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KK Chat -- 26 December 2021

Started by DesertRose, December 26, 2021, 08:38:19 PM

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[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:03:08 PM EST] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:03:15 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hello KK
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:03:23 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Hi
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:03:28 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello KK, Happy Christmas Weekend
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:03:31 PM EST] <KK> Hello, folks, and happy Boxing Day!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:03:40 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Merry Christmas
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:03:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I hope this weekend has you feeling better than last weekend
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:03:54 PM EST] <KK> So was Santa good to you all?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:04:03 PM EST] <KK> Feeling much better!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:04:05 PM EST] <Laurna> I put forth a nice dinner for imidiate family. The day was a success
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:04:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Glad you're feeling better
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:04:33 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Santa was kind and brought me a new iWatch. And various and sundry other treats.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:04:53 PM EST] <KK> I went to dinner with friends south of here and had a very nice repast, which my gut appreciated. I think I'm healthy again.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:05:04 PM EST] <Laurna> I was house cleaning like a fend for four days and then cooking and it all got done. Yah!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:05:39 PM EST] <Laurna> Glad to hear the food was good and appreciated by the insides.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:06:07 PM EST] <KK> I'm now engaged in the cleanup of debris that accumulated during 2 weeks of being sick, and then finishing up the last of the Christmas preps, such as they were. But I did have a wee tree and a few other small decorations.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:06:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> I got a fitness tracker/smart watch too, from DD and her fiance
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:06:41 PM EST] <Laurna> Nice but does that mean you have to use it?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:06:48 PM EST] <KK> Evie, surely your DD can't be old enough to be engaged. Where does the time go?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:07:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> She's 24 😂
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:07:23 PM EST] <KK> Good grief! It's been a wile since Dragoncon, hasn't it?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:07:26 PM EST] <Laurna> Happy to hear about the engagment. Wish them both happiness
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:07:36 PM EST] <KK> Is he nice?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:07:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Gratz on the DD's engagement. 🙂
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:07:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Yeah, it's been a minute since I last was able to go to a con
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:07:59 PM EST] <KK> And how is your son the nurse doing?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:08:07 PM EST] <Laurna> LOL long minute
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:08:43 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Thanks. He's a very sweet young man, very quiet, but nice, and DD does enough talking for two. 😂
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:09:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> My son the nurse is up to his eyeballs in work right now, working bonus hours until sometime next month, but he'll be able to pay off all his student debt once he's done. He's exhausted though.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:10:45 PM EST] <KK> Good for him! And staying healthy in these dangerous Covid times, I trust.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:11:20 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> He took on the extra shifts hoping to get out of debt as quickly as possible, but I think he feels like he might have bitten off more hours than he can chew.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:11:20 PM EST] <Laurna> Wishing your son lots of energy and courage. I know how hard it is.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:11:23 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Hello, Happy Boxing Day, Everyone
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:11:27 PM EST] <KK> Paying off student debt is good.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:11:28 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hello Shiral
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:11:37 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Shiral
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:11:38 PM EST] <KK> Hi, Shiral.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:12:18 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> He sees some Covid patients, but he gets them after they are past being contagious, and only if they need to be on ECMO treatment.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:12:20 PM EST] <KK> Hopefully he won't overdo and run his health into the ground.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:12:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Glad you're feeling better and got to enjoy Christmas, KK
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:12:24 PM EST] <Laurna> Are you still raining up there. shiral?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:12:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Yes, off and on, Laurna
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:12:55 PM EST] <KK> Crazy weather all over the country, I think.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:12:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> It's a really good day to be inside wearing warm slippers
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:13:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> I've told him he needs to take some vacation time after he finishes this extra work period
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:13:06 PM EST] <Laurna> We had sun after 10am and it has been a lovely cool day
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:13:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> And other warm things, before anyone gets carried away with the mental image
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:13:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Shiral, lol!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:14:00 PM EST] <Laurna> One nice thing is all that over time counts toward your retirement hours. Of course he is a little young to be thinking about that.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:14:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> It was in the 70s here today, so I'm in a t- shirt. Really weird Christmas weather! I feel like I'm in south TX instead of AL
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:14:11 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> If he's worked in a ward full of COVID patients, I'm sure he's earned the nicest vacation of his life
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:14:35 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Forecast has been for snow most of this past week, and we finally got a teensy bit this morning.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:14:58 PM EST] <KK> No snow here yet, and none forecast yet, either.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:15:24 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> He's in cardiac intensive care, so it's not primarily Covid patients, but he has some who had heart issues as a result of having had Covid.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:15:25 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Thankfully, The Sierra's are accumulating a nice snowpack
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:15:26 PM EST] <Laurna> Evie, as long as the snow storms and tornado's stay away.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:16:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> More danger of tornadoes than snow, I would think, though only if we get a really cold front move into all of this heat
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:17:22 PM EST] <Laurna> NO No, no more of those
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:17:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Those storms tend to form when cold and hot air mix
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:18:36 PM EST] <KK> No competing with Kentucky, plase. Those poor folk really got walloped.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:18:53 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> I got hot cocoa for Christmas that I'm saving for if it ever gets cold
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:18:53 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I know, those poor babies
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:18:56 PM EST] <Laurna> Good thing they don't happen at the front door when you open it. all that cold air meeting the hot air of the house
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:19:40 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I know I don't want to experience a Tornado after that. Not wild about hurricanes either
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:19:54 PM EST] <Laurna> Me neither
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:19:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Yeah, I feel for KY because I can relate with that sort of weather, being at the heart of Dixie Alley. 😢
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:20:06 PM EST] <KK> At least one knows when a hurricane is coming.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:20:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Well yes, that's the silver lining. Earthquakes just start shaking, ready or not
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:20:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Forecasting tornadoes is much more precise than it used to be
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:21:54 PM EST] <Laurna> I have seen water spouts and dust devils but never a tornado
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:22:39 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I spent a good chunk of time in hurricane and tornado country, but never saw either
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:22:43 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> lucky
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:23:04 PM EST] <Laurna> In Costa Rica, we had a fun Water spout about 20 feet across come near our anchored boat. It was raining sea water
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:23:36 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> prolly looked cool
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:23:53 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi everyone! And Evie, too!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:23:53 PM EST] <Laurna> It was fun, and in July so it was warm
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:23:59 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:24:01 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:24:07 PM EST] <Laurna> How was the cheesecake
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:24:13 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yum
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:24:21 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I'm still drooling over your chocolate cheesecake
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:24:25 PM EST] <Laurna> Portal?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:24:27 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Hello!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:24:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> But I swear next Christmas we are having hot dogs
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:24:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> hot dogs with cheesecake for dessert? 😉
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:25:00 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yeah, that would work
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:25:07 PM EST] <Laurna> We had a honeya baked ham. Much better than hotdogs and just as easy
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:25:33 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I finally finished the dishes at 9:00 PM
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:25:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Jerusha, you did all the cooking! Someone else's job to cleanup!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:25:57 PM EST] <Laurna> lol Your guests are supposed to help with the dishes
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:26:11 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I do have leftover cheesecake, if you send me your Portal address, Laruna
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:26:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> We had honeybaked ham, too. good stuff! I have some leftovers for dinner tonight.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:26:40 PM EST] <Laurna> Nice I will trade you a piece of apple pie. which was really good too
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:26:42 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I made a raspberry Bakewell tart for dessert
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:26:48 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> DH would have helped, but we have a small galley kitchen, and one of us would have ended up stabbed with the carving knife
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:27:00 PM EST] <Laurna> Yumm
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:27:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Made it the first time 5 years ago, and somehow started my own Christmas tradition
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:27:03 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> My niece made Nasty cake for dessert. It was amazing, as usual.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:27:29 PM EST] <Laurna> Nasty Cake?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:27:42 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Eclair cake but made with chocolate graham crackers
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:27:51 PM EST] <Laurna> ah
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:27:58 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> The next year, I made it for a Holiday potluck at work. Now in December, people sidle up to me and ask "are you making THE tart for the party?"
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:28:06 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie> Pardon silence on this end. DH and I have stopped to pick up some Thai food
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:28:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I have no clue why my sister called it nasty cake, but there you go. And the name stuck.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:28:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Sounds good, Nezz
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:28:33 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Shiral, I'll trade you Nasty cake for tart...
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:28:45 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I'll also take apple pie
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:28:53 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh yeah, apple pie, too
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:29:00 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Ah, but then you must come through my portal, Nezz....Its carefully warded!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:29:14 PM EST] <Laurna> We need a general meeting Portal where we can all bring and share our left over deserts
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:29:21 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Indeed
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:29:27 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> @KK, any good desserts on your end?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:29:30 PM EST] <KK> Sounds like a plan.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:29:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Assuming there ARE leftovers....
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:29:47 PM EST] <Laurna> RIGHT?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:30:06 PM EST] <KK> Our dessert was a new recipe for pears stuffed with walnuts and raisins. OK, but nothing to write home about.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:30:14 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I had my mother over for Christmas Eve supper and made some Linzer Cookies. (Think, spicy, hazelnutty shortbread cookies sandwiched together with jam.)
