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Started by Alkari, June 15, 2010, 04:23:50 AM

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Author's note:  I think this might fit very neatly before AnnieUK's delightful new fic The Battle of Brendan.  Alaric Morgan was not the only small boy who didn't want to ride in a carriage - though for slightly different reasons.



"No.  I'm not going."  

Richenda suppressed a sigh, glancing over to where Alaric was talking to a green-liveried rider at the head of their escort.  A mutinous little boy was not the best way to start their long journey from Marley to Corwyn.    Certainly not with the entire household all watching, not to mention the escort of Corwyn guards.  Their departure had already been delayed after one of the carriage horses had stumbled and thrown a shoe when being led from its stall.  Unfortunately, a large chunk of hoof had come away with the shoe, so a replacement horse had to be arranged and various adjustments made to harness.  

"Brendan, we are going to Corwyn," she said, gently but firmly. "It's going to be our new home, just as I told you.  We'll be living in the castle at Coroth."

"No."  Brendan's small chin jutted out defiantly.  "I don't want to go.  I want to stay here in Marley."  A tear escaped down one cheek.

"I know dear, but Duke Alaric and I are married now.  So we are going to live with him in Corwyn and we are going to be his family.   Both of us.  One day you'll be the Earl of Marley and you will come back to live here, but right now I don't think you'd like to be left here all alone."  She brushed her son's hair gently, wondering whether a touch of Deryni persuasion would be necessary to avoid a further outburst and get Brendan into the carriage with her two maids before they had to resort to more physical means.

"Is something the matter?"   Alaric appeared beside them.

"I'm NOT going," announced Brendan, before his mother could reply.  "I'm staying here."


"Ah."  Alaric studied his new stepson, who was glaring at him, then raised an eyebrow at Richenda.  

"Sorry," she sent to him, touching his hand briefly to provide a glimpse of the exchange.  "He's been a little upset this morning – he's so unsure of everything."

"Understandable."   Alaric nodded, then squatted down to Brendan's level.  "Well Brendan, we need to leave and I'm afraid you do have to come with us.  But perhaps the future Earl of Marley doesn't want to ride in a carriage with the women?"

Judging from Brendan's sudden look of interest, the mode of transport was indeed part of the problem.  "But I haven't got a horse," he muttered miserably.  "They said my pony was too old.  They said Streaky couldn't walk all that way."   This slur, and the strain of leaving yet another piece of home, had clearly added to his woes.

Alaric nodded understandingly.  "I'm afraid that's right Brendan – Streaky is a good pony, but he's very old and it's a long way.  His short legs wouldn't be able to keep up with all the big horses. He taught you to ride, so it's hard to say goodbye to him, isn't it."  He paused, remembering his own faithful old Cockleburr.  "But you're nearly five, and you'll soon be too tall for Streaky anyway.  I think we have to look for a larger pony.  Perhaps we can find one in time for your birthday."

Brendan assessed the offer.  "I don't want to ride in the carriage."  He scuffed one boot on the ground.   "Can I ride with you?  Which is your horse?"

"That one over there."  Alaric turned the boy slightly and pointed to where his squire William was waiting, holding the reins of a bright chestnut with a white star in a kind face.   As if sensing the interest, the horse lowered his head and looked at them, ears pricked inquiringly.

"Will he be able to carry both of us?  Is he a special warhorse?   What's his name?"

"Yes, he can carry us.  And he's not a warhorse – the destriers are kept for battle, not for ordinary riding like this," explained Alaric.   "But he's one of my best horses.   His name's Ant – short for Antares, the red star."  Ant was by no means flashy, but was one of Morgan's favourites, an easygoing animal with good paces, a surprising turn of speed if required and excellent stamina.  He was also completely reliable around children, having never been known to nip or kick even the youngest, most awkward stableboy or page.    "I hoped you might want to ride with me some of the time."  

