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Forgotten Shadows

Started by Bynw, April 30, 2024, 07:47:56 PM

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After a short walk through the rain soaked streets they enter a neighborhood of Grecotha containing many row-houses. Edwin is aware that this area is frequently rented by older craftsman students and even visiting scholars from other universities.

Most of the row-houses are a modest 2 to 4 rooms and usually shared as they can be expensive. But given the craftsman trade and scholars alike, they are better than living among the younger students in the dormitories.

Collos stops outside of one of the sturdy looking doors. "This is where we are going. Airich is here." He walks up to one of the doors and pulls out a key and uses it to unlock the door before him. Opening it wide, it looks like an empty room to the Humans within the group. But to the Deryni, they can see the ward just beyond the open door, a shimmering mist that hides whatever is protected by it.

He turns to face them once again. "I will be right back." And steps inside.
President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com


A cool breeze swept into the room. Airich cracked open one eye. The dark wooden door was open and a man stood in the frame, facing out. The rain was coming down hard.

Someone needs to slow that rain. We're going to need it when the fires begin.

Maybe the fires had already begun. How long had he been laying here? Probably not more than a day; Darius would probably have fed him again. It was gray outside. Not black.

The man in the doorway was gesturing. Talking to someone outside, presumably. Airich could hear none of it, though. He couldn't hear the rain, either. Maybe he was going deaf. Or maybe he was just dreaming again.

The man, dressed in scholar's robes, turned and entered the room, closing the door behind him
Now is life, and life is always better.


Darius rises and meets Collos as he enters and the door shuts. "Master, the boy's injuries are bad but not life threatening. He lost a lot of blood however and needs to recover before he can be moved and a healer located."

"His physical injuries I'm sure will be stable enough for that in due time. It is his mental condition that I am interested in," Collos replies as he knells down by the pallet holding Airich.

Collos places his hands on Airich's head and does a light probing on his physical condition. The boy looks alarmed, and Collos smiles as the young knight attempts—and fails—to raise merasha-stricken shields. Darius intervenes. "You have no need to fear, young lord. Collos is my master, and understands the ways of healing the mind. Sleep again for now, and fear nothing." Airich's eyes close and he relaxes into a deep slumber.

"Thank you, Darius. The old healing texts help but without the gift we lack so much. I know of healer that can heal him once we are able to get him to a portal."

Collos looks to Darius. "Let us begin, I have limited time right now due to our guests outside."

Darius and Collos enter into a rapport and then they enter into the mind of Airich together. Darius shows Collos the inner Shields that he is currently maintaining as Airich is still under the effects of merasha poisoning.

Collos takes temporary control of those inner Shields from Darius and slips behind them into the morass of stolen memories. Darius tightens his control over Airich's physical body, keeping his breathing and heart rate regulated and pushing him into a deeper sleep.

The minutes tick by as if they were hours long. Collos is, as Darius was, assaulted by the chaos of those memories from every direction. And over all, he is aware of a looming presence, wary and watching him, ready to attack if Collos does anything the presence considers a danger to its child. Collos notes with interest the sentience of this presence, and his probing is gentle, smooth, and caring. Taking inventory of the memories and knowing what he will have to do.

Collos comes out from the inner Shields restoring that control to Darius as they come out of rapport.

"It's a miracle he isn't mad. His construction of those Shields has saved him from total madness. But the cost is high and cannot be paid. Fortunately he can be saved in mind as well. I think that should be our first duty. It will give him time to recover his strength before getting him to a Healer."

"You have done well Darius. See if you can bring him to wakefulness as his companions are brought in."

Collos rises and goes out through the door.
President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com


His footsteps were quietly restrained, his words were as precise as they seemed to flow easily. "You may enter, Master ..."

Bede tilted his head to nudge his bow and shrugged. "Archer, Mister Collos." When the man cleared his throat but did not move, Bede removed the bow and quiver, as a gesture of goodwill. The sword and knife, he let his hands fall on casually.

This seemed acceptable to Collos, who had no fear in any case, but preferred to appear vulnerable like other men, at times. As he guided Archer beyond the threshold, under the wards yet protected by his shields for the instant, he learned much without having to ask. The young man's accent told a story, however vague, but he was hardly one to judge a man for his place of origin. No, it was the inner workings of men that fascinated him more. Fear, he detected. Bewilderment. Paranoia. Exhaustion. Indifference for things he refuses to understand; if Collos were not Collos, the Mearan might approach this situation very differently. He knows to pick his battles. Good, for his sake. All of this was obvious to him like a blind man feeling the face of his wife, but anything deeper, and he felt a hard obstruction he had not expected, like bumping into a wall in the dark. He could batter it down on his own, but he did not make a habit of breaking things he could not replace. Unlike the Mearan, he suspected. Nevertheless, when they had at last entered, he paid the boy a compliment. "Though you wear disorder on your face, I must admire the contrast that your mind presents. Where did you find such resolution?"

"A long way from here, kind master," Bede replied distractedly.

((Perception for security reasons.2d6 5 + 3)) Darius smiled amiably and Airich squinted hazily, finding it hard to place the new visitor in Grecothan blue. Bede glanced warily and swiftly at every odd corner in the room, but found little besides typical medical supplies and his friend, who he narrowly avoided poking with his own sheathed sword as he whirled.

"An odd manner for a knight," Airich murmured, correctly taking the sword for one meant for a man of such status.

Bede chuckled at the idea. "The only knight I associate with is ye, milord. Save yer breath; I'll hold onto yer metal while prettier faces visit ye." On his way out he let his gaze fall upon the tapestry, admiring the artistry of its weave and color. Thankful that he did not have to fight where such craftsmanship would be jeopardized.
"We're the masters of chant.
We are brothers in arms.
For we don't give up,
Till 'time has come.
Will you guide us God?
We are singing as one.
We are masters of chant." -Gregorian


Collos and Bede shortly return to the outside. "We have passed the Archer's inspection. Which of you would like to enter first?" Collos' gaze goes between Jimmy, Father Trevor, and Amy. Being the one he thinks would enter.

President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com


Trevor, having just instructed Aran to behave himself and follow Edwin's commands, spoke up. "I will be first, sir." He glanced at Amy and Elspeth. Amy looked as if she wanted to argue, but Elspeth nodded, squeezing Amy's shoulder. "As his brother and his priest, Airich is my responsibility more than any other."

Collos' eyebrows raised in surprise, but he did not comment; merely gestured to Trevor to follow. The priest did as instructed, lowering his Shields exactly as far as needed and no more. The priest's mind, Collos noted, reminded him of a still pond, disturbed only by tiny ripples of concern for his brother. Collos would have a difficult time learning more without deliberately making a point of looking for it. The only thing that called attention to itself was a dense mass that all but carried a warning sign on it: it was clear that the good father would fight to the death to protect the privacy of those who looked to him for holy guidance and absolution for their sins. Collos respected the calling too much to even go near it, and Trevor passed through uneventfully.

"I will return momentarily," Collos announced, and went back through the door.

Two men were already in the room. The person standing—a rugged bear of a man—bowed to the priest, but Trevor's eyes were already caught by the other man in the room.

Airich lay on a pallet next to the wall, mostly covered by a thick woolen blanket. He wore an unbleached linen tunic that looked far too large for him. His face was paler than his tunic, and he stared at Trevor, as if he was unsure of what he was seeing.

Trevor knelt. "Airich?" he said, "Can you hear me?"

"And now a priest who looks like my brother," Airich muttered distractedly. "Who will they send next, I wonder."

Trevor touched Airich's wrist, felt for his pulse: it was rapid and his flesh was cool to the touch. His breathing was also rapid, and shallow.

His mind was wide open. Anyone could stroll in and look around, dig out all the secrets Airich had been keeping bottled inside for so long. Assuming, of course, they could get past the merasha daze that was clouding his thoughts. Someone had gotten through the merasha, though. Airich's vitals were being monitored, most likely by the man who stood by. Airich surely hated that. Trevor was quite sure his brother would rather appear naked in the middle of King Kelson's court than have his mind exposed like this.

"Listen, Runt," Trevor said, trying to sound like the snotty squire he'd once been, "you really need to stop causing so much trouble or Da is going to keep his promise to feed you to the pigs."

Airich glanced up at Trevor, his brows knit in confusion. Then, slowly, a little half-grin appeared at his mouth and spread to his eyes. "Trevor," he finally said. His hand clasped Trevor's wrist and hung on tight.
Now is life, and life is always better.


Collos stepped out into the rain and looked from Jimmy to Amy. "Which of you will enter next?"

"That will be me," Eslpeth said, her voice firm and not inviting an argument.

"That will not be necessary; Darius is an experienced battle surgeon. I assure you he has done everything that can be done." Collos looked again at Jimmy and Amy.

"I'm sure he has, Master Collos. However, Sir Airich is also my patient, and I would be remiss in my duties if I did not reassure myself, as well as Sir Airich, that all is well."  She only had to raise her mismatched eyes slightly to hold Collos'.

Jimmy held his breath.

"Very well, Mistress; follow me." Collos stepped into the doorway.

Elspeth took a deep breath and followed. Jimmy began to breathe again, thinking it was probably best that the physicker did not know who Collos actually was. 

Collos turned to face the woman behind him and wrapped his shields around her. As with the archer, he took the opportunity to scan her mind.

A woman of the shadows, forced there by the accident of the disfigurement she was born with.  A woman used to standing on her own; a woman who never backed down in the care of her patients. Her response no longer surprised him. She trusted few people, had fewer friends, but was fiercely loyal to those she allowed to grow close.

Collos hit the obstruction sooner than he had with the archer. Again, he did not force his way through, but wondered briefly at the fact it had happened twice in a row.

Then they were through the doorway. Father Trevor still knelt beside Airich's pallet, and the knight's hand gripped his brother's wrist as if he would never let go. Trevor gave Elspeth a small nod of acknowledgement.

Elspeth turned to the fourth man in the small room. "You are the battle surgeon?"

"Yes, I am Darius," he replied.

"Pray tell me what you have learned of Sir Airich's injuries and how you have treated them."

"I assure you, Mistress, that I have done all that should be done," Darius replied curtly.

"I am sure you have," Elspeth returned, "and I mean no disrespect, but I have treated Sir Airich on several occasions and need to know the details. It will be helpful for his brother as well." She tilted her head to indicate the priest.

"Very well." Darius proceeded to give a succinct account of the injury, how infection had threatened and been averted, the medications administered and the prognosis for recovery. He did not mince his words and watched the woman to gauge her reaction to the gory details.

Elspeth asked only two questions when he had finished. If Darius had thought to disconcert her, he had failed.

"I would like to examine him, if you will permit," the physicker stated. When he looked to object, she continued. "I will be extremely careful and do nothing to restart the bleeding."

Darius shot a look at Collos, who gave a brief shrug. "Your call."

"You may proceed," Darius said grudgingly.

Elspeth knelt down beside the priest at the pallet. Airich had closed his eyes. "Sir Airich, can you hear me?" she asked gently.

"He still feels the effects of the merasha, so any replies may be a bit disjointed," Trevor said quietly. Elspeth nodded.

"It's Elspeth," the physicker said gently. "I'm just going to check to see how you are doing. Just a quick peek."

Airich opened his eyes. "You break m' nose, 'gain?"

"You know you managed to do that on your own; I only put it back into place."  Elspeth smiled.  "But if you don't do as Master Darius asks you, I may have to reconsider."

The corners of Airich's mouth twitched. "Same 'speth."

"Yes, the same Elspeth. Now relax, this will not take long." 

True to her word she was quick and very gentle, disturbing him as little as possible. Whether it was her skill or the medicines he had been given, Airich never twitched once. 

Elspeth stood when she had finished. "Your work is very skilled," she said to Darius. "I'm not sure I could have done as well."

Darius looked mollified. "Thank you, Mistress," he said. "I think you would have done just as well, from what I have seen today."

"If the two of you are finished congratulating yourselves," Collos said dryly, "I'll fetch the last one."
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Airich lay still, feeling Elspeth's very Human hands on him, grateful that there was at least one person who couldn't invade his thoughts. She tsked as she inspected the stitches in his belly, then asked if she could roll him to his left side. Darius must still be numbing the pain, for this was done without much discomfort. She hmmmmed as she probed the wound on his back, and Airich wondered how he had gotten so lucky that his enemy's dirk had passed through him without piercing his innards.

After she'd rolled him flat again, she said something to Darius, who replied. The door opened again, and Elspeth started to rise.

"Is Amy angry?" he asked her. He had to ask twice, for he couldn't speak loudly.

"She's angry at the dalcop who tried to kill you, and she's champing at the bit to come in to see you, but she's not angry at you, if that's what you're asking."

Amy was coming to see him? It seemed weeks since he'd laid eyes on her: her raven hair and flashing eyes, curves only partially disguised by a lavender gown, and lips sweet as Fianna—

"Wine," Airich said suddenly, remembering something he'd discovered when he'd had purpose in life. He grabbed at Elspeth's garment to keep her from moving away and tugged on it so she would kneel closer to hear him. "The wine merchant. Marcus Burke. He's the guildmaster. And he's the other Willimite leader."

He stopped with that information, panting at the effort it took to speak coherently. Elspeth was an intelligent woman. She would figure out the implications of this news as easily as he had.
Now is life, and life is always better.


In the shadowed corners, lit only by candlelight, the Grecotha Willimite leaders; Father Jacob, Marcus, Philip, and Pietre meet in secrecy.

"I tell you these investigators are getting out of hand," Father Jacob tells the others. "Here we are trying to shape the future of Gwynedd without Deryni influence and these outsiders are causing trouble for us all."

The portly Marcus slams his hand on the table. "We had best be rid of them before they interfere with our businesses. Mark my words gentlemen. Our cash flow has not yet been affected, but they are up to something foul. I can smell it."

"They are not about coin." Philip calmly replies. "No, those investigators insist that de Nore not only planned but also has the means to burn Grecotha to the ground."

"Preposterous!" says Marcus with scoff. "That fool couldn't lead his way out of sackcloth."

Philip continues, "They have convinced the Bishop of it and are taking steps to save some manuscripts from this pending doom of fire. But this means one of three possibilities."

"First, de Nore did have the ability to do exactly as they say. Which means he has a greater following in Grecotha than we know."

"Second, there is no danger of a dooming fire, it is all made-up by these investigators to find and expose the Willimites in the city."

"And the third possibility is that the investigators themselves are going to start the fire after spreading their lies that it is a Willimite plot. The city burns and we get the blame."

"Right you are my friend," Father Jacob says. "I bet those investigators are directly behind this fire nonsense. It would give them the chance to be the heroes of the day and sow distrust against Willimites across Gwynedd and beyond."

"They must be stopped. Ran out of town or simply made to disappear. Grecotha is known to have a lot of visitors. Perhaps some are usable for such purposes."

Pietre, who has thus far said nothing leans forward. "Phillip is right, one of those three possibilities is true. A trap to expose us and even bring us up on charges of Treason. It would besmirch the Willimite name by burning this great city and casting the blame on us."

"Or de Nore was more than we ever realized. And perhaps the Willimites in the south have far better resources than we do here in Grecotha."

"I agree the investigators must be gotten rid of and by any means necessary. They are outsiders and the ones causing a disruption in our city."
President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com


Amy would always defer to Mistress Elspeth in the matter of medicine and a patient, yet it was only with great restraint that Amy stood back from the doorway. The Deryni scholar did not immediately return after Elspeth had entered. Counting her foot tapping was starting to drive Amy and everyone else around her nuts. Edwin and Bede were currently giving each other piercing gazes and it was only a matter of moments before they exploded with whatever it was that was bothering the two of them. She did want to understand their troubles, and normally that would have held her interest, but right now it seemed so inconsequential, at least to her. Instead, she took a step between the Purple guard and the doorway, effectively cutting off his path for when the Deryni lord Collos next appeared.

"It is Jimmy Tudor? Right? That is what you said. I admit I was distracted when you said your name earlier."

"It's Taylor, Mistress Amy."

"Taylor. Ah, Good." She straightened her back and looked him in the eyes. She thought perhaps she was taller than he. But she had felt his shields shut her down earlier, so she knew better than to challenge him in that way. "I need—No, Airich needs—he is alive, and he will stay alive, I will assure you of that—but Airich needs you to tell the king's knight, Sir Jamyl, what has happened here. Tell him that bastard Jasper ambushed him and attempted to murder him—I should have blasted his head off—" She caught her anger when Jimmy's eyes raised wide. "Tell Sir Jamyl everything!" She got her voice under control. "And then ask him to inform the king that Sir Airich is not disobeying the king's orders. He will appear before the king, at Rhemuth court, but only when he is healthy enough to do so. And if you can convince Sir Jamyl to find a Healer—you know what I mean, a real Healer—I want him to bring such a person here. Right away. And I don't care what is involved to make that happen. Just make it happen! Because Sir Airich does intend to stand before the king. Make sure no one mistakes this as a dereliction of his vows and duty."

The bishop's guard was not defiant, not straight out saying I don't take orders from a woman, but Amy was sure she saw his eyes tell her You know not what you're asking for, Girl! "Please!" she added just as the door at her back opened.

The Deryni lord, Collos, looked right past her toward Jimmy Taylor. Amy purposely obstructed his vision with her face before him. She opened both hands, revealing the ward cubes she still held. "I have to return these!" she said loudly, "It is my turn to enter your care room."

She was certain that Jimmy and Collos had some mental interaction, for a few heartbeats passed before the man Collos focused on her and smiled. "Of course. Come this way."

His voice gave her a shiver. Somewhere, at some time, the tenor of his words reminded her of something. Not something benevolent, she was certain of that. If he said a few more words, she might find the memory. But it seemed impossible that she could have seen him before, yet she knew that she had. Perhaps one of her father's friends. "Do you know Mayor Arthur Aldan of Droghera?" she asked him as she walked through the door, stopping at the glimmer of energy that obscured her vision of what was in the room.

"I have not met him, no." Collos answered truthfully.

"He is my father. Perhaps you are an acquaintance of Baron de Courcy of Stanzar? He is my father's benefactor, and the only Deryni who I know regularly visits my father."

"I do know Baron de Courcy, yes." Collos said evenly without offering any information. "If you wish to enter, drop your shields for me, same as if you were going through a portal jump."

"I have done that, today," Amy murmured as she settled her anxiety and forced her own shields to obey her will and withdraw enough to let this stranger touch her.

It was the oddest sensation she had yet felt from another. Collos was as smooth as silk and her own blundering at letting him in was like she was a rat in a cage, and he was a poised snake ready to strike. If he did strike, there would be nothing she could do to stop him. Her instincts on this were strong. She thought he gave her a smile in her mind, reminding her of how untrained in magic she truly was.

Then the moment passed; her vision cleared, and there, beyond Trevor and Elsepth, looking far more ill than she had ever seen him, lay Airich. His eyes raised to her face, and he caught his breath, then closed his eyes and mouthed the words Thank you. He opened his eyes again and drank in the sight of her as if he hadn't seen her in weeks.

No one else in the room mattered when he looked at her like that. Lord have mercy, he really was alive.

She pushed her way to his pallet, touched his hand, and instantly knew the disarray of their rapport was caused by Merasha. Though shocked by this, she did not dwell upon it or let it cloud her own energy. Instead, she leaned down and gently kissed her knight, wishing all her concern and energy transferred to him in the touch of their lips.

Through their shared touch, she could hear his thoughts, even through the fog of the merasha. Can you hear me, Amy? Can you pick up what I'm thinking? I didn't leave you, I thought you would think I left you without saying goodbye, but I wouldn't do that. I was afraid I would die and leave you in Grecotha at the mercy of the Willimites. I'm so glad you're here, everything will be all right now, tell them I need to go back to the safehouse. I hope you can hear me...

"Don't you dare die on me!" she declared, but then realized he needed her love and assurance, more than scolding. "I hear you, Dearheart, with all my soul you have my love. I will not leave your side again." As soft as a kitten's purr, she kissed his lips and then lifted his hand to her cheek and pressed it there so that she could hear every murmur of his mind.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Collos watches the interactions of the 3 guests in his safehouse, as they relate to Airich. He call for their attention.

"The young Deryni knight has been injured in body by the Willimites that infect this city. He wounds have been tended to and are well cared for under Master Darius."

"What you may or may not know is that Sir Airich is also suffering from a mental wound of his own making. This mental wound is unique to Deryni. And despite the best care he could receive under Elspeth's ministrations, which I understand are quite good. His condition cannot be cured with time or by a human."

"I am not a Healer of the body. I sadly do not have that gift. But I can heal the mind. And that is something that Airich needs to have done and soon. Before it transforms him into a madman."

"This kind of healing is not without it's dangers. Those are mainly towards the practitioner working the healing of the mind. It is taxing to both mind and body. I will need assistance in this manner, from some of you."

"Airich is suffering from memories that are not his own. These are causing him to hear and see things that may not be there. To have headaches and even convulsions are possible. And the longer the last the greater the chance of him being driven into madness."

"We Deryni can read minds but to take the memories of another is a special talent that if done incorrectly can cause madness and suffering. And with events like today or other traumatic events can case it to come quickly."

"I will heal his mind here and now. While is body rests. He is not fit to be moved yet, even to the nearest portal, to get him to a Healer. And without his mind he is nothing. His body will rest and heal slowly and naturally while his mind is healed."
President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
Discord Administrator of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Discord
Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com


[Jerusha intercedes and Revanne approves of my Edwin writing]
((Vigilance as a proxy for who talks first 3d6 6 + 3 + 6)) Since inspecting Airich's accommodations, Bede had collected all of his weaponry and shifted under the endless downpour so that he was protected by an awning. Then he spoke hurriedly to Edwin, like there was one last item on his list before he could rest. "Where the devil did he take ye? We were out lookin' everywhere for ye and the laughing bastard. Are ye hurt? What did my damnable friend do with ye after ye left me maid's tavern with him?" The student almost jumped in reaction to how Bede's questions seemed to leap at him, partly in surprise at Bede's concern, partly in self-preservation, and partly because the man's breath reeked of beer, blowing from his mouth like a terrible dragon's air.

"Shouldn't you know? You were there. But that must have been before you got yourself drunk. Was it in celebration or in mourning, Mearan?"

Bede could not have been more wounded if Edwin took the dirk he had lent him and cast it into the mud. But he held his peace. "After, I would think. It had nothing to do with ye, though ye could ha said something to make it more bearable."

"How dare you ask for my pity after what you did to me," Edwin said, trembling with rage.

Bede snorted. "I am sorry for failing to recognize the danger and protect ye, but ye could take some responsibility." Then he smiled with the cruel hope of a slayer. "Did my knife help ye at all?"

Edwin drew his arm back to throw a punch, and Bede braced his arms around his face. So it was his stomach that Ed struck. Full of fury, the student stood tall above the gasping guard. "The one you took from me?!"((Edwin's Fists. 3d6 4 + 4 + 6))

"Ye ... ye lost my father's dirk?" With the last of his strength, Bede yanked him down to his knees by the collar. ((Bede Strong 3d6 1 + 3 + 5)) "Do ye at least ken where Jester Macbee slinked off to?" he whispered icily.

((Edwin's Fists. 3d6 3 + 1 + 5)) This time, Edwin's fist connected with Bede's cheek, cutting the flesh of both men and sending Bede to the stones in a clatter of wood and stiff leather.

Jimmy strode forward and grabbed each of the combatants by the back of their collars. Both men thought to shake him off, but found they didn't have the will to do so.
"Do ye not think this is not a good time to be rolling in the mud? Or are you simply the squabbling children you appear to be? Settle this problem civilly, or I'll throw you both into yon horse trough!" Or I'll hand you over to Feyd. If only for the entertainment value.
Bede and Edwin looked at him churlishly and then finally nodded.
"Stand up, and keep a good arms length away from each other. Break the peace and I'll knock ye both to the ground." Jimmy let go of them and they struggled to their feet.

Bede rubbed the cut Edwin made with rainwater and muttered a sour supplication. Groping around his person, he pulled Edwin's book knife from where he had kept it secure at his waist, and threw it to the ground before its owner. "I found it more useful than ye, by far."
"We're the masters of chant.
We are brothers in arms.
For we don't give up,
Till 'time has come.
Will you guide us God?
We are singing as one.
We are masters of chant." -Gregorian


((A bynw collaboration? Thanks, don't mind if I do.))

"Wait," Trevor said to Collos. "This man was attacked and nearly killed not two hours ago. He'll spend weeks in his sickbed if we are unable to get him to a healer. While I agree with you that he desperately needs his mind to be healed, I don't think it's a good idea to put his body through that kind of pressure until he's stable."

"As long as I'm monitoring him, he's stable," Darius said.

"Nonetheless. Before anything, he needs rest. Or Healing. Then we can talk."

"Father, we're not talking about reading someone's mind and remembering the reading." Collos explained patiently. "We are talking about memories that have been assumed but not integrated."

"I'm aware of the difference, Master Collos."

"Have you ever seen what happens to a Deryni when that happens?"

"I have not," Trevor confessed.

"In the normal course of things, assumption of memories and their integration should occur at the same time," Collos explained as the others listened intently. "There are times, of course, when necessity means you must wait. But the longer one waits, the more difficult the integration. And if it's not done within—say—a few weeks at most, madness is sure to follow.

"Your Airich is a unique case. Instead of integrating the memories, he has shielded them off to a corner of his mind, and has been reinforcing that shielding for many years now. As near as I can tell, it is only God's grace that has kept him from becoming a madman.

"But the merasha poisoning had already broken that tenuous balance when Darius found him. That which had been Shielded is free and may yet overwhelm the host. Darius is holding everything in check currently, but that is a temporary solution only. The procedure has to be done now. These memories must be integrated. It may not even be possible to integrate some, but they must be found and dealt with by someone who knows what they are doing.

"If we don't do this here and now, death is a possibility. Madness is certain."

"And after years of him keeping these memories in check, we can't wait a few more days?" Elspeth asked. "Or even a few more hours? Until Trevor can find a Healer?"

"But the memories aren't in check, Mistress Elspeth," Darius said. "That's the problem. When you partition away alien memories without integrating them right away, pressure builds up behind them; I believe Sir Airich used a dam analogy. His method of Shielding has prevented the pressure from bursting so far, but it's not working any longer. When I found him, he had no containment at all: that's what the merasha did to him. I've patched up those Shields as best I can, but those memories are already leaking out. Not only that, but they're forming their own personality, their own mind."

"I'm sure he gets headaches and has episodes," Collos continued as the others were left stunned by this revelation. "These are signs that his Shields were already failing. And he can only layer it so much before his own mind is left without protection.

"At best, he has days before this happens. It might only be hours."

Amy stood from where she'd been kneeling next to Airich. "Master Collos." She bowed respectfully, determined to show him a calm and rational woman, despite this shocking news. "I can see you are a learned man. I hope you will forgive me for my earlier outburst. I was beyond scared for Airich's safety. And it sounds now like I should be frightened for his sanity as well." She looked demurely downward, then cast her gaze on the master, imploring. "Would you allow us to read the truth in your words? For this procedure sounds like it has its own risks, and we would not endanger Airich's well-being without doing everything we can for him."

"You may certainly read the truth of my words." Collos cracked his Shields enough for them to hear his Truth. "Darius and I heard that dreadful cry the same time you did, no doubt. I rejoiced when I learned that Darius had gotten to Sir Airich in time and saved his life, for I couldn't bear the idea that the Willimites had gotten another of ours. And I now seek to cure him because I hate to think that we rescued him from death only to condemn him to madness. And we have precious little time left to do this.

