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Saint Camber's Tiger Chapter 2

Started by Alkari, June 14, 2010, 04:15:34 AM

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Chapter 1 here - http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php?topic=456.msg1618#msg1618

Coroth Castle, some five months later ...

"I think his ear's bigger."    

"No it's not."  

"It's pink," said Kelric, still sounding worried as he stroked the cat.

"That's because it's better now.  Look – see, the fur's starting to grow back."  Briony spoke with all the authority of her six years and two weeks.

Richenda paused at the door, listening to the exchange.  The children had had their supper and were sitting on Briony's bed in their nightclothes; between them she could just see a familiar lump of reddish fur.   That morning Tiger had come off somewhat worse for wear in a scrap with another of the castle cats.  Briony had burst into tears when she discovered her battered pet, and Kelric had sobbed in sympathy.  Fortunately Master Randolph had been passing nearby, and rose magnificently to this domestic emergency.  Coroth's battle surgeon had comforted all concerned, sent to the stables for a large jar of brown ointment, treated the wounds, and recommended a day of rest for the patient.  Briony had fetched Tiger's basket, and together the children had carefully carried him upstairs to sleep near the fire in their nursery.  

Kelric noticed his mother.  "Look Mama," he called.  "Look at Tiger."

Richenda sat down beside him.  "Is he any better, dear?" she asked, smoothing her gown across the mound of her stomach and leaning across to inspect the patient. She frowned.  Tiger was purring loudly; his nose seemed as good as new, and the ear looked to be a normal shape with healthy pale pink skin.  

"I didn't know Master Randolph's ointment worked so quickly," she said.  "It must be a new one he's made."

"No it wasn't."  

"It wasn't new ointment?"  Richenda stroked her son's hair.  

"No. Briony was holding him and he just got better."  

"You were holding him?"  Richenda turned to her daughter, trying not to show her astonishment.

"Yes.  I stroked him and talked to him and he just got better."  Briony slipped off the bed and came to stand in front of her mother.  She reached out to feel Richenda's stomach.  The baby responded with a hefty kick.  Richenda winced slightly and Briony looked startled. "Is the baby coming yet?"

"No dear.  Not yet - not until after Easter.  Nearly another two months."  

"Why does it take so long?"

"Because babies need time to grow properly before they're born."

"Are you sure it will be a girl?"

"Yes."  Richenda laughed.  "Why – would you prefer another brother?"

Briony thought about it.  "I already have two brothers."

"Then it's just as well this one's going to be a sister, isn't it."

"But *I* wanted a brother.  A little one," said Kelric.

"Then Mama can have another baby," suggested Briony.

"I think we'd better let this one be born first, don't you?" chuckled Richenda, making a mental note to inform Alaric that a further addition to their family would be required.   "Now, tell me about Tiger."

"He rubbed it off," said Kelric.

"You mean, the ointment?"


"He didn't like it," said Briony sadly, settling against her mother's other side.  "We put him in his basket and tried to make him rest, but he kept rubbing his nose on the blanket and then he rubbed his ear.  And all the ointment came off."

"Sometimes cats don't like ointment," Richenda reassured her.   "I think it must smell funny to them.  But he seems to have recovered now."

"That's because I asked Saint Camber to make him better.  And he did."

Richenda took a steadying breath.  "You asked Saint Camber?  When?"  

"Nurse Evie told us we had to let Tiger sleep.  She made us go outside and leave him alone."  Briony clearly hadn't approved of this instruction.  "So this afternoon we went to the chapel and talked to Saint Camber.  And I told him about Tiger and asked if he could make him better."  

"I see.  Which chapel did you go to?"

"The one in the garden.  You know – the one Papa likes, with the picture of Saint Camber.  Brendan came with us and brought a lantern.  We didn't have any flowers to leave for Saint Camber though, because it's winter."  

"We had some ivy," added Kelric, as though to reassure his mother that they had been properly respectful.  

