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KK Chat -- 1 March 2015 Part 2

Started by DesertRose, March 01, 2015, 05:44:36 PM

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[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:31:12 PM] <Evie> It's called me worse names, Bee. I have to wonder about Mibbit sometimes. :D
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:31:42 PM] <Alkari> cute, Laurna
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:08 PM] <Bee> This time I came in through the website. Hoping I don't get booted again
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:10 PM] <laurna> So warm an cutely for a rainy day.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:19 PM] <revanne> sorry KK, folks, will have to say goodnight - my eyes can't stay open :)
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:35 PM] <Bee> nighters, revanne. glad you came
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:37 PM] <Shiral> Night, Revanne
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:41 PM] <Shiral> Sleep well!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:43 PM] <Evie> You could try propping the lids up with toothpicks
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:46 PM] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:46 PM] <DesertRose> Night, revanne.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:50 PM] <Evie> Goodnight, revanne
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:52 PM] <Shiral> Owies!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:55 PM] <laurna> Good Night Revanne I hope this ends your hard week and next week is a breeze
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:32:57 PM] <Jemler> nite revanne
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:11 PM] <DF64> 12nite
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:19 PM] <Alkari> nigght revanne
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:19 PM] <KK> Nighters, Revanne
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:25 PM] <DesertRose> A friend of mine has five Rottweilers who all seem to think they're lap dogs.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:30 PM] <Evie> Yes, let's hope you can't possibly have two weeks in a row with five funerals to officiate
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:37 PM] <Shiral> All at the same time, DR? =o)
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:38 PM] <KK> Five!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:45 PM] <Evie> hopefully not at the same time, DR!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:56 PM] <KK> Five funerals?
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:33:59 PM] <Shiral> I had a friend with a German Shepherd who ALSO thought she was a lap dog
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:00 PM] <laurna> She needs time to write fan fic after all.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:01 PM] <DesertRose> Not necessarily all in the same lap, no, but one Rottweiler in your lap is enough!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:13 PM] <Shiral> I should say so!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:18 PM] <KK> One Rottweiler is more than enough, if he's in your lap.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:25 PM] <Shiral> My limit is two cats
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:37 PM] <KK> I have a Gus in my lap right now.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:44 PM] <DF64> 12lucky gus
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:44 PM] <Alkari> G Shepherds KNOW they are lapdogs!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:51 PM] <DesertRose> One of the Rottweilers is the mama dog and the rest are her puppies (they're all fixed now).
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:55 PM] <Evie> Yeah, we've had to keep our revanne prayed up this week, KK. She's been a busy priest.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:57 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Gus!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:34:58 PM] <Shiral> They also have painfully sharp elbos
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:00 PM] <revanne> Not had a week like that before - I was shattered. This week looks a little easier but who knows... Night night
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:00 PM] <Shiral> elbows
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:13 PM] <Evie> Good night!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:14 PM] <DesertRose> Have a good one, revanne.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:22 PM] <Shiral> Tell people to stop dying!'
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:24 PM] <laurna> Wishing the best for the week to come for everyonw
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:30 PM] <KK> Wow, I should say so. The winter is hard on elderly people, so there are more deaths.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:32 PM] <Shiral> But have a better week, Revanne
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:35:46 PM] <KK> God bless, Revanne!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:36:11 PM] Quit revanne has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:36:43 PM] <Evie> I'll need to leave soon so it's not obscenely late by the time we get home. We have a four hour drive ahead
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:36:48 PM] <DesertRose> :(
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:36:56 PM] <DF64> 12bummer
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:36:57 PM] <Evie> and that's not counting stopping to get food along the way
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:36:58 PM] <Alkari> Yikes - drive carefully. Still snowing?
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:36:59 PM] <laurna> Drive safely Evie
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:03 PM] <KK> Speaking of priests, PBS is showing a series called Grantchester right now, who's a priest (Anglican) who works with a police detective. GOod series.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:07 PM] <Shiral> look out for ice on the roads
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:11 PM] <Evie> no snow tonight, thank goodness!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:13 PM] <KK> It's set in the early 50's.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:18 PM] <Alkari> Oh I have seen that advertised KK - must watch
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:19 PM] <Shiral> I LOVED Grantchester
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:22 PM] <DesertRose> I've been wanting to see that show, Grantchester.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:28 PM] <Shiral> last week was the final episode out here
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:31 PM] <Evie> but middle of the week, maybe more snow and ice. Or at least wet and then ice.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:32 PM] <Shiral> I hope there will be more
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:43 PM] <Shiral> More Grantchester that is, not more snow
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:49 PM] <Jemler> well, i'm gonna take off. see you all next week.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:51 PM] <DF64> 12yea yea
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:37:57 PM] <Shiral> Night, Jemler
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:02 PM] <Alkari> I spent yesterday in 38C heat, sitting in a car for about 5 hours writing for a dressage judge.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:05 PM] <Evie> I think I saw a series by the same author on Netflix recently
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:12 PM] <laurna> Night Jemler
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:14 PM] <Alkari> Night jemler. take care of the trout and mackerel
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:22 PM] <KK> It might have been here, too. I don't think I saw it on the schedule for this week. But I've enjoyed it. It's in the general genre a friend of ours calls a Crunchy Gravel story, about stately homes and such.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:24 PM] <DesertRose> See you, Jemler.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:26 PM] <Evie> I want to check out Grantchester when it's on Netflix in hopes I will like it as well as the other series
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:28 PM] <Shiral> But I concur that Grantchester is well worth watching.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:40 PM] <Jemler> bye all
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:47 PM] Quit Jemler has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:38:54 PM] <Shiral> Crunchy gravel... Giggle!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:00 PM] <KK> I think I'll check out, too. I want to get some supper made.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:00 PM] <Alkari> Have you watched Inspector George Gently?
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:04 PM] <Shiral> Night, KK
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:07 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, see you, KK. Have a good week.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:11 PM] <Shiral> Thanks for stopping by
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:14 PM] <DesertRose> Will we see you next week at normal time? :)
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:16 PM] <drakensis> good night
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:19 PM] <laurna> Good Night KK
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:22 PM] <Shiral> Hope all progresses well with the Treecats
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:24 PM] <Bee> bye, KK thanks for coming
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:28 PM] <Alkari> bye KK
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:31 PM] <KK> Yep. I won't be here next week, as we'll be coming back from Savannah, and Gnomecon.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:32 PM] <Alkari> Take care.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:36 PM] <DesertRose> Thanks for coming to see us.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:42 PM] <Shiral> See you in two weeks, then
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:43 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, then have a good fortnight. ;D
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:45 PM] <KK> Just finishing Treecat Wars. Pretty good.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:48 PM] <Evie> Have fun, then
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:49 PM] <Alkari> watch out for feral gnomes!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:39:50 PM] <laurna> That sounds like fun
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:00 PM] <KK> Yep. Ta-ta for now.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:07 PM] <DesertRose> See you, KK!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:12 PM] <Evie> good night, KK!
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:15 PM] <Shiral> Enjoy gnomecon
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:22 PM] <KK> ?me steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:24 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, have fun in Savannah. :)
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:27 PM] <Alkari> good night - see you 'whenever
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:37 PM] <KK> Nighters.
[Sunday, March 01, 2015] [06:40:43 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)