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KK Chat -- 26 June 2011

Started by DesertRose, June 26, 2011, 07:32:42 PM

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[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:24] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:29] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:30] * Evie says hello and offers you a goblet of Fianna wine
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:33] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:34] <the_Bee> I hope so.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:37] <jemler> hi KK
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:38] <bynw> hiyas KK
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:41] <the_Bee> Hello Kk
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:52] <Drake> He KK
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:14:59] <the_Bee> We have a new person, KK Say hello to Drake.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:15:10] <KK> Hello, Drake.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:15:16] Topic bynw sets the channel topic to "Deryni Destinations - www.rhemuthcastle.com - www.deryni.net || Happy 1st Anniversary to Bynw (Chris) and Chibsten (Kristen) (maybe someday will have her in the chat)".
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:15:19] <Drake> Hello
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:15:50] <Evie> Oh, happy Anniversary, Bynw! That means I must have been hanging around here for around a year now. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:16:06] <the_Bee> yes, happy anniversary
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:16:11] <Evie> since i seem to recall you marrying just before or just after I arrived
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:16:11] * DesertRose bakes cake for Bynw's anniversary and passes slices of cake around the room.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:16:12] <KK> Has it really been a year? Gadzooks!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:16:25] <bynw> yep its been a year ... very fast moving one
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:16:47] Mode bynw gives channel operator privileges to KK.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:16:47] * the_Bee makes mead for everyone.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:16:49] <jemler> You're spending your anniversary chatting with us? Happy Anniversary, Kristen!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:17:02] <bynw> she's spending it watching the food network :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:17:13] <Evie> LOL! Priorities. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:17:16] <DesertRose> My mom watches the Food Network a lot.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:17:19] <DesertRose> She likes to cook.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:17:32] <Evie> I watch it a lot too. I like to eat. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:17:34] <bynw> yep Evie
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:17:41] <bynw> she's an awesome cook
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:17:43] <jemler> Epicurious.com
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:18:29] <DesertRose> So, KK, how's things?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:18:36] <Evie> KK, I actually wrote down questions for you this time so I wouldn't forget. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:18:53] <KK> I, on the other hand, watch the HGTV network, when I watch that sort of thing. Especially at this time of reruns. And lately, very little TV as I WRITE!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:19:10] <DesertRose> Yay for writing! :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:19:23] <KK> (It's been a very good week.)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:19:27] <Evie> We're all for you turning off TV and writing. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:19:45] <bynw> writing is good. I like it when you write KK ... cause then i eventually get to read it :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:19:58] <KK> So, what quesitons, Evie?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:13] <Evie> hang on...let me open the file....
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:14] Join Shiral has joined this channel (Mibbit@504018.A7BCBA.B14B10.7ECE3F).
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:18] <DesertRose> Hi Shiral. :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:21] <KK> Hay, it's Shiral!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:25] <Shiral> Hello ALl
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:26] <the_Bee> Hi Shiral!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:27] * DesertRose hands Shiral a piece of cake.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:29] <Shiral> All, too
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:31] <bynw> hiyas sis!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:34] * Evie says hello and offers you a goblet of Fianna wine
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:40] <jemler> hi shiral
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:41] <DesertRose> It's Bynw's anniversary, and so there is cake. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:43] Mode bynw gives channel operator privileges to Shiral.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:43] <Evie> Dhugal is currently Duke of Cassan and Earl of Kierney and Transha. Would he be likely to leave all three titles to his eldest son, or would he have the option of passing his Earldom of Kierney (and later the duchy) to his eldest and allowing a younger son to inherit Transha? Or, since the novels seem to indicate that the people of Transha have some say in the matter of who their tanist will be, would they be the ones to decide wh
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:50] <Shiral> Oo Cake Wine Good company AND KK
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:20:52] <Evie> there's the first question
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:21:05] <Shiral> I'm off to Bremagne in a week's time, KK
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:21:09] <KK> Yes, Evie.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:21:29] <Evie> the one that will probably be easier to resolve than "The Perplexing Question of Culdi" :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:21:44] <KK> Maybe.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:21:45] <Evie> Yes to which, KK?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:21:50] <KK> Yes to both.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:21:54] <bynw> btw Evie your question got cut off at "http://www.otherworlders.org/wiki/Main/Memorials"
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:21:58] <bynw> er ... dang it
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:22:03] <bynw> of who their tanist will be, would they be the ones to decide wh
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:22:10] <bynw> there is where it got cut off at