"That was thoughtful of you."   Richenda kept her voice light.  "So what happened with Saint Camber?"

"I told him about Tiger and how he'd been hurt.   And then we said a prayer and I asked him to make Tiger better, because he'd rubbed all the ointment away and his ear might be hurting again."

"And was Tiger better when you came back here?"  Getting the full story from young children often took time and patience.

"No.  He wasn't," said Kelric, sounding rather disappointed in the powers of their favourite saint.  "But Briony made him better."

"Yes.  I picked him up and I stroked him, and I told him that I'd prayed to Saint Camber.  And he licked my fingers and started to purr, and then his nose got better.  And his ear.  And all the cuts disappeared."

Richenda was silent, her thoughts whirling.  She and Alaric had started working on Briony's training since their return to Coroth in the autumn, but they'd never done any very deep linking of minds.  But now ...

"Briony."  She gave her daughter a gentle hug.  "You remember what Papa and I have been showing you – how we can touch each other's minds?"


"Will you show me what happened with Tiger?  How you made him better?"

Briony nodded solemnly.  Richenda swallowed, then reached out to touch her daughter's mind, lightly, gently, reassuringly.  Eyes closed, Briony relaxed and lowered her yet-untrained shields, allowing her mother into her memories.  And with a growing sense of wonder, Richenda Saw what had happened.

See Ch. 3 here - http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php?topic=577.0


Yeah...like father, like daughter.   :D

Quote from: Alkari on June 14, 2010, 04:15:34 AM
"Nurse Evie told us we had to let Tiger sleep.  She made us go outside and leave him alone."

Ooh!  Ooh!  I get to be a faithful retainer in Coroth, now!  Squee!  OK, let me see...I take it I'm a nanny sort of "nurse" and not an actual wet-nurse?  If I'm a wet-nurse, see, I'll require a husband and probably at least a decade shaved off my age...no, on second thought, I think the nanny role would be preferable.  But go ahead and shave that decade off anyway; I'll need the added energy to keep up with "Uncle Seandry" my sweet young charges.  Let's see...I'd also love to have a chamber overlooking the sea, if that's possible.  Would I be expected to take meals with the family, or in the Great Hall?  Or would I need to keep to the nursery?  If it's to be the Great Hall, could I get a seat with a good view of Sean Lord Derry the roaring hearth?  I'm sure winters are cold in Coroth, and it would be nice to be able to stay warm at night.  Very warm.  I'll share a bed if I have to.  *winsome smile*

That reminds me; will I need a chaperone? I mean, not to cast aspersions, but I've heard of Lord Derry's reputation with the ladies.  For crying out loud, rumor has it he actually had to be reminded not to go wenching while spying in Fathane!  Not that I would have any interest in such a reprobate, being an innocent convent-raised maiden with a hankering for Bishop Duncan McLain desire to find a respectable mate, so I'm sure Derry would have absolutely nothing to offer me.  Nothing! Except for...um...well, he does have that nice brown hair like Duncan's and those dreamy blue eyes like Duncan's, and he's definitely NOT vowed to celibacy....

Come to think of it, I think I'll also require regular access to a chapel.  And a confessor.  And perhaps a prie-dieu with a well-padded kneeler and a rosary or two.  Or twelve.  You can get them by the box, right? 

*Cherubic dimpled smile*
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


ROFL @ Evie!  I love your sense of humour girl!  ;D

Alkari, I'm reading and enjoying too.  Wondered if you'd prefer to post without comments in between, but since Evie is chattering away there  ::) I'll join in as well. 

I seem to recall that Uncle Seandry's mother gets left in charge of the young Morgans at one point, so Nurse Evie had best watch that she doesn't get too frisky or Ma Derry will be after her with the broomstick.  Or actually, maybe she'd have her jumping the broomstick to make her "reprobate" become a respectably married man.

OT but I've always held that Derry is still unmarried because no-one quite lives up to Richenda.  I think he has quite the schoolboy crush on the Duchess of Corwyn.


