A friendship that was shared by two had grown into a love so true

Kim Bergman and Cole Warriner were united in love on Saturday, August 15, 2005 at the Bergman Family Farm in Bottineau, North Dakota.

Photo albums

Wedding video

Filmed on August 13, 2005 when Kim was united in love with Cole Warriner. All options are in WMV format, and play on Windows Media Player. Currently, the video is a raw dump from the camera. An edited and mastered version should replace this by early September 2005.

Invitation cover  Invitation interior

Last updated September 10, 2005

The wedding

Kim's fund

Kim's vows
One of my favorite sayings has always been that we are angels with only one wing who can only fly by embracing each other, and I thought that I knew what that meant but nearly three years ago I was surprised and the last three years have been wonderful and I learned about…I have learned I can fly higher than I ever, ever dreamed.

You are absolutely the best medicine in life, you are my friend, my love my soul mate so much I have no doubt.

And I look forward to starting my life with you and I cannot wait to start that.