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:22:33] <Evie> Or, since the novels seem to indicate that the people of Transha have some say in the matter of who their tanist will be, would they be the ones to decide which one of Dhugal's sons they'd be willing to follow?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:22:38] * bynw makes a note that Konversation doesnt auto copy of highlight
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:22:39] <Evie> there's the full last sentence
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:22:50] <KK> I thinkn it would be a joint decision, or at least with lots of input from Transha. That's assuming that Dhugal has at least 2 sons.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:23:01] <DesertRose> Who live to grow up, that is.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:23:24] <KK> Logically, it would be the second son, if he's suitable. Eldest gets Cassan and Kierney.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:23:25] <Evie> Well, since he's not going to get married and become a priest the following year, i figure it's likely he'll have more than one child, unlike his dad. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:23:30] <DesertRose> In Evie's fanfic world, he's got a plethora of sons and daughters. Prolific so and so.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:23:55] <jemler> extra mattresses! :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:23:58] <Evie> Hey, if I can't marry Duncan off, at least I can make his son a very happy man. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:23:59] <DesertRose> Not uncommon for the time, mind.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:24:09] <Shiral> And a very studly one =o)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:24:19] <KK> Hopefully, most of them will survive to adulthood.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:24:32] <Shiral> Duncan will be happy to have a lot of little grandchildren
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:24:53] <DesertRose> Evie, how many kids does Dhugal have at this point?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:24:57] <DesertRose> In your fanfic, I mean?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:00] <Shiral> I'm off to Bremagne next week, KK
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:01] <KK> Bishops with lots of grandchildren. Whatever will they think of next?!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:04] <Evie> I have to let at least some survive. Between your canon writings and my fanfic, the man's seen enough hard times to last a lifetime. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:11] <KK> What part, Shiral.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:15] <Shiral> Well our Duncan is..... unique
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:33] <Drake> KK, have you thought of writing something solely on the warding cubes and their use?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:34] <Shiral> South, then wending our way north to see some Loire Chateaux
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:35] <Evie> Dhugal has two from his first marriage and two from his second, and a third on the way
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:25:41] <jemler> Dhugal's children "My father is a son of a Bishop"! "Watch your language"!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:26:01] <KK> No, though I may write about how Alaric got his.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:26:06] <Shiral> You know how hard it is to find "Fodor's Bremagne and Forcinn States" these days?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:26:06] * DesertRose smacks jemler with a trout.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:26:16] <jemler> LOL
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:26:23] <KK> Cool, Shiral!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:26:34] <Shiral> Almost as hard as finding "Baedekker's Torenth"
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:26:49] <Evie> I had a dream recently that the Schola got its hands on a manuscript fragment that referred back to "the mathematical principles underlying ritual magic," but I woke too soon to find out what the heck that meant. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:26:57] <KK> Seriously, are you going to France?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:03] <Shiral> We'll be in Toulouse, then the Dordogne then the Loire valley
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:04] <Evie> LOL @ Jemler
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:14] <Shiral> Yuppers!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:19] <DesertRose> Sounds heavenly, Shiral.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:29] <KK> Definitely cool. For how long?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:29] <Evie> may I carry your luggage, Shiral?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:30] <Shiral> It's go on vacation or go postal at this point, DR
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:33] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:44] <DesertRose> I hear ya.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:56] <jemler> before you go postal, chech the rates!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:27:58] <KK> I trust that this will be inspiration for new fanfic?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:28:09] <Shiral> Peut-etre,
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:28:24] <Shiral> I'll sure be taking a lot of photos!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:28:29] <KK> Mais, oui.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:28:31] <Evie> C'mon, Shiral, you know you want to join The Circle of the Word. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:28:39] <DesertRose> Shiral has, long since.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:28:41] <Shiral> I've always been curious about Bremagne
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:28:44] <jemler> Take a camera and get more.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:28:57] <Evie> (That's what someone dubbed the Fanfic Board writers recently)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:29:10] <Evie> Yes, I've read a few of Shiral's stories, but none recently
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:29:19] <Shiral> Lol, Jemler I'll look like a proper tourist I assure you, since I'll be loaded with TWO cameras
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:29:20] <KK> She's good!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:29:39] <Shiral> Been writing right along, just no fanfic for a while
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:29:54] * Shiral blushes and digs toe in the sand
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:30:00] <Evie> I know! Which is why I wish she'd post something new, so we can slap that cloak with the nice "Circulus Verbi" badge on the shoulder on her. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:30:03] <KK> Working on a novel, perhaps? You should....