Quote from: AnnieUK on June 14, 2010, 11:17:42 AM
ROFL @ Evie!  I love your sense of humour girl!  ;D
One of the benefits of my convent education.  No, really!  *innocent look*

Alkari, I'm reading and enjoying too.  Wondered if you'd prefer to post without comments in between, but since Evie is chattering away there  ::) I'll join in as well.  

Yes, Alkari, if you want us to confine our castle gossip to the ladies' solar, just let us know and we'll create a separate thread for commentary.   Though it does help to be able to just scroll up and see the original bits in the story that are being referred back to.  :D

I seem to recall that Uncle Seandry's mother gets left in charge of the young Morgans at one point, so Nurse Evie had best watch that she doesn't get too frisky or Ma Derry will be after her with the broomstick.

"Poor Ma Derry; she hasn't been quite the same since that house fell on her sister...."

Oh, wait, not that sort of broomstick use.  Never mind.   ;)

Or actually, maybe she'd have her jumping the broomstick to make her "reprobate" become a respectably married man.

Oh, I'm sure she'd be dragging him to the nearest chapel by one ear!  That "Lord" in his name is his title, not just an odd choice of middle name, so unless he's a younger son, he's got heirs to beget, and he'd better be-getting right on me that!  He'd have to catch me first, though.  (Fortunately I run very, very slowly.   ;D)  Of course, since I'm a sweet, innocent and respectable young convent-raised maiden (oh, Annie, do stop laughing!) just like Marie de Corwyn, Derry would find me completely incorruptible, totally impervious to a more experienced man's charms.  Just like Marie de Cor--


*goes back to prie-dieu and rosary*  

QuoteOT but I've always held that Derry is still unmarried because no-one quite lives up to Richenda.  I think he has quite the schoolboy crush on the Duchess of Corwyn.

But of course he does!  Heck, I'm as straight as a woman can possibly get, and I have a schoolgirl crush on Duchess Richenda!   :D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


LOL @ Nurse Evie.  Actually, I had had that name for a nurse / governess in some draft fics for quite some time - I had her as a baron's wife aged in her late thirties, who'd become Richenda's good friend in Marley, and who came to Corwyn between QFSC and KKB after her husband died.   It just seemed appropriate not to change it, in the circumstances!  ;D    So no, not a wet nurse: I am quite sure the children have several nurses / governesses, and probably between them have everyone else in the castle doting on them as well.  But you are welcome to eat in the Great Hall, where you can admire all the scenery, and I am quite sure the castle chapel hears many a confession from young ladies who have developed lasting crushes on certain Dukes and lords ...   The nurses' quarters have a view over the castle gardens, from where of course you are able to watch your young charges, and any stray earls who might happen to be playing with them at the time.

Not sure whether Derry's mother is still with them or not - I think I read in the Codex that Derry's younger sister Elspeth had married some time before KKB (young Sieur de Vali, I think, who was mentioned in The Knighting of Derry). So Mother may be dividing her time between Derry and Elspeth, especially if Elspeth has had a child.

OT but I've always held that Derry is still unmarried because no-one quite lives up to Richenda.  I think he has quite the schoolboy crush on the Duchess of Corwyn.
Yes Annie, I wonder whether that is the case too - despite the mutterings of some of the men, I reckon more than a few of the younger ones by now have developed adoring crushes on their duchess.  One thing that I wondered about: given that Richenda is closer in age to Derry than Alaric, they'd have had to be very careful about their friendship, and be extremely formal in open court, so as not to start other nasty rumours in Coroth whilst Alaric is away.   

My inner author is very happy for people to comment between instalments,especially as in this case I may take a while to finish the last part(s).



Quote from: Alkari on June 14, 2010, 04:34:53 PM
LOL @ Nurse Evie.  Actually, I had had that name for a nurse / governess in some draft fics for quite some time - I had her as a baron's wife aged in her late thirties, who'd become Richenda's good friend in Marley, and who came to Corwyn between QFSC and KKB after her husband died.   It just seemed appropriate not to change it, in the circumstances!  ;D   

A still reasonably young widow, then.  Works for me; I can be discreet suitably chaste and respectable.  *demure smile*
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: Alkari on June 14, 2010, 04:15:34 AM
Briony thought about it.  "I already have two brothers."

"Then it's just as well this one's going to be a sister, isn't it."

But is she going to be named Sophonisba Alyca Richenda, or Grania Marie Araxelle? :D

(though I'm spacing out about who Siany is...?)


Chaste and respectable ... hmmmm.  *raises suitably doubtful eyebrow*

I am thinking that once Alaric and Richenda are back in Coroth after KKB, Richenda might have to turn her bride-finding skills towards Derry.  After all, he IS an Earl, with landholdings of his own (which I am sure have prospered in the years since he became Morgan's aide).   Lets' see - youngish, good-looking Earl, with lands and income, a seat on the King's council, and therefore access to all the highest people in Gwynnedd.  No, not a bad catch at all!  

Though as for his womaniser reputation, I did laugh at that line in DC, where he comes racing into the gardens to tell Morgan than Duncan has arrived in Coroth.  And Morgan notes that Derry's reaction can mean "a good horse, a beautiful woman, or ...".   Love the fact that the horse came before the beautiful woman!!  


Quote from: wombat1138 on June 14, 2010, 04:56:29 PM
(though I'm spacing out about who Siany is...?)

Siany is Sivorn's youngest daughter in KKB - she is aged seven, and is one of the four little girls who make that expedition to see the new Camber chapel in Rhemuth.   Sivorn also has a 6 y.o. son Sorley, with whom Kelric plays.  

And as for those names - I just cannot see Alaric and Richenda calling a daugher "Sophonisba"!!  I knew about the discrepancy between Sophonisba and Grania, and also understand that KK herself has some issues with a few of the names in the Codex.   I *could* definitely see them naming a child "Alyca Richenda", because Alyca would fit perfectly with both Alaric's mother Alyce, and one of Richenda's middle names, Anissa.  But I don't know why they would suddenly saddle the poor kid with three names, as all their other children only have two - and if you were going to give a long string of suitable family names, you'd think they would have given them to Kelric as the heir.  Even Brendan only has a first and middle name.

And that future son - the Codex doesn't go that far, so in *my* little fanfic world, he is going to be called Richard Kai  (Richard for Richenda's father, and also in memory of that young squire in DC, and Kai being a family name on the Corwyn side).    ;D    And if they get around to having any more, I am thinking there might be a Michaela for a girl (Richenda's mother is Michendra, and Alaric was once likened to St Michael) and possibly a Jared or Kenneth (as a middle name) for a boy.    Given what we see of their obviously, er, passionate relationship, I can't see Alaric and Richenda NOT having quite a large family eventually!

I must admit that Kelric's middle name of "Alain" always makes me chuckle - I think Alaric and Richenda have quite a sense of humour.  "Yes dear, you are named after your father as I first met him.  And that is all I am going to say about the matter!"


Oooh Richard Kai would be perfect.  Alaric greatly admired Richard of Carthmoor, so it would be another tip of the hat to another Haldane he admired.  Maybe he should be Richard Nigel, though, so Nigel didn't feel left out  ;D  Or maybe the daughter could be Alyca Nigella  ::)

OK you lot have messed with my head.  I haven't written any fiction since I left school (and I was rubbish at it then!) but I have sat and written a short story tonight because of that thing about whether Brendan would call Alaric Papa or not.  How sad is that?  I am struggling for courage to post it as it's probably awful, but maybe if I posted my version someone could sharpen it up for me?  The first line and the middle came first and then it sort of grew around it.  Do you write linearly, or are you all over the place like I just was?

My first line is "You can't tell me what to do!   You're not my Papa!" and no prizes for guessing who says that!


...and why am I still here and not asleep when I have work tomorrow?


Quote from: AnnieUK on June 14, 2010, 05:26:48 PM
...and why am I still here and not asleep when I have work tomorrow?

Because you're a glutton for pleasure?
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: Alkari on June 14, 2010, 05:00:58 PM
Chaste and respectable ... hmmmm.  *raises suitably doubtful eyebrow*

Hey!   :D

I am thinking that once Alaric and Richenda are back in Coroth after KKB, Richenda might have to turn her bride-finding skills towards Derry.  After all, he IS an Earl, with landholdings of his own (which I am sure have prospered in the years since he became Morgan's aide).   Lets' see - youngish, good-looking Earl, with lands and income, a seat on the King's council, and therefore access to all the highest people in Gwynnedd.  No, not a bad catch at all!  
Absolutely not!

Though as for his womaniser reputation, I did laugh at that line in DC, where he comes racing into the gardens to tell Morgan than Duncan has arrived in Coroth.  And Morgan notes that Derry's reaction can mean "a good horse, a beautiful woman, or ...".   Love the fact that the horse came before the beautiful woman!!  
LOL!  At least we should be thankful he's not known for being more into sheep.... 
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: AnnieUK on June 14, 2010, 05:25:07 PM
OK you lot have messed with my head.  I haven't written any fiction since I left school (and I was rubbish at it then!) but I have sat and written a short story tonight because of that thing about whether Brendan would call Alaric Papa or not.  How sad is that?  I am struggling for courage to post it as it's probably awful, but maybe if I posted my version someone could sharpen it up for me?  The first line and the middle came first and then it sort of grew around it.  Do you write linearly, or are you all over the place like I just was?

Oh, lordy, don't know about Alkari, but I don't think I could have a linear thought to save my life! ;-)  As you'll see if I end up posting my novel-length fanfic on here.  (Thanks to Jemler for offering to proofread it, btw!)  I'm sure your story will be fine, but if you want to run it by someone else for a second opinion, feel free to email it to me ( mail2evie at yahoo dot com ).  I write/edit/proofread as part of my job, so I'm quite used to it.  And I'll be gentle.  Really.   :D

"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: AnnieUK on June 14, 2010, 05:25:07 PM
Oooh Richard Kai would be perfect.  Alaric greatly admired Richard of Carthmoor, so it would be another tip of the hat to another Haldane he admired.  Maybe he should be Richard Nigel, though, so Nigel didn't feel left out  ;D  Or maybe the daughter could be Alyca Nigella  ::)

OK you lot have messed with my head.  I haven't written any fiction since I left school (and I was rubbish at it then!) but I have sat and written a short story tonight because of that thing about whether Brendan would call Alaric Papa or not.  How sad is that?  I am struggling for courage to post it as it's probably awful, but maybe if I posted my version someone could sharpen it up for me?  The first line and the middle came first and then it sort of grew around it.  Do you write linearly, or are you all over the place like I just was?

My first line is "You can't tell me what to do!   You're not my Papa!" and no prizes for guessing who says that!  

I'd be happy to take a look.  Email me a draft.

Actually, I was wondering whether Brendan himself might decide to compromise and call Alaric "Father" rather than "Papa" (which is what he does in my fanfic world).  That way, "Papa" is reserved for Bran, and "Father" means Alaric.   No-one would ever mistake Alaric for a priest!  ;)  I suspect there may have been some initial uncertainty on both their parts, but not sure how much actual conflict there would be between Brendan and Alaric, because certainly by TKJ, they are very close. I could see any conflict being born more of Brendan's initial uncertainty and insecurity - a little boy whose father has been killed, with the involvement of the man whom his mother is now marrying; the family name is now in disgrace, he is desperate for 'a' father / father figure, and now he is being moved away from his home, all the way to Coroth.  

And thank you - I'd forgotten about Duke Richard Haldane, so IMHO Richard would surely be an extremely likely name for any future Morgan son. Maybe if they get to #3 son it will be "Jared Nigel"?