"Well if I'm an earl, I need my new medal."   Brendan frowned, not quite ready to give in.    The simple gold medallion on a chain had been a present from Alaric two days before the wedding: it bore the Marley eagle picked out in blue enamel, and Brendan's initials in ornate script on the reverse.   Brendan had been delighted and proudly wore it over his formal blue tunic when escorting his mother to the wedding.

"Brendan, that's enough.  You know it's been packed away," said Richenda, wanting to avoid further prevarication.  "We put it in the trunk with your new tunic."

"We can find it.  A future earl riding with a duke should be properly attired. "  Alaric straightened up, his hand lightly on Brendan's shoulder, and gave orders to a nearby servant.   He cast an amused glance at Richenda.  "A few moments more won't make any difference."   The trunk was quickly located on the back of the carriage, the medallion produced and pulled over Brendan's head, while Richenda discreetly wiped the trace of tears from her son's face and murmured instructions about the need for better behaviour.

"There.  Is the future Earl of Marley ready now?"   Brendan nodded gravely at his stepfather. "Go and wait over there with William, then, while I help your mother."

"Thank you," Richenda murmured softly to Alaric as he handed her into the carriage and settled her comfortably.  "It's a big change for him, particularly the idea of a stepfather."

"I know.  It needs some adjustment from all of us."   Alaric smiled at his wife, and kissed her hand.  "Then my dearest, let us be on our way."

He strode across to where Brendan was now happily patting the chestnut, gathered the reins and swung into the saddle.   William lifted Brendan up in front of the duke, and mounted his own horse.

Alaric waved a gloved hand at the lead rider, and to a chorus of last farewells, the cavalcade began to move.  As her carriage gathered speed on the road south, Richenda watched her new husband canter slowly past them to the head of the line, her son now smiling and pointing excitedly to something ahead.



Love it!   Fun to see a next generation of young masters too grown up to ride in the carriage with the womenfolk and babies.  Got that fledgling male ego to soothe, you know....   ;)
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


It does fit perfectly, doesn't it.  In mine I wanted to give the impression that there had been a succession of issues with Brendan, not just the sword, and that Alaric was getting a bit frayed round the edges with it all and just lost his temper big time.  So this might have been one of the earlier problems in the shakedown.


Seeing a small child playing with a sharp sword would probably send me just a bit over the edge as well, even without the previous issues.  It would be one of those sudden adrenaline rush moments, with automatic reactions coming much faster than thought-out response.
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Alaric should make sure that all his pages & squires have younger brothers at home if they will have to be adding 'occasional babysitting of young Marley' to their duties.


Not to mention occasional babysitting duties for young Morgans!     

Kelric may have a sunny nature, but if he is a true son of Alaric and Richenda, he will definitely have a mind of his own and a taste for mischief as he grows up.  Not to mention young Briony of course, and she can even escape Derry.  Any castle with a growing family of young Morgans would be rather 'entertaining' for all concerned, methinks. 

kirienne (RIP)

Oh My, this was a delight to read. I love the budding relationship between Alaric and Brendan.I could see this sceen so clearly in my minds eye, thanks to the pictures your words painted. I love how the Duke knew that the Earl didn't want to ride with the ladies and be treated like a child ..although Brendan is only nearly five, his budding ego wants to be treated older.


We should put this story on the list for KK to review for the Anthology. I have enjoyed reading it again.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Quote from: Laurna on October 31, 2022, 10:13:19 PMWe should put this story on the list for KK to review for the Anthology. I have enjoyed reading it again.

Anthology? Is there a new Anthology in the works?


Quote from: Laurna on October 31, 2022, 10:13:19 PMWe should put this story on the list for KK to review for the Anthology. I have enjoyed reading it again.

Unfortunately, I think we would need Alkari's permission for that, and no one has heard from her in some time.  :(
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


I hope she is well. She sees these comments and comes back on the forum to say hello.
May your horses have wings and fly!