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What is it that you Camberian Council do here?

Started by tmcd, Today at 12:08:02 AM

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I'm asking about late in the timeline, Childe Morgan and Kelson.

I distinctly remember them ordering murders in Childe Morgan (if you're not important, like Charissa or Wencit). And ordering the immediate marriage of a daughter of Lewys ap Norfal. In the original trilogy, they oversee a duel arcane. Do they do anything else as a Council? Do they help Deryni escape persecution? Do they help train young Deryni?


Oh I have a lot to say about the Camberian Council. At one point in time yes they did help Deryni escape persecution. The enter baptizer movement was started by the CC. Many Deryni were blocked and saved because of it. But that was back in the Heirs of Saint Camber days.

There are hints that the CC was responsible for training Deryni. In the short story of Bethane we get the impression that Darrell and Lord Barrett are both CC members and train young Deryni.

Later we hear Tercell, while training Conal, talk about the difficulties of training children.

Additionally of course, they determine what magic can or cannot be done. Limiting experimentation and advancing the arcane arts. Stifling creativity and betterment of both the human and Deryni condition.
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