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The Adept in Kindle format

Started by janetaba, March 13, 2021, 06:18:50 PM

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Amazon has all of the books in the series in Kindle format available for sale except the first one - The Adept. It is "Under Review" I was able to buy it in Nook format, but there isn't a Nook app for my Kindle Fire tablet. I can only read it on my cell phone which is interesting since my eyesight is getting worse as I get older. There is a link on the paperback version of the book which can be clicked to let them know that you would like to read this in Kindle format. https://www.amazon.com/Adept-1-Katherine-Kurtz/dp/0441003435/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2NDU6S67Q01YC&dchild=1&keywords=the+adept&qid=1615679873&s=books&sprefix=The+Adept%2Cundefined%2C235&sr=1-1


I saw that about 4 months ago, but I don't know how long Book 1 has been under review, or why. 🤷‍♀️


Hi Janetaba; I think I have seen the books listed on Kindle in the past several months that haven't been "under review." Hope this helps.
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