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:30:30 PM EST] <KK> Those are good!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:30:36 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> New recipes are always fun. 🙂
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:30:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> They turned out rather well, if I do say so myself. =o)
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:30:53 PM EST] <Laurna> I made muled wine spiced pouched pears for christmas dinner
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:31:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Wow
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:31:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Muled Wine? 😉 Was it stubborn?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:31:23 PM EST] <Laurna> LOLO
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:31:24 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> heh
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:31:26 PM EST] <KK> This recipe was from Joy of Cooking, but....meh.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:31:41 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I love poached pears, but what wine you use matters
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:32:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I made a good pear tart at Thanksgiving. That recipe and the linzer cookies werer both from Dorrie Greeenspan's book Baking.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:32:23 PM EST] <Laurna> I had a sweat german Rose with the taste of rasberryes. not too bad
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:33:15 PM EST] <Laurna> Though I do not normally drink wine, so I can not say how good it was
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:33:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Of course, the pears were on a bed of sweet almond filling in a tart shell, so that may have upped the ante a little
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:34:01 PM EST] <Laurna> That would do it
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:34:19 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> But we ate a LOT of the Bakewell tart, last night. And its pretty rich
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:34:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> what' makes it a "Bakewell" tart?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:35:41 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> The original recipe had the instruction "Bake well" and somebody got a critical step wrong. But the result was so good, nobody cared!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:36:06 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> that's cute
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:36:41 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I really love the combination of tart raspberries and the sweet almond Frangipane. Hard to beat
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:37:30 PM EST] <KK> Sounds delicious.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:37:31 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> But it's a special occasion dish and it takes a while to make
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:37:43 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Always worth the effort, though
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:38:07 PM EST] <Laurna> I added sliced almonds and bacon to the uusall green bean cassorole and that made a huge differnence
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:38:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> The recipe I use is from the Book "Pie it Forward" by Gesine Bullock Prado. She's actually Sandra Bullock's sister
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:38:25 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> That sounds good, Laurna
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:38:51 PM EST] <Laurna> Neat Shiral
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:39:14 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Sounds good, Laurna.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:39:29 PM EST] <KK> I had forgotten how good green bean casserole is. And Laurna, your additions sound excellent!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:39:59 PM EST] <Laurna> I like it as long as it is not over cooked
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:40:18 PM EST] <Laurna> Opposit of BakeWell lol
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:40:19 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I do like the crunchy onion strings on it
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:40:25 PM EST] <Laurna> yep
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:40:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Allergic to onions, so I use chow mein noddles
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:41:05 PM EST] <Laurna> oh
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:41:14 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> noodles., that is. the crunchy kind
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:41:27 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I think my mom used to make it that way
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:41:41 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Crunch is a great element in a dish
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:42:44 PM EST] <KK> Yes.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:43:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> So... Christmas out of the way... NYE plans?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:43:56 PM EST] <Laurna> Sit at home and relax
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:43:57 PM EST] <KK> Hah! Surely you jest!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:44:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Buncha storebought treats?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:44:03 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Stay at home with nachos. Champagne later
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:44:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> lol
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:44:18 PM EST] <KK> Yes, quiet in front of Hallmark holiday movies.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:44:23 PM EST] <Laurna> Nachos and champagne there you go
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:44:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> My ol' man is playing a gig that night and felt guilty for leaving me at home, so he's farmed me off at one of my friends' house.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:44:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> New Year's....Nope. Other than to relax
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:45:20 PM EST] <Laurna> There you go. but why not join him at the Gig
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:45:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Might indulge in some Champagne
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:45:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> And toast a hopefully less bumpy new year in 2022
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:45:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Can't stay sitting up for very long
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:46:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> My friend is going to ensconce me in a comfy chair
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:46:05 PM EST] <Laurna> Or stay warm enough
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:46:16 PM EST] <Laurna> That will be good
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:46:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Comfy chairs are good
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:46:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I'm a BIG fan of comfy chairs
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:46:47 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Even when I'm not expecting the Spanish Inquisition
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:46:55 PM EST] <Laurna> I get four dogs on me and two at my feet and then I can not move
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:47:20 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> My friend has cats so hopefully I'll manage to get one on me that night
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:47:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> But you are warm!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:47:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> That does sound pretty immobilizing, Laurna
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:47:36 PM EST] <KK> But comforting.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:47:45 PM EST] <Laurna> great for Movie watching