"In addition, I cannot deny a certain professional curiosity: Airich is an anomaly, having somehow retained his sanity for far longer than anyone I have ever heard of. I would like to see if there is some clue inside his mind that tells me how he arranged his Shields just so, and if it's something that other Deryni could repeat. I am willing to do nearly anything if it helps our people." Collos bowed to Amy. "There. I have spoken no falsehood, and have given you more than you asked for."

Amy resumed her former position on the floor next to Airich, who was slowly shaking his head. "He's telling the truth, my love. You can trust him that he truly thinks this is best."

"Everyone talking like I'm not even here," he said. "I say no. I'll wait until we can get to Wash, and he can help me."

"That would be very unwise, young lord," Master Collos said. "If you had your powers and wits about you, you would See that I speak the truth, and that the thing which you have long dreaded is imminent."

"No more strangers in my head," Airich said, the voice of a man who had made up his mind.
Now is life, and life is always better.


((Nezz and Bynw are our driving forces here.))

"Airich," Trevor pleaded as he knelt beside his brother, "if this man is right, then you'll finally be free of this nightmare."

"A few nights ago, it was so bad, you wanted me to open you up," Elspeth reminded him. "That's how desperate you were to get rid of this. Isn't it worth some discomfort of close contact with strangers?"

This argument moved him. He looked at Elspeth wanting to agree but knowing he dared not. "You don't understand. There is more at risk here than just myself." I don't know what information they might have already picked up. How can I let them learn more? Out of breath from just saying those words, Airich did not repeat that which came to him in his father's voice, Truth, lad. The King's confidences are not for other people's ears.

Amy, and perhaps Darius, were the only ones who heard Airich's inner dialogue with the other voice. Darius said nothing, but Amy's heart raced, realizing that everything Collos had said could be coming true. She turned quickly to Trevor and Elspeth. "We need a king's man to make this decision, it is greater than just the lives of all of us here. Father Trevor, please!" she begged the priest.

"I will get Sir Jamyl, he will know what to do."

"He is half a city away," Master Collos said. "Minutes could mean everything. I would advise bringing that Bishop's man who walked here with you: Taylor. He has more sway in matters of import than you may realize."

"Can you trust him?" Amy asked Trevor.

"Do it!" Trevor said to Collos without answering why. Trevor would have contacted Jimmy Taylor himself, if his rapport could transcend the ward they stood within. Only Collos had the controls to the ward to send mind speech beyond these confines.

Collos did not hesitate. He focused his eyes on the door behind them all, and Amy could swear that he was seeing the outside world that none of the others could see. Amy held Airich's hand tighter and whispered into his ear, "We met a Deryni who seems to be a confidant of the King. I think you can trust him." Amy felt a mulishness in him that seemed to grow with every voice who attempted to sway him. She hoped Jimmy could be more persuasive.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Sir Iain adjusted his cloak, although it didn't do much good. After a certain degree of soaking, wet didn't get any worse. But dry would be a lot better.

Collos, have you finished in there?  Iain tried very hard not to sound petulant.  It was several minutes before Feyd replied.

I wish I was, but I have not begun yet.


The knight has been fighting non-integrated memories for too long. I must fix this immediately, or he will go insane. Or die.

Iain did not question whether Feyd could do this, or that he would. But Airich was the son of Sean O'Flynn, and it was no secret that what one O'Flynn knew, all O'Flynns knew. Iain must discover any information Feyd gleaned in the process to protect the king's interests.

I need to be there. I'm sure you realize why.

I have all the Deryni I need.

But not the King's spymaster. Collos, we've played this game for a long time. You know full well I have to be there. I will not interfere; I just need to know any information you acquire in the process.

To report to your king.

You understand the process correctly.

For a moment there was silence. Finally Feyd answered.

Perhaps we have played this game for too long, and I have no time to spar with you. I will return the physicker and bring you in. It will be in her best interests not to argue.

Tell her she is needed to prevent her companions from trying to beat each other up.

Iain could have sworn Feyd smiled.
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany