During several of Kim's extended stays at the Mayo Clinic, two of her observations made a strong impression with her circle of friends. The first was the numerous patients she encountered from her home town of Bottineau, North Dakota, which only has a population of 2200. The second was her stay at the Gift of Life Transplant House, which provides caring, home-like low-cost outpatient housing for visitors undergoing organ, stem cell or bone marrow transplants.

The Helping Hands Fund is designed to assist those who need treatment but cannot to pay for the stay at the Gift of Life Transplant House. It is a general fund where donations made in an individual's name or memory are pooled together to help patients in need. As of September 2005, two of the people receiving assistance are from North and South Dakota respectively. If you would like to contribute, please send your donation directly to:

Thomas R. Schwab, M.D.
Executive Committee President
Gift of Life Transplant House
705 Second Street, SW
Rochester, MN 55902

Please indicate on your check or cover letter that your contribution is for The Helping Hands Fund in memory of Kim Bergman Warriner. The people at the House remember Kim and her father with great fondness and thank us for our support.

Last updated September 20, 2005

The wedding

Kim's fund

Bhagarad Gita quote