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:47:59 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Dmitri is in charge of incapussitation at my house. Tati isn't quite big enough
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:48:21 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Certainly toasty warm!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:48:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> My friend's cats are much younger than mine, so they're more active
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:49:16 PM EST] <KK> I hope to go to the shelter this week and maybe find a new kitty companion....or two.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:49:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Eeeeeeeee!!!!! New kitties!!!!!!!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:49:36 PM EST] <Laurna> That would be very nice for you and the companion.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:49:40 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I hope the right kitten(s) will be there hoping to see you, KK!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:49:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Good luck, KK! Hope you find affectionate furry friends
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:49:54 PM EST] <Laurna> Two will be much fun. You will not be relaxing for NYE
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:49:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Looking for kittens or older cats?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:50:11 PM EST] <KK> I haven't acquired cats this way for a long time. We'll see.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:50:37 PM EST] <KK> Mature cats, maybe ones who have lost their human.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:50:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I hope a wonderful new friend will find a home with you before the new year, KK
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:50:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Yeah
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:51:02 PM EST] <KK> Amen.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:51:08 PM EST] <Laurna> Wishing you the best in your search
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:51:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> You might be the perfect rescue human for a bonded pair
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:51:39 PM EST] <KK> That's sort of what I'm thinking, Shiral.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:51:59 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Sounds like an excellent plan, KK.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:52:19 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Very lucky kitties to find you, KK
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:52:32 PM EST] <KK> We'll see.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:52:41 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> We know they'll be very happy living with you!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:53:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> If you get two males they could be Alaric and Duncan...Oops, I guess I said that out loud,,,
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:53:24 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> snork
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:53:28 PM EST] <Laurna> LOVE IT
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:53:47 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Females could be Richenda and Evaine
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:53:58 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Good point, Jerusha
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:54:04 PM EST] <KK> I won't name them after my characters.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:54:28 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> They need to be unique?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:54:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Where do you usually get your pet names from?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:54:54 PM EST] <Laurna> I get pet names from books and TV so HUMMM
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:55:09 PM EST] <Laurna> But give it a twist.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:55:57 PM EST] <Laurna> Artful Wizard was named after Arty from Warehouse thirteen and Dresane Files
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:56:24 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> BRB, Must put laundry in the dryer
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:56:40 PM EST] <Laurna> Of course the Peacocks are Alaric, Richenda, Jaxom, Washburn, Darcy and Fiona
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:56:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> It usually takes me a while to come up with kitty names. Some of them will go for a month or more before getting a permanent name.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:56:57 PM EST] <KK> Edgar was named for J Edgar Hoover, because he came in through the cat flap and hoovered up the other cats' food. He was also an investigator cat.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:57:09 PM EST] <KK> Yes, Nezz.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:57:12 PM EST] <Laurna> Cool
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:57:14 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> heh
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:58:17 PM EST] <KK> Smartest cat I've ever had.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [7:58:52 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> an "investigator" cat?
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:00:08 PM EST] <KK> Sigh, I think I'm going to sign off for tonight, guys. Still regaining my energy after 2 weeks of hardly eating anything, and losing 5 lbs, and my stamina isn't yet recovered.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:00:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Returned
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:00:43 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh dear! Relax and get well
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:00:47 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Sure you you keep getting better
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:00:49 PM EST] <Laurna> Take good care of yourself KK and start the new year with renewed energy
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:01:07 PM EST] <KK> He was very curious about everything. Sometimes you cuold almost hear the wheels turning in his little cat brain. And sometimes you could sense the frustration that he couldn't do things that he would have liked to do if he had thumbs, for instance. A most unique cat.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:01:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Best wishes for a purr-fect new year
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:01:20 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Night, KK. Sleep well, rest up, feel better and happy New Year. And Happy New Cats, if the Adoption Gods are Kind!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:01:34 PM EST] <KK> May the adoption god always be in my favor!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:01:42 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> lol, yes!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:01:45 PM EST] <Laurna> Are we zooming next week
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:01:52 PM EST] <Laurna> Yes KK
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:00 PM EST] <KK> See you all next week, hopefully back in full fettle.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Amen! And may good fortune come to deserving kitties
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> And new kitty owners
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:20 PM EST] <KK> Re zoom, depends on whether i can get my camera sorted out.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:45 PM EST] <Laurna> Portal Cameron over
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:48 PM EST] <KK> Nighters, all! And a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year to us all!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:52 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> night KK
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:55 PM EST] <Laurna> Good Night KK
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:02:59 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Nighters, KK
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:03:00 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Night, KK. Happy New Year!
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:03:10 PM EST] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:03:21 PM EST] <KK> Ta ta for now.
[Sunday, December 26, 2021] [8:03:26 PM EST] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)