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:30:12] <Shiral> Oh yes
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:30:33] <DesertRose> Shiral, are we going to be setting author traps for you someday? :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:30:47] <Evie> yes, what flavor ice cream will lure you out?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:30:56] <the_Bee> Is your Kelric and the honeypot story still on the web? I've never finished reading it.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:30:59] <DesertRose> Ooh, don't mention ice cream.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:31:17] <Evie> I know it's up somewhere,Bee, because I found it by accident
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:31:34] <jemler> DR, not even my two favorites: Butter pecan, and Cookies n Cream?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:31:43] <Evie> Google searched something totally unrelated and found that story
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:31:47] <DesertRose> I'm going to beat you with a mackerel.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:31:50] <DesertRose> I want ice cream.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:31:51] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:32:00] <the_Bee> Airsid maybe, Evie?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:32:21] <KK> I'm waiting for pizza from my darling son, who is making the run. Scott is away for the weekend on Scottish business.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:32:31] <Evie> No. Something to do with shiral, but found Shiral instead. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:32:51] <the_Bee> My sister and her hubby are going/have gone to Scotland.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:33:08] <Evie> I'm available to carry luggage to Scotland if anyone needs me. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:33:20] <KK> Scott is actually just in SC, re highland games down there.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:33:26] <Evie> KK, ready for my thorny Culdi question?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:33:32] <KK> Fire away.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:33:50] <the_Bee> I once attended the Highland Games in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:33:50] <DesertRose> I'd love to go to Scotland right now. It's too darn hot in Florida.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:33:55] <Evie> It's long, so I'll post in multiple parts so it won't get cut short again
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:34:14] <KK> It's very hot in the UK right now.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:34:29] <DesertRose> It can't possibly be hotter in Scotland than in Florida. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:34:35] <Evie> The Culdi question--If (according to Codex 2, anyway) Richelle is Countess of Culdi yet the actual town of Culdi belongs to Alaric Morgan, then how could Culdi serve as the administrative seat for the Earldom of Kierney, as you mentioned in last week's chat? Or was this simply the case in Duke Jared's time, and if so, was Jared the ruler of Culdi then and did it later pass to Alaric as part of Bronwyn and Kevin's betrothal contra
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:34:40] <Evie> As it stands now, it's coming across a bit like "Vatican City is within Italy's borders, and Italy is governed by President Napolitano and PM Berlusconi, yet Vatican City itself is ruled by the Pope. However, Queen Elizabeth of England, whose other lands are also in Europe but don't include Vatican City, uses it as her administrative seat." HUH??? Serious clarification needed! :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:34:42] Quit Shiral has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:34:47] <Drake> Thought I was going to fry here in Atlanta today.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:34:56] <Evie> hopefully neither of those parts got truncated
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:35:00] <DesertRose> Hotlanta, huh, Drake? :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:35:17] Join Shiral has joined this channel (Mibbit@504018.A7BCBA.B14B10.7ECE3F).
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:35:22] <bynw> Evie: your question cut off at "was Jared the ruler of Culdi then and did it later pass to Alaric as part of Bronwyn and Kevin's betrothal contra"
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:35:23] <DesertRose> Rehi, Shiral.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:35:26] <the_Bee> rehi shiral
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:35:35] <jemler> wb shiral
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:35:44] <Shiral> Damn! The Archeveque of Millefleurs is after me! He must know I'm Deryni!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:35:56] <KK> It's lovely and cool in the Shenandoah Valley, for the past several days. Nice.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:00] <Shiral> Darn. well I'll readthe full chat transcript
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:03] <Evie> Drake's in Hotlanta? I'm not too far off, west of you near Birmingham
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:06] * DesertRose is jealous.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:23] <bynw> hotlanta is usually hot ... nice place to live but glad i dont anymore
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:29] <Evie> but I go to Hotlanta during DragonCon, just in time for the real heat
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:35] <DesertRose> Drake, what part of ATL?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:39] <DesertRose> I've got family in Fairburn.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:57] * bynw hasnt been to Dragon*Con in a while
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:36:57] <Drake> Mableton, GA
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:37:04] <DesertRose> I know where that is.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:37:14] <KK> I'll have to check Codex 2 on that. In my mind, it's the administrative capital for the Dukes of Cassan and Earls of Culdi, since it's too far to go back and borth to Cassan and Kierney and still be in the capital a lot to help the king.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:37:30] * bynw used to live in Dunwoody GA a lifetime ago
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:37:46] <KK> forth, not borth
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:37:58] <DesertRose> My mother's aunt lives in Fairburn, and most years she hosts a family reunion, but not this year.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:38:04] <KK> Rob may have made some wrong assumptions.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:38:08] <Drake> My fiance is nordic gal from the twin cities in Minnesota, the heat is killing her.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:38:16] <KK> If wo, we'll correct it on the Codex 3.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:38:42] <Evie> OK. Because IIRC, Codex has the town belonging to Morgan since early on, when he was 1 year old or something? Which seemed odd for a christening gift, given the mood towards Deryni at the time and Culdi being somewhat laden with significance. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:38:45] <KK> My father is in Ft. Lauderdale, and it's always too hot there for my taste.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:38:47] <the_Bee> so there's going to be a Codex 3?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:39:04] <KK> Yes, but may be just electronic--which may not be a bad thing.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:39:05] <Shiral> So, KK How well do you think Richelle is adjusting to the rather more rustic life in Meara?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:39:14] <Evie> yes, a corrected Codex 3 would keep me from going gray over the question. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:39:26] <bynw> that would be awesome and very helpful to the fanfic writers and us gamers KK
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:39:40] <Shiral> Better than getting blue over it, Evie!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:39:43] <bynw> having just an ecopy of it available
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:39:55] <Evie> I don't know, blue hair might be nice, Shiral.... ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:03] <DesertRose> Speaking of hair, I finally cut mine.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:08] <Shiral> Well it would be.... different
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:14] <KK> BRB
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:15] <Evie> Rapunzel cut her hair?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:20] <DesertRose> It was waist length, now it's shoulder-length. I can actually stand to wear it down now. :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:21] <Evie> how short?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:28] <the_Bee> cool, Dr. Any pix?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:45] <Shiral> If I lived in Florida, I'd probably want a buzz cut!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:47] <DesertRose> Not yet.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:56] <DesertRose> I'll have to get my boyfriend to take a pic.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:40:59] <Shiral> But since I don't, I have mine shoulder length
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:41:02] <Evie> I thought about cutting mine for summer, but I've just learned how to do Italian hair taping, so I hate to cut it short now that it's long enough to play with
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:41:13] <DesertRose> Italian hair taping is fun.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:41:21] <Shiral> Is that the ribbon wrapped look?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:41:24] <DesertRose> I just got tired of having to wear my hair up all the time.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:41:27] <Evie> yes
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:41:31] <Shiral> Cool!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:41:49] <the_Bee> I bet your head feels much lighter.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:41:55] <DesertRose> Yeah, it does.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:42:05] <Drake> Since my hair was thinning anyway I shave my head. Trust me, it's not cooler. The heat doesn't get wicked off by hair anymore.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:42:46] <Evie> Rediscovering your books is going to end up costing me a fortune, KK. I've been considering redoing my SCA wardrobe in 12th Century, and have been pricing linen. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:43:11] <DesertRose> Evie, if you want good prices on linen, www.fabrics-store.com.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:43:20] <Evie> Yes, I've got it bookmarked. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:43:37] <Evie> and just got some free samples in the mail
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:43:47] <DesertRose> Cool. I can vouch for their service. They're good poeple.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:44:11] <Shiral> I have a panne velvet gown literally paid for by the Duke of Cassan. Granted, he was only an awkward young page at the time. =o)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:44:12] <Evie> now if I can just hire a lady's maid to sew the clothes for me, I'd be set, but I'm afraid I'm probably on my own for that
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:44:32] <Shiral> Ladies' maids don't come cheap
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:44:34] <DesertRose> Linen's not hard to sew.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:44:37] <Evie> LOL, Shiral
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:45:13] <Shiral> Decoded that means I bought that gown with part of the proceeds from Dhugal at Court
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:45:19] <Evie> I'm glad, DR, since I'll probably be hand sewing
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:45:22] <Evie> Yes, I figured as much
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:45:49] <KK> It's only right.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:45:58] <Shiral> When it gets hot here, I just wad my hair up with a hair clip
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:46:06] <Shiral> Anything to get it out of the way
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:46:18] <Evie> Dhugal buying clothing for a lady he's not married to...how scandalous! ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:46:33] <Shiral> And he started when he was only 8!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:46:37] <jemler> How does he know her size?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:46:45] <Evie> I hope he's confessed that to his father. Or his Father. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:46:49] <Shiral> Welll... I gave him a few hints
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:47:21] <jemler> oh ;)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:47:31] <Evie> I just watched "Vision", which is a movie about Hildegard von Bingen, and now I'm itching to do a Schola story someday
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:47:53] <Evie> or else something having to do with the cloistered life
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:48:04] <Shiral> So... KK, after the luxury of the Orsal's court, how do you think Richelle might be adjusting to rather more rustic life in Meara? ANd no, of course I'm not dropping hints!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:48:59] <KK> I suspect it's civilized enough at Ratharkin, at the governor's court. Not Rhemuth, of course....
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:49:28] <Shiral> But if she and Brecon are living up in his County of Kilarden..... could there be "issues"?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:49:41] <Evie> she might have to listen closely for a while to get used to the locals with their odd accents. :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:50:16] <Shiral> "Oh what an adorable gate lodge, darling!......Uh you mean this ISN'T the gate lodge????"
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:50:22] <Evie> LOL!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:50:28] <jemler> The locals aren't the ones with the accents, Lass!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:50:52] <KK> Yup, local dialects oculd be interesting. But she'd be traveling back and forth between Kilarden and Ratharkin--and I expect that she'd be pregnant a good deal of the time.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:50:59] <Shiral> And she's a HALDANE. King Donal Blaine's niece!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:51:26] <Shiral> Oo, pregnant princess AND bumpy, muddy roads! Better and better!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:51:33] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:51:52] <Evie> The course of true love runneth not smoothly? ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:52:10] <Shiral> Not when you're traveling across the Dorna plain in a rainstorm!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:52:26] <KK> And without truly waterproof rain gear.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:52:42] <Evie> I can't relate. None of my couples ever have major obstacles to overcome in their relationships.... *innocent whistling*
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:52:47] <Shiral> I hope Brecon is good at persuasion!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:53:03] <KK> Oh, I expect he is.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:53:03] <the_Bee> Wasn't Richelle and Brecon's marriage arranged? Rory and Noelie were the ones who hit it off.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:53:23] <Shiral> Well, Richelle and Brecon do seem to get along very well...
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:53:29] <Evie> though an arranged marriage isn't necessarily a loveless one
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:53:49] <KK> But that's ok. Richelle has been bred to duty--and arranged marriages often did turn out to be romantic matches as well.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:53:58] <the_Bee> "I am well content it should be you."--Alyce to Kenneth.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:54:14] <Shiral> Hers seems to be off to a good start. But there's a period of adjustment in every marriage. =o)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:54:22] <KK> Yep.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:54:52] <DesertRose> Sorry, went afk to start rice steaming.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:54:53] <Evie> and that's true even if it's not arranged. At least in an arranged marriage, you don't enter with as many unrealistic expectations, so it's easier to go uphill from there
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:54:54] <Shiral> She'd be only human if she didn't have a few longing thoughts of the Ile d'Orsal and Rhemuth. Especially when she thinks of Araxie being waited on hand and foot as the new queen
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:55:27] <KK> Duchess Catherine seems to be settling in well. She and William had their first joint military venture yesterday, and apparently she's a natural.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:55:40] Nick Kelric is now known as Kelric_The_Chef.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:55:45] <Evie> Joint military venture?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:55:50] <DesertRose> Whatcha making, Kelric_The_Chef?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:55:54] <Shiral> Look out for honey pots, Kelric
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:56:04] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:56:17] <the_Bee> Remind me--who are Catherine and William?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:56:23] <Evie> If Kelric_The_Chef is like Kelric the toddler, he's making a mess
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:56:24] * Kelric_The_Chef is currently cooking home made chicken noodle soup
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:56:25] <KK> They presented medals to the Irish Guards, who just returned from Afghanistan. William is their Colonel.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:56:29] <DesertRose> Nomnomnom! :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:56:40] <Evie> Prince William of England and his new bride, Bee
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:56:43] <Shiral> Prince William and Kate nee Middleton
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:57:02] <the_Bee> OH, THAT William. I thought you were talking about 2 of your characters.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:57:16] <Shiral> I don't imagine Kelric Alain Morgan is asked to cook too many meals.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:57:18] <KK> No, just parappeps.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:57:19] <jemler> hope Will has more sense than Charlie.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:57:38] <KK> Seems to. THey leave for Canada this week.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:57:53] <the_Bee> At least Will wasn't in love with someone else when he proposed to Kate.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:57:58] <DesertRose> Seriously.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:04] <KK> I don't think too many of the Deryni characters do a great deal of cooking.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:31] <DesertRose> Too busy, the lot of them. :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:34] * Shiral waves farewell, steps onto her portal and disappears in a shower of blue sparkles
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:39] <DesertRose> Nighters. Shiral.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:41] <Shiral> Sorry all, I have to go, now
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:42] <the_Bee> Is there a spell for turning a spit?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:42] <Evie> I somehow don't see Araxie slaving away over a hot hearth. :-D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:46] <KK> Byeeee, Shiral!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:49] <Shiral> I hope to be here next week
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:50] <bynw> nite Shiral
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:53] <the_Bee> byeshiral
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:58] <Shiral> Au Revoir!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:58:59] * Evie waves goodbye
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:59:05] Quit Shiral has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:59:45] <Drake> The storm has past but the lights are flickering. I had better shut my system down. Bye all.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:59:52] <Evie> Bye Drake
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [19:59:56] <Evie> nice meeting you
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:00:00] <the_Bee> good night, Drake
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:00:06] <KK> So, this week I've fleshed out Alaric's friendships with 2 pages at Coroth, one of whom is very nearsighted, and Alaric had a serious run-in with Bishop de Nore.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:00:09] Quit Drake has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:00:14] <jemler> nite drake. come back again
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:00:28] <Evie> Uh oh
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:00:40] <jemler> even looking at de Nore is serious!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:00:48] <DesertRose> Oh dear.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:00:58] <KK> Especially when he's on is own turf.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:01:03] <Evie> I imagine nearsightedness would be quite an impediment for a poor page / squire / future knight
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:01:25] <jemler> The only good thing to say about de Nore is he's the one who ordained Duncan!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:01:39] <DesertRose> Grrr at de Nore.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:01:44] <KK> He'll be an earl someday, and he has excellent skills as a budding tactician, wants to be on some general's staff.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:01:52] <DesertRose> Ah.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:02:10] <jemler> His names' not Derry, is it?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:02:20] <KK> Nope, Jernian.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:02:49] <the_Bee> Derry's just a baby now, isn't he?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:02:57] <KK> And his friend is Viliam, who will be a baron someday.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:03:01] <jemler> i've heard that name before, haven't i?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:03:16] <KK> Our Derry isn't born yet, I don't think.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:03:35] <DesertRose> Yeah, Derry's a good bit younger than Alaric.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:03:52] <Kelric_The_Chef> he's what, 15-17 years younger iirc?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:04:02] <KK> Jernian? Yes, it's the name of a previous Duke of Corwyn, and both Jernian and his father are named for dukes. The father is Airlie.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:04:46] <the_Bee> Codex says Derry was born in 1097.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:01] <Evie> Derry's not that much younger. Alaric is only around 29 when we first meet him, and Derry is grown by then
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:12] <Evie> He's close to Richenda's age, IIRC
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:14] <KK> Derry is 3 right now.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:20] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:32] <DesertRose> I just got a mental image of a little Sean Lord Derry running around.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:46] <Evie> into everything
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:50] <the_Bee> just the age to get into mischief and honeypots.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:51] <DesertRose> A little chubby-cheeked three year old with curly brown hair.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:54] <KK> There's no contact, though his father and grandfather are on the Coroth council of regents.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:56] <Evie> and with "Charm nursemaid" powers already. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:05:57] <jemler> Derry was 18, and about to be Knighted.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:06:19] <DesertRose> So that makes Derry about ten years younger than Morgan.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:06:21] <Evie> which will turn into "Charm serving wench" powers, and from there to "Charm village wench" powers
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:06:24] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:06:40] <KK> 5 years younger. Alaric just turned 8.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:06:50] <DesertRose> Okay.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:07:45] <Evie> I was thinking of the first Deryni Trilogy, jemler, not "The Knighting of Derry"
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:08:19] <KK> Alaric was given a key to the ducal library as a birthday present, and has just been perusing the volumes there, though no time to really get into them, and he can't take anything from Coroth until he's of age.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:09:14] <jemler> He couldn't get a library card to his OWN library!?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:09:19] * Evie has pangs of envy at the thought of having free access to Coroth Library, or even better, the Royal Library
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:09:43] <KK> He can check things out; he just can't take them from Coroth, because then they'd be overdue and he'd have to pay a fine.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:10:14] <the_Bee> Never mind, Evie; the good stuff is probably under lock and spell.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:10:39] <Evie> I'll get Duncan to borrow the good manuscripts for me. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:11:15] <KK> There's lots of stuff up there. SOme esoterica, but a lot of it is account rolls, and local history, and biographies of previous dukes, and treatises on estate management and animal husbandry.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:11:25] <Evie> Or sweet talk my way into the Royal Library by bringing John Nivard a platter of fresh baked pastries
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:12:32] <KK> I'd established later on that he has free access to the royal library, so I needed to establish his interests, and named a particular manuscript that he's then reading in Rhemuth--in Torenthi, I might add.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:12:38] <Evie> Alaric might find account rolls boring, but I find them fascinating. Funny how the passages of a few centuries can change things. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:13:08] <KK> His Aunt Delphine taught him the Torenthi alphabet.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:13:37] Join Katniss has joined this channel (~Katniss@2D9871.DBDA9D.772ECC.592866).
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:13:47] <the_Bee> Hi katniss
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:13:54] <Evie> Useful knowledge, especially living that close to Torenth, I'd think
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:14:02] * Evie says hello and offers you a goblet of Fianna wine
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:14:06] <KK> Oooooh, a Katniss. How is the mocking jay?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:14:17] <Katniss> Heya :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:14:40] * Katniss presents the pin, "Safe and sound." :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:15:27] <KK> We find that Henry Kirby, presently the helmsman on the Gryphon, speaks and reads Torenthi; it's necessary because they trade with Torenth, and he wants to have his own ship some4day--which we know he does, in DC.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:15:51] <jemler> hi katniss
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:15:53] <DesertRose> Right.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:15:55] <DesertRose> Hi Katniss.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:16:17] <Evie> Is it in this book that Brion visits Bremagne?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:16:25] <KK> Yes.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:16:53] <Evie> Yay! (I'm constantly itching to see more of the Eleven Kingdoms. KKB was a real treat for me in that regard.)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:17:12] <KK> It was a treat to write it.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:17:25] <the_Bee> Is Bremagne part of the 11 Kingdoms?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:17:35] <jemler> no.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:17:35] <KK> Yes.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:17:48] <Evie> except now I want to see the rooftops of Beldour with my own eyes, for which I'm not sure I thank you. You need illustrators. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:17:53] <DesertRose> KKB is Festil's favorite.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:18:02] <jemler> 'Now these are the names of the Eleven Kingdoms, sung rightly well of old'
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:18:02] <DesertRose> But then it would be, Furstan fan that he is.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:18:44] <KK> Well, yes, it wasn't one of the original 11 K, but these days, it's probably regarded as a member state.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:18:52] <Evie> I have a fondness for one or two Furstans myself
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:19:03] <KK> Matyas is cool!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:19:16] <Evie> that being one, definitely. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:19:21] <DesertRose> Matyas is very cool, and I will admit it was nice to see Torenthi non-villains.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:19:31] <KK> And Liam is another.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:19:36] <jemler> 'Howicce, Llannedd, fierce Connait, Meara, Kheldour, Eastmarch, Tolan, Torenth, Mooryn, Caeressa, Gwynedd'
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:19:51] <DesertRose> I wouldn't want to cross either of them, but then I wouldn't want to cross Kelson either.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:29] <Evie> Though at least Kelson wll stop short of impaling you if you do. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:49] <DesertRose> True, but hanging and drawing and quartering is just as unpleasant.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:51] <bynw> Now, these are the Names of the Eleven Kingdoms, sung rightly well of old:
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:52] <bynw> Howicce, and Llannedd, and fierce Connait;
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:54] <bynw> mountainous Meara, the Land Beyond the River;
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:55] <Evie> though I'm sure that got Liam's Court's attention. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:55] <bynw> and Kheldour, the windswept;
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:57] <bynw> and pastoral Eastmarch;
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:20:58] <bynw> Tolan, and Torenth, and myth-ridden Mooryn;
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:21:00] <bynw> and lost Caeriesse, which sank beneath the sea;
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:21:01] <bynw> and far-reaching Gwynedd, seat of the Haldane Kings.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:21:27] <Evie> 'In case you thought your new Boy King might be a pushover...I'm not. So, didja miss me?" ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:21:49] <KK> Well, there are laws....
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:21:54] <the_Bee> IIRC Mooryn comprised what are now Corwyn and Carthmoor.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:22:17] <KK> Yes
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:22:25] <Evie> Yeah. Laws like "Thou shalt not covet thy nephew's throne"
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:22:57] <Evie> "Or said nephew might be forced to make a very pointed example of you."
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:22:58] <KK> Yeah, law like that. And Thou shalt not try to murder thy nephew, who is also thy padishah.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:22:59] <bynw> that's already there ... since thou shalt not covet really does apply to anything
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:24:32] <Evie> Not that you'll see me spending much pity on Poor Uncle
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:24:57] <KK> No, he got his just desserts.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:25:05] <Evie> And I'm glad Liam's got Matyas to watch his back
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:25:12] <the_Bee> ice cream or apple pie?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:25:14] <KK> Oh, yes.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:25:19] <Evie> especially with Teymuraz still loose
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:25:26] <DesertRose> Festil and I were talking last night about how satisfying the end of Bastard Prince is, how so many people who "needed killin'" got it.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:25:27] <KK> Yep, he's a nasty.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:25:33] <bynw> he needs killin'
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:25:53] <KK> That good Southern defense.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:26:18] <bynw> i live in atlanta for a couple of years ... i was married to a southern girl too once
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:26:48] <DesertRose> What's the first question in a murder investigation in Texas?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:26:53] <Evie> I had fun bringing Teymuraz in as a baddie in a fanfic, though he got to escape since I'm hopeful you'll get around to giving him a proper finish someday. :D
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:26:59] <DesertRose> "Did s/he need killin'?"
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:27:20] <KK> I hope to do that, Evie.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:27:50] <bynw> he shouldnt be allowed to die honorably in battle either
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:28:06] <Evie> So does that mean we'll see Byzantyun,or just that it's possible Teymuraz will make the mistake of returning to the scenes of his crimes?
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:28:13] <KK> Well, I'd better get back to work. I'd like to get farther along on this interstitial editing, so I can get back on track woth real forward motion.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:28:31] <DesertRose> Okay, KK. Thanks for joining us! :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:28:40] <the_Bee> Thanks for coming, KK. Have a good week.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:28:45] <KK> I still need to work out the details of Kenneth's passing. :-(
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:28:46] <Evie> I'll edit for you if you want to just get on with forward motion. ;-)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:28:46] <bynw> see ya ... have a good time at the OSM retreat ... one day i'll make it
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:28:50] <DesertRose> That will be sad.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:04] <DesertRose> (Kenneth's passing, that is.)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:09] <Katniss> Nice to um. have said hi! :) I'll have to fangirl a bit more next time you drop in.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:09] <KK> That's still a few weeks away, Bynw, but one day you will.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:13] <Evie> And I'm sure that offer will be taken just as seriously as all my offers to carry luggage
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:31] <KK> Nighters to all.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:35] <bynw> wont be any time in the next 3 years though ... have a teenager to get through HS first
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:36] <DesertRose> Night, KK!
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:39] * Evie waves goodbye
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:41] <bynw> games and stuff to do over the summer
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:46] <Katniss> Niiiiight KK :)
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:29:47] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday 26 June 2011] [20:30:16] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: ).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)
