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The Missive

Started by Bynw, April 02, 2024, 07:42:06 PM

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It was already late in the night. The lord had retired to the bedchamber with his lady wife some hours ago and had left explicit instructions not to be disturbed unless the need was dire.

The knock on the thick oak door becomes louder and louder with the persistent pounding and calling out.

He couldn't stand it any longer. Gingerly he kissed his wife before getting out of bed, wrapping himself in some sleeping furs to keep himself modest.

Reaching the door he mutters to himself that this better be important or someone's head will be on a spike at sunrise. He shoots the bolt back.

Outside his bedchamber there is a much older man. Dressed in the robes of a scholar. He has placed a lantern at his feet and holds up a piece of parchment in his ink stained fingers.

"We have found them!" he gleefully exclaims while waving the parchment to and fro.

The lord snatches the parchment from the old man's fingers.

"Found who?" He barks without waiting for an answer and scans the document.

The scholar bows at the neck before his lord.

"Beggin' your pardon for the late disturbance m'lord."

As the lord reads the missive in the dim light a smile comes to his face. "No spikes today." He muses quietly to himself.

Looking up at the old man.

"You are certain this is accurate?"

"Without a doubt m'Lord"


With a quick far away glace, and the practice and training of a Deryni High Lord, he sends a mental call to his chamberlain.

Handing the parchment back he orders the scholar to double check it to ensure there are no mistakes. And waves the man off while closing the door.

Instead of returning to bed he dresses himself by handfire and gently tells his wife that matters of urgency are at hand.

He prepares himself for what is to come.
President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com


This has a scary sound. What are you up to bynw?
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


Because this is under the collection of GOTP Epilogue Stories, I am both intrigued and frightened.  What the heck is going on?
May your horses have wings and fly!


Quote from: Laurna on April 03, 2024, 12:06:29 AMBecause this is under the collection of GOTP Epilogue Stories, I am both intrigued and frightened.

You should be. There are always more ghosts.
President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com


Anyone else hearing the theme from Ghostbusters in the background?   ;)
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


"If there's something strange in you neighborhood,
Who you going to call...

If you're seeing things running through your head,
Who you gonna call?...

I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts!
I ain't 'fraid of no Ghosts!"

May your horses have wings and fly!


Maybe I will just make these two posts a Teaser to a play by post game. If anyone is interested there will be more. If not then I'll just let them sit.
President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com


If we do play a new game/story, I will not be playing Wash or a Morgan, but I might play a wee lass from the borderlands.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Or maybe an aging Abbess.  No wait, that might border on blasphemy.  ;D
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany