doesn't have to deal with either of those plebeians too much, so it works. ;) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:32:29 PM EST] <KK> Yes, everything is looking up, I think. It's still been one of the most stressfulo weeks I've ever experienced. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:32:35 PM EST] <DesertRose> I bet! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:32:44 PM EST] <Evie> Yeah [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:32:46 PM EST] <Evie> :-( [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:32:53 PM EST] <Jerusha> That may be an understatement, KK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:32:56 PM EST] <The_Bee> sounds like a game of rock-paper-scissors [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:33:13 PM EST] <Derynifank> I can imagine [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:33:19 PM EST] * DesertRose puts on the teakettle with options for relaxing herbal brews like chamomile or licorice root. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:33:36 PM EST] * Jemler pours KK an apple brandy [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:33:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hot toddies are also on offer, but not sure that's a great idea given the asthma and a-fib. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:34:16 PM EST] <Jerusha> When in doubt, dark chocolate [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:34:21 PM EST] * DesertRose nods. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:34:22 PM EST] <Derynifank> Apple brandy in the tea sounds comfortin [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:34:30 PM EST] <Jemler> hot chocolate, perhaps? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:34:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> Dark chocolate is good for what ails ya. ;) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:34:36 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> I might take something myself. My back hurts behind right shoulder blade. Am thinking pleurisy maybe. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:34:46 PM EST] <Jerusha> Oh dear [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:34:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> Ow, BalanceTheEnergies. Any chance you pulled a muscle? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:35:09 PM EST] <Derynifank> Except that caffeine is not good with A fib [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:35:11 PM EST] <DesertRose> There are a couple back there (levator scapulae for one) that will throw an entire fit if you turn them the wrong way. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:35:14 PM EST] <Evie> Ow. Had pleurisy years ago. Hated it! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:35:43 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Doesn't feel like that, & it hurts worse when I go outside and breathe. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:35:48 PM EST] <Evie> Although mine presented as a pain in the chest that was worse every time I inhaled [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:35:55 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh, yeah, then probably not muscular. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:35:58 PM EST] <DesertRose> Still ow. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:36:07 PM EST] <Derynifank> Bye think I have the same thing but left scapula [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:36:50 PM EST] <Jerusha> I'll sip by Earl Grey green tea and thing healing thoughts for everyone [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:36:55 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> No health insurance, so just have to wait it out. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:36:57 PM EST] <DesertRose> As long as KK doesn't eat an entire bag of dark chocolates, a few won't have enough caffeine to mess with her heart, I shouldn't think. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:36:58 PM EST] <Jerusha> my, that is [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:37:05 PM EST] <The_Bee> Is it worse when you move your arms,BTE? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:37:08 PM EST] <judyward> Chocolate is always good. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:37:22 PM EST] <DesertRose> I wish I could drink green tea. I love the smell and the taste, but it always gives me a killer headache. :( [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:37:34 PM EST] <judyward> That's no fun!! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:37:38 PM EST] <Jerusha> Ouch, DR. I never would have thought that [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:37:43 PM EST] <Derynifank> Chocolate gives you those lovely endorphins [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:38:15 PM EST] <Jerusha> I'll just settle for satisfying my sweet tooth [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:38:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> No, it's not. I had to decline a lovely beverage at an SCA feast wherein the feast steward was going for high-authenticity Japanese cuisine (and did a markedly good job of it, IMO), because it had green tea in it. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:38:45 PM EST] <judyward> Bummer! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:38:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> Indeed. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:38:50 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> I did leave the wreath on my door a bit longer than usual, but mostly I notice it when breathing. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:39:28 PM EST] <The_Bee> Breathing is a habit that's hard to quit. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:39:38 PM EST] <DesertRose> I went looking for something else to put on my door besides the bells/greenery thing that was wintry but not per se Christmas-y but no joy, so the autumnal arrangement of silk flowers is back until spring. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:39:43 PM EST] <Jerusha> Yep. Cold turkey is NOT a good idea [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:39:47 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, breathing is not optional. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:40:09 PM EST] <The_Bee> but we'll all quit someday [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:40:13 PM EST] <DesertRose> True. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:40:39 PM EST] <Jerusha> But not yet [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:41:18 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Reaching up did bother me, but breathing was more obvious. Hated preselling parking Friday night in the cold. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:41:24 PM EST] <Derynifank> Actually if you try to stop you'll pass out and start breathing automat [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:41:37 PM EST] <Derynifank> Automatically [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:42:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> I was talking to one of my neighbors on the elevator about allergy medications, which he can take as needed but I have to take year-round because Florida is Allergy Hell, and I said that breathing isn't optional, and he laughed. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:42:38 PM EST] <judyward> Same here in TX for asthma, all year round. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:42:47 PM EST] <Jerusha> But Florida is warmer than -33 C [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:42:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> By quite a bit, yes. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:43:20 PM EST] <DesertRose> But if you have pollen or mold or any other environmental allergies like that, it sucks here in the spring and fall. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:43:20 PM EST] <bynw> is that with or without windchill Jerusha [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:43:29 PM EST] <judyward> I don't even like to think about those kind of temperatures. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:43:38 PM EST] <Jerusha> With wind chill it will be -44C [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:43:48 PM EST] <DesertRose> YUK!!!!!! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:43:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> Way too cold! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:43:56 PM EST] <judyward> How do you live there???? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:44:05 PM EST] <Jerusha> I do have a very warm coat and cozy socks [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:44:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> With lots and lots of heavy clothing. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:44:23 PM EST] <judyward> No kidding! Layers & layers! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:44:36 PM EST] <Jerusha> Sometimes, Judyward, I'm not sure! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:44:46 PM EST] <DesertRose> That kind of climate might be one of the situations in which it makes sense to invest in silk long underwear. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:44:50 PM EST] <bynw> come tuesday/wednesday we are going to have really cold temps with windchills in the -50 C range (-50 F) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:45:05 PM EST] <judyward> ICK! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:45:09 PM EST] <Derynifank> Ouch abd brrrr [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:45:12 PM EST] <DesertRose> Bleah [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:45:13 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Yep. We had kerosene heaters and small shelters Friday night, but breathing was still chilling. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:45:18 PM EST] <Jerusha> The whole week is supposed to be cold, followed by more cold, and more cold on top of that [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:45:26 PM EST] <bynw> if it's below freezing i wear long underwear (and thats a 32 F) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:02 PM EST] <judyward> If it's below freezing I don't go out! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:10 PM EST] <The_Bee> me neither [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:11 PM EST] <judyward> Unless we need dog or cat food. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:20 PM EST] <KK> Yeah, I've heard there's a polar vortex headed our way. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> The silk stuff is expensive, but if you take good care of it, it'll last a long time, and it does a very good job of keeping you warm without a lot of bulky fabric. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:33 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> I have a couple base layer shirts, but not long underpants. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:34 PM EST] <Jemler> i once walked to work in 8F weather. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:38 PM EST] <Derynifank> Order from chewy.Com and stay in [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:51 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, nope (on the walking in 8 F weather). [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:46:54 PM EST] <judyward> Yes, can do that now, but takes 2 days. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:04 PM EST] <Jerusha> Needless to say, I LOVE the seat heaters in my car [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:21 PM EST] <bynw> KK, yeah that's going to cause my temps to fall drastically on tuesday/wednesday [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:27 PM EST] <KK> Yes! Seat heaters! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:30 PM EST] <DesertRose> I bet! You might freeze, but not necessarily freeze your bum off! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:31 PM EST] <Derynifank> Seat warmers are wonderful [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:48 PM EST] <Evie> I am hoping classes are cancelled Tuesday and the university closes if it snows, so I won't have to go in at all, because right now the entire interstate highway in the downtown area is being torn down (as of last week) to replace the aging bridges, which made traffic a nightmare last week even in [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:48 PM EST] <Evie> normal winter weather. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:51 PM EST] <DesertRose> No guarantees on fingers and toes. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:51 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Wouls like to get some good silk stuff. The ones I have are poly-something. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:52 PM EST] <bynw> seat heaters are great especially if you have leather seats [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:52 PM EST] <Jerusha> Believe it or not, they keep my hands warm [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:47:56 PM EST] <judyward> Me, too. First time I've had seat heaters. Love them! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:48:14 PM EST] <Evie> So we do NOT need to be trying to find alternate routes while also coping with icy roads! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:48:16 PM EST] <bynw> like my wife's car [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:48:18 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, no. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:48:29 PM EST] <DesertRose> (re ice and alternate routes for work commute) [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:48:45 PM EST] <Jerusha> Alternate routes are not fun [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:49:26 PM EST] <Jerusha> We have winter and then construction season. Can't win! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:49:28 PM EST] <bynw> here is the iowa map of windchills due to that polar vortex this week [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:49:28 PM EST] <bynw> http://www.iowachase.com/prolonged-dangerous-cold-and-wind-chills-this-week-2/ [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:49:31 PM EST] <The_Bee> they don't make seat heaters for adult trikes, do they? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:49:36 PM EST] <Evie> All of the traffic going into or leaving downtown is having to divert to alternate routes right now, so you can imagine what that does to our rush hour traffic flow [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:50:41 PM EST] <Derynifank> Woe! Thst's beyond cold [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:50:42 PM EST] <The_Bee> How come, Evie? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:50:49 PM EST] <Jerusha> I feel right at home, Bynw [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:50:54 PM EST] <The_Bee> oh, cold [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:51:09 PM EST] <judyward> Thank you God for sending me to live in Texas! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:51:13 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Bloody hell. Don't want to take His Grace out in that. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:51:20 PM EST] <Evie> Because the interstate system at the heart of the city is currently being taken apart and rebuilt because the bridges need to be replaced due to age [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:51:39 PM EST] <bynw> Jerusha, you are up in Canada ... its a bit colder up there than it gets here most of the time. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:51:44 PM EST] <The_Bee> oh. We have ssome of that is Mass. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:51:58 PM EST] <Jerusha> At a certain point, cold is just COLD [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:52:21 PM EST] <judyward> I agree with that! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:52:24 PM EST] <bynw> BTE, you aren't too far away from me are you ... it will probably be the same in your neck of the woods [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:52:43 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Des Moines [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:53:00 PM EST] <bynw> you are in Des Moines? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:53:04 PM EST] <Jerusha> I can honestly say I'm glad the whippets are no longer with us to have to go outside in this [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:53:10 PM EST] <judyward> Wonder how the eagles are doing in Decorah? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:53:15 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Yes. Downtown. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:53:42 PM EST] <bynw> BalanceTheEnergies, see the PM [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:54:22 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> How do I do that? [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:54:33 PM EST] <bynw> depends on your chat client [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:54:36 PM EST] <judyward> Just looked at the eagles, snow on the nest. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:54:57 PM EST] <bynw> but you should probably have a tab or something with my name on it next to the tab or whatever with the channel on it [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:54:58 PM EST] <BalanceTheEnergies> Am in kiwi. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:55:03 PM EST] <Evie> There might be a tab to click on that shows bynw's name [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:55:20 PM EST] <bynw> should just be another tab [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:55:29 PM EST] <KK> Well, guys, I think I'm going to betake myself off to an hour of Victoria and then to bed, with a cat or two on the bed and two hounds at its foot to guard me. Bed sounds like an excellent destination. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:55:51 PM EST] <Jerusha> Sleep well, KK. You deserve a good night's rest [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:55:54 PM EST] <judyward> Sending prayers & hugs, KK. Hope your week is better. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:55:57 PM EST] <Derynifank> Sounds good kk, rest well [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:55:59 PM EST] <Evie> Goodnight KK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:55:59 PM EST] <KK> Stay warm,all of you, and I'll see you next week, hopefuloly with better news all around. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:04 PM EST] <Jemler> nite kk [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:08 PM EST] <bynw> Thanks for coming KK even though your week has been rough. Make sure you get some rest too [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:09 PM EST] <judyward> You,too [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:21 PM EST] Join bynw2 () has joined this channel. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:22 PM EST] <KK> Signing off. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:30 PM EST] <judyward> Bye! [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:36 PM EST] <bynw> BalanceTheEnergies, should just be a tap at the top of the chat [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:38 PM EST] <The_Bee> Take care of yourelf, KK. Thanks for coming. I hope Scott is recovered soon. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:44 PM EST] <Jerusha> Night, KK [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:44 PM EST] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:56:54 PM EST] <KK> Nighters, all. [Sunday, January 27, 2019] [7:57:30 PM EST] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).